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A rare medieval bishop’s ring, dating from the late 12th or early 13th century, and discovered in excellent condition with its original gemstones, is set to be auctioned at Noonans Mayfair on March 26, 2025. The gold ring is expected to sell for £15,000-18,000.
一個罕見的中世紀主教戒指,可追溯到12世紀末或13世紀初,並以其原始寶石的狀態發現,將於2025年3月26日在Noonans Mayfair拍賣。預計金戒指的售價為15,000-18,000英鎊。
The ring was discovered by Mark Sell, 63, a retired firefighter, while metal detecting with a friend in a field on King Row, in the village of Shipdham, on November 22, 19, around 4:30 pm. Having been on the field a couple of times before but not finding anything of importance, Sell had been detecting for a couple of hours with his friend, using his XP Deus metal detector.
這枚戒指是由63歲的退休消防員的馬克·塞爾(Mark Sell)發現的,而金屬在11月22日下午4:30左右在希普德漢姆(Shipdham)村的一個田野中與一個朋友一起發現。曾在野外幾次,但沒有發現任何重要的東西,賣出使用了他的XP Deus Metal探測器,賣出了幾個小時。
Just before it started to go dark, Sell got a faint signal and dug down about nine inches to find what has to be the best item he has found so far. He was amazed to see a thin line of gold in the clod of mud that he had dug up, and as he wiped away the mud, he could see the bezel of a medieval gold jewelled ring. He could also see that the ring was complete with all of the original jewels still in place and was in pristine condition.
Sell immediately contacted the landowner, who gave him permission to keep the ring. He then took it to his local Finds Liaison Officer, who in turn contacted the British Museum and Norwich Castle Museum. Both museums were involved in the treasure process, with the ring being displayed temporarily at the British Museum and Norwich Castle expressing interest in acquiring the ring for their permanent collection.
賣出立即與土地所有者聯繫,後者允許他保留戒指。然後,他將其帶到了當地的發現聯絡官,後者又與大英博物館和諾里奇城堡博物館聯繫。這兩個博物館都參與了寶藏過程,戒指臨時展出在大英博物館,諾里奇城堡(Norwich Castle)表示有興趣為其永久收藏。
Experts at Noonans later examined the ring, confirming its extreme rarity and historical importance. The ring fits within a well-documented tradition of medieval ecclesiastical jewellery. This form of medieval ring, with a principal cabochon stone, usually a sapphire, surrounded by smaller collet-set satellite stones (garnets or rubies, and emeralds), can be securely dated to the late 12th or early 13th century, and is associated with the bishopric.
Similar rings have been linked to high-ranking medieval clergy, such as Walter de Gray, Archbishop of York from 1215 until his death in 1255. De Gray’s ring is now on display at York Minster. Other comparable rings include those of the Bishop of Chichester and the Whithorn Cathedral ring.
類似的戒指與中世紀的高級神職人員有關,例如1215年的約克大主教沃爾特·德·格雷(Walter de Gray),直到他於1255年去世。DeGray的戒指現已在約克大教堂(York Minster)展出。其他可比的環包括奇切斯特主教和沃恩大教堂環的環。
The village of Shipdham, central Norfolk, was well established by the time of the Norman Conquest, and is extensively detailed in the Domesday Book of 1086, when it was one of the largest 20% of settlements in England. During the reign of Henry III (1207–1272), the Bishop of Ely built a manor house at Shipdham, the moat in evidence on 19th-century maps.
Also of importance during the medieval period, this area contained a Royal deer park, owned by the See of Ely. The park, composed of Little Haw and West Haw, was in existence by 1277 but passed into the hands of the Wodehouse family between 1561 and 1584. All Saints Church, Shipdham, dates from the 12th century.
同樣在中世紀的時期很重要,該地區包含一個由伊利(Ely)擁有的皇家鹿公園(Royal Deer Park)。該公園由小鷹和西鷹組成,到1277年已經存在,但在1561年至1584年之間移交給了Wodehouse家族。
The church is a vast and rambling structure in the Early English style, with a tower that rises to a height of 108 feet. It was restored in 1873 by the noted Gothic Revival architect William Butterfield.
教堂是一個早期英語風格的巨大而漫不經心的結構,塔樓高到108英尺。著名的哥特式複興建築師威廉·巴特菲爾德(William Butterfield)於1873年恢復了它。
The church contains a monument to Sir John Wodehouse, displaying his figure in plate armour, while his two wives kneel in prayer at his feet. A 16th-century tapestry and stained-glass windows by C.W. Eden are among the other noteworthy features.
教堂裡有約翰·沃德豪斯爵士(Sir John Wodehouse)的紀念碑,展示了他的身材,而他的兩個妻子跪在腳下祈禱。 CW Eden的16世紀掛毯和彩色玻璃窗是其他值得注意的功能。
A magnificent example of a rare medieval bishop’s ring is set to be auctioned at Noonans Mayfair on March 26, 2025. Discovered in excellent condition with its original gemstones, the gold ring is expected to sell for £15,000-18,000.
一個罕見的中世紀主教戒指的宏偉例子將於2025年3月26日在Noonans Mayfair拍賣,其原始寶石的狀況良好,預計金戒指的價格為15,000-18,000英鎊。
The ring was discovered by metal detectorist Mark Sell in November 2019, while searching a field on King Row, in the village of Shipdham, where the monks of Ely had a hunting lodge and a deer park. It is the highlight of Sell’s detecting career, having found some interesting things before but nothing as "best" as this.
這枚戒指是由金屬偵探主義者馬克(Mark Mark)在2019年11月賣出的,當時在希普姆(Shipdham)村的國王羅(King Row)搜索田野,伊利(Ely)的僧侶在那裡有一個狩獵小屋和鹿公園。這是賣出事業的亮點,以前找到了一些有趣的東西,但沒有什麼是“最好的”。
The stunning ring is richly decorated with a large cabochon sapphire, which is the central focus of the ring's design, surrounded by smaller cabochon garnets, rubies, and emeralds that are set in a collet setting.
令人驚嘆的戒指裝飾有一個大型的Cabochon Sapphire,這是戒指設計的中心焦點,周圍環繞著較小的cabochon石榴石,紅寶石和祖母綠,這些石榴石和翡翠設置在夾具環境中。
The small cabochon stones are arranged in a circle around the sapphire, creating a repeating pattern of red and green that is both visually appealing and harmonious.
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