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Fans of Georgia and Notre Dame packed a plaza next to the Superdome and enjoyed music under clear skies — and the watch of snipers on rooftops — before heading into the stadium for Thursday's College Football Playoff quarterfinal at the Sugar Bowl.
"It was a lot of fun. It felt safe," said Shannon Horsey, a Georgia fan in her 40s who lives in Austin, Texas. "Coming in they searched my bag thoroughly. So I felt like, OK, they're really paying attention."
「這很有趣。感覺很安全,」住在德克薩斯州奧斯汀的 40 多歲的佐治亞州球迷香農·霍西 (Shannon Horsey) 說。 “他們進來後徹底搜查了我的包。所以我覺得,好吧,他們真的很注意。”
Horsey was in New Orleans with her husband, Joe, a 48-year-old Georgia graduate, and their teenage children, Jack and Zoe. They extended their stay after the game, originally scheduled for Wednesday night, was postponed because of an attack by a man who drove a pickup truck into crowds in the French Quarter, killing 14 New Year's revelers before police killed the attacker in a shootout. Dozens more were injured.
霍西和她的丈夫喬(48 歲的喬治亞州畢業生)以及他們十幾歲的孩子傑克和佐伊在新奧爾良。原定於週三晚上舉行的比賽因一名男子駕駛皮卡車衝入法國區人群的襲擊事件而被推遲,導致14 名新年狂歡者死亡,隨後警方在槍戰中擊斃了襲擊者,他們延長了比賽時間。還有數十人受傷。
Notre Dame beat Georgia 23-10 in a game that concluded without incident amid the enhanced security.
聖母大學以 23-10 擊敗喬治亞大學,這場比賽在安全措施加強的情況下順利結束。
"We can see the presence up on the rooftop," Horsey said, pointing at a sniper above Champions Square. "So I kind of felt like this is probably one of the safest places to be in the city."
「我們可以看到屋頂上的存在,」霍西指著冠軍廣場上空的一名狙擊手說道。 “所以我覺得這可能是這個城市最安全的地方之一。”
Joe Horsey said the pregame crowd was larger than he expected but he also found the "energy lower than a normal football game."
"You could sense the musicians trying to get people riled up. People are kind of going through the paces, a little bit in shock, but trying to make the best out of the day," he said.
It also seemed to Horsey that opposing fans were being a little more polite to one another than at a typical game.
"SEC football can get nasty on game day and can get a little raucous," he said. "But there's a little different sense of civility and that there's bigger things than football."
「SEC 橄欖球在比賽當天可能會變得很糟糕,並且可能會變得有點喧鬧,」他說。 “但是禮貌感有點不同,而且還有比足球更重要的事情。”
Flags were at half-staff outside nearby government buildings in memory of those killed in the attack, which has been labeled by authorities as an act of terrorism.
"Obviously the events that occurred were very challenging, and I just want everybody to know that the Notre Dame family, every single person in our locker room is praying for those families," Notre Dame quarterback Riley Leonard said. "I also want to thank the New Orleans police department for responding the way they did and creating a safe environment for us to play today, so quickly after the events."
「顯然,發生的事件非常具有挑戰性,我只是想讓每個人都知道聖母大學家庭,我們更衣室裡的每個人都在為這些家庭祈禱,」聖母大學四分衛萊利倫納德說。 “我還要感謝新奧爾良警察局在事件發生後如此迅速地做出反應,為我們今天的比賽創造了一個安全的環境。”
The attack occurred on Bourbon Street, which runs through the heart of the French Quarter and is famously lined with bars, restaurants and clubs, near the corner of Canal Street, a main downtown artery. The crime scene, which was gradually cleared so it could be reopened to the public on Thursday, is about a mile's walk from the Superdome.
Security was ramped up in and around the stadium. Police blocked regular traffic from passing by the main Superdome entrance on Poydras Street, an eight-lane downtown artery. A helicopter circled overhead. Security officers around the 70,000-seat stadium were handling dogs trained to sniff for explosive devices. They encircled cars entering the dome's parking garage and in some cases sniffed bags and backpacks.
體育場內外加強了安全措施。警方封鎖了波伊德拉斯街(Poydras Street)八車道市中心主幹道上 Superdome 主入口的正常交通。一架直升機在頭頂盤旋。這座擁有 70,000 個座位的體育場周圍的安全人員正在處理訓練有素的嗅探爆炸裝置的狗。他們包圍了進入圓頂停車場的汽車,有時還嗅了包包和背包。
The game, originally scheduled for 7:45 p.m. Central on Wednesday, was pushed back to 3 p.m. on Thursday, about 36 hours after the attack. It was the first time the Sugar Bowl had been postponed in its 91-year history, although it was relocated at the end of the 2005 season because of Hurricane Katrina.
比賽原定於週三下午 7 點 45 分(中部時間)舉行,後來被推遲到週四下午 3 點,即襲擊發生約 36 小時後。儘管糖碗賽在 2005 年賽季末因卡特里娜颶風而搬遷,但這是糖碗賽 91 年曆史上首次推遲。
The Superdome also is scheduled to host the Super Bowl on Feb. 9. Notre Dame advanced to the Orange Bowl next Thursday against Fiesta Bowl winner Penn State.
超級圓頂體育館還計劃於 2 月 9 日舉辦超級碗比賽。
Mark Oldani, a 58-year-old resident of Nashville, Tenn., and a 1988 graduate of Notre Dame, took a group photo for a gathering of Georgia fans in front of the venue. The crowd was "friendly, nobody yelling back and forth at each other," he said. "I think everybody's coming in hoping for a good game and wanting to make the most of a really difficult situation."
馬克·奧爾達尼 (Mark Oldani) 是田納西州納什維爾市的 58 歲居民,1988 年畢業於聖母大學,他在會場前為喬治亞州球迷的聚會拍了一張合影。他說,人群「很友好,沒有人互相喊叫」。 “我認為每個人都希望能看到一場精彩的比賽,並希望充分利用一個非常困難的局面。”
Before the singing of the national anthem, a moment of silence, lasting close to half a minute, was held.
While many fans extended their stay to attend the game, the postponement meant some were able to attend because of travel plans that were deemed too expensive or logistically difficult to change. Numerous tickets were listed for resale online at prices as low as $23.
雖然許多球迷延長了逗留時間來觀看比賽,但推遲意味著一些球迷能夠參加比賽,因為旅行計劃被認為太昂貴或在後勤上難以改變。許多門票在網上以低至 23 美元的價格出售。
Postponing the game "was absolutely the right call," said Lisa Borrelli, a 34-year-old Philadelphia resident who came to New Orleans with her fiance, a 2011 Notre Dame graduate, but could not stay for the game.
34 歲的費城居民麗莎·博雷利(Lisa Borrelli) 表示,推遲比賽「絕對是正確的選擇」。 。
She said they paid more than $250 per ticket and weren'
她說他們每張票支付了 250 多美元,但並沒有
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