Bitcoin's worst return easily beats the best return of other assets, stocks, and even Big Tech over any holding period.
Last month, I showed that Bitcoin's worst return easily beats the worst return of other assets and stocks. But some people might argue that this isn't a fair comparison because it pits Bitcoin's worst against the other assets' best.
So let's stack the deck against Bitcoin and see how it does. We'll compare Bitcoin's worst return to the best possible return from other assets.
To calculate this, I need to find the best possible trade for any holding period. Looking backward from 2011 through 2023, here's the best trade for every possible holding period: Buy at the lowest possible price and sell at the highest possible price. Then I compute that for every possible holding period.
为了计算这个,我需要找到任何持有期的最佳可能交易。回顾 2011 年至 2023 年,以下是每个可能持有期的最佳交易:以尽可能低的价格买入,以尽可能高的价格卖出。然后我计算每个可能的持有期。
Doing so for the other asset classes (equities, gold, real estate, and bonds) gives a comparison of the worst of Bitcoin against the best of these other assets:
Worst Bitcoin vs. Best Other Assets
First, observe that all the best returns are declining in the holding period. That's because of short-term volatility in the early years, which can lead to outsized returns. Over time, those returns converge to their equilibrium levels.
Most importantly, the variations in the best returns are near zero compared to Bitcoin. And after six years, Bitcoin's worst return eclipses the best return from all other assets.
What about Big Tech?
Worst Bitcoin vs. Best Big Tech
最差的比特币 vs. 最好的大型科技公司
As before, the top growth stocks fare better against Bitcoin, with Tesla leading the pack in the early years, and Nvidia and Tesla neck and neck for the long horizon. Now, Bitcoin still beats these stocks, but it takes longer, almost 11 years for the worst Bitcoin return to exceed the best of Tesla or Nvidia.
和以前一样,顶级成长型股票相对于比特币的表现更好,特斯拉在早期处于领先地位,而英伟达和特斯拉在长期内并驾齐驱。现在,比特币仍然跑赢这些股票,但最差的比特币回报率需要更长的时间,接近 11 年才能超过特斯拉或英伟达最好的回报率。
Comparing this to a broader universe of top nine stocks yields a similar story:
Worst Bitcoin vs. Best Top Stocks
What’s the lesson here? Holding period matters!
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