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迭戈·盧納(Diego Luna) 的《豬先生》的聯合投資者哈利斯科電影基金(Jalisco Film Fund) 更新了2016 年風險股權電影投資計劃。 (合922,000 美元)的資金,其中40% 的外景地均由其拍攝在墨西哥哈利斯科州。這項獨特的融資計畫補充了聯邦資金來源,並為墨西哥蓬勃發展的電影製作做出了貢獻。該基金投資了「Un Gallo con Muchos Huevos」和「Mr. Pig」等項目,這些項目探討了家庭、失去和重新發現的主題。
Jalisco Film Fund Unveils 2016 Risk Equity Film Investment Scheme
Guadalajara, Mexico - The Jalisco Film Fund (JFF), a co-investor in Diego Luna's "Mr. Pig" starring Danny Glover, is renewing its risk equity film investment scheme for 2016. The fund will offer up to Pesos 17 million (approximately $922,000) to one international co-production that shoots at least 40% of its locations in the state of Jalisco, Mexico.
墨西哥瓜達拉哈拉- 哈利斯科電影基金(JFF) 是迭戈·魯納(Diego Luna) 主演的丹尼·格洛弗(Danny Glover) 主演的《豬先生》的聯合投資者,正在更新其2016 年創投電影投資計畫。
JFF President Alberto Lamas Flores officially launched the 2016 call for applications on Tuesday, January 26th, coinciding with the Sundance world premiere of "Mr. Pig." The film marks the directorial debut of Luna, who also stars in Amazon's "Casanova" pilot and gained recognition for his critically acclaimed 2010 Sundance entry, "Abel."
JFF 主席 Alberto Lamas Flores 於 1 月 26 日星期二正式啟動 2016 年申請徵集,恰逢《豬先生》在聖丹斯電影節全球首映。這部電影是盧納的導演處女作,他還主演了亞馬遜的《卡薩諾瓦》試播集,並因其廣受好評的 2010 年聖丹斯電影《亞伯》而獲得認可。
Chosen to support "Mr. Pig" by Mexico City and Los Angeles-based Canana, a production company founded by Luna, Gael Garcia Bernal, and Pablo Cruz, the Jalisco Film Fund represents the only equity financing scheme available among Mexico's 31 states, according to JFF Director Rodolfo Guzman Salas.
根據墨西哥城和總部位於洛杉磯的Canana(由Luna、Gael Garcia Bernal 和Pablo Cruz 創立的製作公司)選擇支持《豬先生》,哈利斯科電影基金是墨西哥31 個州中唯一可用的股權融資計劃。
"The JFF investment complements federal funding sources such as the Eficine 189 tax finance and direct financing lines from the Mexican Film Institute (Imcine)," said Guzman Salas, highlighting the extensive financing options that have contributed to Mexico's thriving film production scene.
古茲曼·薩拉斯(Guzman Salas) 表示:「JFF 的投資補充了聯邦資金來源,例如Eficine 189 稅收融資和墨西哥電影學院(Imcine) 的直接融資額度。」他強調了為墨西哥蓬勃發展的電影製作行業做出貢獻的廣泛融資選擇。
Lamas Flores emphasized that studio work can also count towards a film's location requirement. The Pesos 17 million international incentive will be allocated to a single project, with 40% of the film's locations determined by screen time. The Jalisco Film Fund investment follows a first-out structure, aligning with other producers, added Guzman Salas.
拉馬斯·弗洛雷斯強調,工作室工作也可以計入電影的外景需求。 1700萬比索的國際獎勵將分配給單一項目,其中40%的電影地點由放映時間決定。古茲曼薩拉斯補充說,哈利斯科電影基金的投資遵循先出結構,與其他製片人保持一致。
Starring Danny Glover as Eubanks, a former California pig farmer who embarks on a journey to find a home for his last pig, Howard, after being forced to sell his farm, "Mr. Pig" was filmed in various locations throughout Jalisco. These include the Pacific coast town of Yelapa, the pine-covered mountains of Mascota, the agave-surrounded town of Tequila, the Altos of Jalisco on the Guanajuato border, and the state's modern capital, Guadalajara, which defies common stereotypes of Mexico.
《豬先生》由丹尼·格洛弗(Danny Glover) 飾演前加州養豬戶尤班克斯(Eubanks),在被迫出售農場後,他踏上了為他的最後一頭豬霍華德(Howard)尋找新家的旅程。其中包括太平洋海岸小鎮耶拉帕、松樹覆蓋的馬斯科塔山脈、龍舌蘭環繞的龍舌蘭小鎮、瓜納華託邊境哈利斯科州的阿爾托斯,以及該州的現代首都瓜達拉哈拉,它打破了人們對墨西哥的普遍刻板印象。
The Jalisco Film Fund invested "almost $1 million" in "Mr. Pig," Cruz revealed. This investment not only supplements Mexican federal funding sources but can also bridge financing gaps for certain productions.
克魯茲透露,哈利斯科州電影基金向《豬先生》投資了「近 100 萬美元」。這項投資不僅補充了墨西哥聯邦資金來源,還可以彌補某些製作的融資缺口。
Often referred to as Mexico's Silicon Valley, Guadalajara is a hub for high-tech and animation industries. Distributed by Pantelion, the third installment of the Mexican animated franchise, "Un Gallo con Muchos Huevos," generated $9.1 million, making it the fourth-biggest foreign-language release in the U.S. this decade. Guzman Salas noted that a significant portion of the film's animation was produced in Jalisco. Animated features are also eligible for JFF funding.
瓜達拉哈拉通常被稱為墨西哥的矽谷,是高科技和動畫產業的中心。墨西哥動畫影集第三部《Un Gallo con Muchos Huevos》由 Pantelion 發行,票房收入 910 萬美元,成為近十年來美國第四大外語發行影片。古茲曼·薩拉斯指出,電影動畫的很大一部分是在哈利斯科州製作的。動畫長片也有資格獲得 JFF 資助。
Mexico produces approximately 130 films annually. Jalisco, the birthplace of iconic Mexican traditions like mariachi and tequila, is also the country's agricultural heartland and the largest generator of new jobs, according to Lamas Flores.
墨西哥每年製作約 130 部電影。拉馬斯·弗洛雷斯表示,哈利斯科州是墨西哥墨西哥流浪樂隊和龍舌蘭酒等標誌性傳統的發源地,也是該國的農業中心地帶和最大的新就業機會產生地。
"Jalisco is one of the best partners Canana has ever worked with," said Cruz from Sundance. "Its proximity to Mexico City is convenient for filming, and Guadalajara is a cosmopolitan city. The state offers everything from sea to desert, mountains to jungle."
「哈利斯科州是嘉納納合作過的最好的合作夥伴之一,」聖丹斯電影節的克魯茲說。 “它靠近墨西哥城,方便拍攝,而瓜達拉哈拉是一座國際化大都市。該州擁有從海洋到沙漠、山脈到叢林的一切。”
Cruz underscored Jalisco's unique advantage: "Apart from the fund's incentives, locations, and talent support, Jalisco can provide a nearly complete crew. You have excellent location managers, electricians, and can bring just a few key personnel from Mexico City."
Described by Luna as "a love letter to our parents" that explores "the time when we as children must be the ones to say goodbye" to them, "Mr. Pig" also stars Maya Rudolph ("Saturday Night Live") as Eubanks' daughter, Eunice. Grounded in personal experiences, Luna and co-writer Augusto Mendoza incorporated only Jalisco characters and locations encountered during their research trip. Eubanks' journey of self-discovery mirrors his emotional reconnection with his daughter, friends, and life's priorities.
Launched in late 2014, the Jalisco Film Fund supported Fernando Lebrija's romantic comedy "Sundown" in its first year of operation, 2015. In 2016, it plans to invest up to Pesos 8 million ($434,000) in a Mexican film project.
哈利斯科電影基金於2014 年底啟動,在運營第一年(即2015 年)為費爾南多·萊布里亞(Fernando Lebrija) 的浪漫喜劇《日落》提供了支持。電影項目投資高達800 萬比索(434,000 美元)。
Some U.S. producers may have safety concerns about filming in Mexico. However, Guzman Salas emphasized that Mexico is the Latin American country with the highest number of foreign productions, including recent examples like "Spectre," "Sundown," "Mr. Pig," "Sicario," "Einsenstein in Guanajuato," and TV series "Empire Falls," "Mozart in the Jungle," and "Sense8."
"The Jalisco Film Fund is committed to supporting international co-productions and promoting Jalisco as a premier filming destination," said Lamas Flores. "We believe that our competitive investment scheme, combined with the state's diverse locations, skilled professionals, and cultural heritage, will continue to attract filmmakers from around the world."
拉馬斯·弗洛雷斯 (Lamas Flores) 表示:“哈利斯科州電影基金致力於支持國際合拍片,並將哈利斯科州推廣為首要的電影拍攝地。” “我們相信,我們具有競爭力的投資計劃,加上該州多樣化的地點、熟練的專業人員和文化遺產,將繼續吸引來自世界各地的電影製片人。”
For more information on the Jalisco Film Fund and its application process, interested parties can visit www.jaliscofilmfund.com.
有關哈利斯科電影基金及其申請流程的更多信息,有興趣的各方可以訪問 www.jaliscofilmfund.com。
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