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Aeroates 是一家總部位於馬耳他的人力資源和合規解決方案提供商,他們正在透過創新方法重新定義航空業的勞動力模式。
The aviation industry is quickly changing, and because of this, precision and adaptability are qualities that are not just good to have, but completely necessary.
As we come out of the pandemic-era, passenger numbers are returning (and in many instances; have surpassed) to the levels they were at before the pandemic, and are even expected to continue rising, and there is an immediate need for staffing solutions which are efficient and useful.
This is where Aeroates comes in. Aeroates are a Malta-based HR and compliance solutions provider, who are redefining the workforce model of the aviation industry by using an innovative approach: providing temporary staff, fully outsourcing HR services, and working specifically devoted to the aviation industry.
這就是Aeroates 的用武之地。於航空工業。
The Unique Value Proposition
Through our services, we aim to service two audiences. The first audience Aeroates caters to are airlines, MROs and other companies, who need to make use of staffing services, payroll and other solutions such as compliance and consultancy. On the other side of the coin is potential talent. Individuals who are considering a career in aviation can work with Aeroates to achieve employment directly, and begin their career with confidence. Aeroates stand out in this competitive landscape because they are an Employer of Record (EOR). Being able to employ staff directly in Malta, and managing their payroll, compliance and administrative needs, ensures an experience that is completely hassle-free for both employers and employees.
透過我們的服務,我們的目標是為兩個受眾提供服務。 Aeroates 的第一批受眾是航空公司、MRO 和其他公司,他們需要利用人力資源服務、薪資和其他解決方案(例如合規和諮詢)。硬幣的另一面是潛在的人才。考慮從事航空職業的個人可以與 Aeroates 直接合作實現就業,並充滿信心地開始他們的職業生涯。 Aeroates 在這一競爭格局中脫穎而出,因為他們是記錄雇主 (EOR)。能夠直接在馬耳他僱用員工並管理他們的工資、合規性和行政需求,確保為雇主和員工提供完全無憂的體驗。
This duality means that Aeroates is filling a gap in the aviation sector. On the one hand, Aeroates supplies skilled personnel to airlines and MROs according to their fluctuating needs. Ranging from pilots to cabin crew, ground staff and engineers who have all been highly vetted, Aeroates ensures cost-control and skill provisions. On the other hand, those whom aspire to be in the aviation industry benefit from a Malta-based employment relationship that can provide social security benefits, job security, and equal opportunities in an ever-changing and dynamic work environment.
這種雙重性意味著 Aeroates 正在填補航空領域的空白。一方面,Aeroates 根據航空公司和 MRO 不斷變化的需求為其提供技術人員。從飛行員到機組人員、地勤人員和工程師,他們都經過嚴格審查,Aeroates 確保成本控制和技能供應。另一方面,那些渴望進入航空業的人受益於馬耳他的僱傭關係,這種關係可以在不斷變化和充滿活力的工作環境中提供社會安全福利、工作保障和平等機會。
Meeting the needs of airlines
Anyone operating within the aviation industry knows about the high stakes involved – many a time to the tightest of schedules.
Without a flexible “plug-and-play” solution to increasing capacities when needed, airlines may suffer financial losses and reputation damage from flight delays, cancellations and overworked staff. Aeroates work to provide a solution that is reliable by supplying temporary staff who are certified and trained, exactly when and where they are needed. Working on a flexible model, Aeroates allows airlines to respond to common issues, such as fluctuations in demand due to seasons, disruptions to operations and special projects, without the need for a permanent workforce expansion.
如果沒有靈活的「即插即用」解決方案來在需要時增加運力,航空公司可能會因航班延誤、取消和員工過度勞累而遭受財務損失和聲譽損害。 Aeroates 致力於提供可靠的解決方案,在需要的時間和地點提供經過認證和培訓的臨時員工。 Aeroates 採用靈活的模式,使航空公司能夠應對常見問題,例如季節導致的需求波動、營運中斷和特殊項目,而無需永久擴充員工隊伍。
But Aeroates doesn’t just help with staffing. The 360 degree approach that our services revolve around, allow full budget control and rapid onboarding to deliver solutions, whilst also providing expert guidance and proactive assistance to serve the myriad of needs within the aviation industry.
但 Aeroates 不僅僅幫助解決人員配置問題。我們的服務圍繞著 360 度方法展開,允許全面的預算控制和快速上手以提供解決方案,同時還提供專家指導和主動協助,以滿足航空業的無數需求。
Individuals who aspire to launch their careers into the aviation industry, or are attempting to climb into higher positions, are offered a gateway by Aeroates, to pursue a fulfilling career. Malta is a strategic aviation hub in the Mediterranean, and its position provides a plethora of unique opportunities for personal growth. The direct employment model Aeroates has gives our recruits security, such as local labour protections, whilst also allowing them to work with leading airlines worldwide.
Aeroates 為那些渴望進入航空業或試圖晉升到更高職位的個人提供了一個途徑,以追求充實的職業生涯。馬耳他是地中海的戰略航空樞紐,其地理位置為個人成長提供了大量獨特的機會。 Aeroates 的直接僱用模式為我們的新員工提供了保障,例如當地的勞動保護,同時也讓他們能夠與全球領先的航空公司合作。
“Our goal is to nurture the next generation of aviation professionals,” says Aeroates’ CEO, Giovanna Mirabile. “We provide our employees with opportunities to work along side reliable and reputable airlines and MRO companies, ensuring they get valuable experience and global exposure. All of this whilst providing peace of mind in regard to their employment.”
「我們的目標是培養下一代航空專業人士,」Aeroates 執行長 Giovanna Mirabile 說。 「我們為員工提供與可靠且信譽良好的航空公司和 MRO 公司合作的機會,確保他們獲得寶貴的經驗和全球曝光。所有這一切同時讓他們在就業方面安心。
Aeroates commitment to this creates a robust pipeline of talent. We foster interest in aviation careers and identify promising candidates early, with effort to work together with universities, vocational schools and aviation specific academies. Aeroates emphasises diversity and inclusivity with our recruitment strategies, and make sure they have a workforce which is dynamic and capable, which reflects the global scale of aviation.
Aeroates對此的承諾創造了強大的人才管道。我們努力與大學、職業學校和航空專業學院合作,培養人們對航空職業的興趣,並儘早發現有前途的候選人。 Aeroates 在我們的招募策略中強調多元化和包容性,並確保他們擁有一支充滿活力和能力的員工隊伍,這反映了航空業的全球規模。
So why did Aeroates set up in Malta?
那麼 Aeroates 為何選擇在馬耳他設立呢?
Due to the advantageous tax structure, strong framework of regulations and strategic location, Malta has a growing reputation as an aviation hub. There is a thriving ecosystem for operators, lessors, and service providers due to the country’s civil aviation policies. Legal and logistical advantages in Malta make it an ideal base for Aeroates to manage a complex web of aviation recruitment, HR and compliance requirements.
由於有利的稅收結構、強有力的監管框架和戰略位置,馬耳他作為航空樞紐的聲譽與日俱增。由於國家的民航政策,營運商、租賃商和服務提供者擁有一個蓬勃發展的生態系統。馬耳他的法律和物流優勢使其成為 Aeroates 管理複雜的航空招聘、人力資源和合規要求網絡的理想基地。
“Malta’s pro-business environment and sector-specific benefits to both employees and prospective clients allow us to deliver cost-effective solutions to our clients,” notes Giovanna. “From compliance to local employment and aviation standards and legislation, operating out of Malta gives us a significant edge within a highly competitive market.” The proximity to Europe, North Africa and the Middle East markets, alongside the island nation’s strong regulatory framework, make it an excellent base.
「馬耳他的親商環境以及為員工和潛在客戶提供的特定行業福利使我們能夠為客戶提供具有成本效益的解決方案,」Giovanna 指出。 “從遵守當地就業和航空標準及立法來看,在馬耳他境外運營使我們在競爭激烈的市場中具有顯著優勢。”靠近歐洲、北非和中東市場,加上這個島國強大的監管框架,使其成為一個絕佳的基地。
Adapting to industry challenges
Post-pandemic, the aviation industry’s recovery has included a marked amount of fluctuating demand and staff
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