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Key Points (TL;DR)
- Flare embeds oracles into its core protocol, ensuring the reliability and integrity of data.
- Flare將預言機嵌入其核心協議中,確保資料的可靠性和完整性。
- Flare builds a data-driven blockchain ecosystem using three core protocols: FTSO for decentralized price feeds, data connectors connecting Web2 and Web3, and FAssets for leveraging non-smart contract assets.
- Flare 使用三個核心協議構建數據驅動的區塊鏈生態系統:用於去中心化價格反饋的 FTSO、連接 Web2 和 Web3 的數據連接器以及用於利用非智能合約資產的 FAssets。
- Flare started as a data infrastructure. With the launch of FAssets, it aims to become a liquidity hub that will connect the ecosystem, including assets such as Bitcoin, Ripple, and Dogecoin.
- Flare 最初是作為資料基礎設施。隨著FAssets的推出,它的目標是成為連接生態系統的流動性中心,包括比特幣、瑞波幣和狗狗幣等資產。
Weaknesses of blockchain technology
- Blockchain technology follows the principle of "code is law" and creates a trustless system that provides security and trust by automatically executing processes through code, eliminating the need for third-party intermediaries. However, the security of this system is entirely dependent on the integrity of the input data. If there is a problem with the input data, even a perfectly designed smart contract may go wrong, causing the operation of the entire system to become unpredictable, thereby causing potential risks.
- 區塊鏈技術遵循「代碼即法律」的原則,創建一個無需信任的系統,透過程式碼自動執行流程來提供安全性和信任,無需第三方中介機構。然而,該系統的安全性完全取決於輸入資料的完整性。如果輸入資料出現問題,即使設計完美的智慧合約也可能出錯,導致整個系統的運作變得不可預測,從而帶來潛在的風險。
- To address this challenge, the blockchain industry has introduced oracles, which are distributed data providers. However, oracles usually operate outside the blockchain, limiting their ability to maintain the security and integrity of the blockchain. In addition, the use of external data sources also introduces the risk of single point failure, and some oracles lack decentralization due to their reliance on a small number of nodes. Therefore, the reliability of data becomes a weakness of blockchain technology.
- 為了應對這項挑戰,區塊鏈產業引入了預言機,即分散式資料提供者。然而,預言機通常在區塊鏈之外運行,限制了它們維護區塊鏈安全性和完整性的能力。此外,使用外部資料來源還引入了單點故障的風險,並且一些預言機由於依賴少量節點而缺乏去中心化。因此,數據的可靠性成為區塊鏈技術的弱點。
All for data
- Source: Flare
- 來源:耀斑
- Flare is a blockchain infrastructure dedicated to "data" that aims to solve the problem of relying on external oracles. Although existing blockchains usually rely on external oracles to access data to ensure security, such a setup cannot guarantee the reliability of the data obtained.
- Flare是一個致力於「數據」的區塊鏈基礎設施,旨在解決依賴外部預言機的問題。儘管現有的區塊鏈通常依賴外部預言機來存取資料以確保安全,但這樣的設定並不能保證所獲取資料的可靠性。
- Flare ensures that oracles enjoy the security of the blockchain by embedding them into its core protocol. A successful hack of an oracle requires compromising the entire blockchain network, a structure that ensures data reliability and security. Flare's approach is to integrate blockchain and oracles into one system, eliminating the security risks posed by external oracles. Developers can use embedded oracles to seamlessly build data-rich Web3 services without relying on external solutions.
- Flare 透過將預言機嵌入其核心協議來確保預言機享有區塊鏈的安全性。成功破解預言機需要破壞整個區塊鏈網絡,這是確保資料可靠性和安全性的結構。 Flare的做法是將區塊鏈和預言機整合到一個系統中,消除外部預言機帶來的安全風險。開發人員可以使用嵌入式預言機無縫建立資料豐富的 Web3 服務,而無需依賴外部解決方案。
- Flare offers three core protocols built on its embedded oracles. 1 ) FTSO (Flare Time Series Oracle) provides decentralized price information. 2) Flare Data Connector (FDC) integrates external chain and Web2 data into Flare. It verifies and protects the data within the blockchain. 3 ) FAssets makes non-smart contract assets such as Bitcoin, Ripple and Dogecoin available for DeFi, expanding their functionality in the blockchain ecosystem.
- Flare 提供了基於其嵌入式預言機構建的三個核心協議。 1)FTSO(Flare Time Series Oracle)提供去中心化的價格資訊。 2)Flare Data Connector(FDC)將外鍊和Web2資料整合到Flare中。它驗證並保護區塊鏈內的數據。 3)FAssets使比特幣、瑞波幣和狗狗幣等非智慧合約資產可用於DeFi,擴展其在區塊鏈生態系統中的功能。
2.1. FTSO: Providing decentralized price information
2.1. FTSO:提供去中心化的價格信息
- Flare's FTSO provides time series price data in a decentralized manner. This data includes asset prices updated at specific intervals and is critical to many Web3 services, especially DeFi. However, most services still rely on centralized data providers. Manipulation or errors in this data could compromise the reliability and stability of the entire system.
- Flare 的 FTSO 以分散的方式提供時間序列價格資料。這些數據包括以特定時間間隔更新的資產價格,對於許多 Web3 服務(尤其是 DeFi)至關重要。然而,大多數服務仍然依賴集中式資料提供者。該數據的操縱或錯誤可能會損害整個系統的可靠性和穩定性。
- The implementation of FTSO is particularly important because the limitations of centralized data providers have been demonstrated in historical cases. In March 2023, Berkshire Hathaway's stock price plummeted by about 99% due to a computer error, illustrating the risk of single-point failure in centralized data systems. If such errors occur in the automated environment of Web3, it may result in serious investment losses. Therefore, the decentralized and reliable data solutions provided by Flare are particularly important to help enhance the stability and reliability of the system in the blockchain ecosystem.
- FTSO的實施尤其重要,因為中心化資料提供者的局限性已經在歷史案例中得到了證明。 2023年3月,波克夏海瑟威股價因電腦錯誤暴跌約99%,顯示中心化資料系統有單點故障的風險。如果這樣的錯誤發生在Web3的自動化環境中,可能會導致嚴重的投資損失。因此,Flare提供的去中心化、可靠的數據解決方案對於幫助增強區塊鏈生態系統的穩定性和可靠性顯得尤為重要。
- FTSO, source: Flare Systems Explorers
- FTSO,來源:Flare Systems Explorers
- To address this, Flare uses a decentralized price feed system through FTSO, which has more than 100 independent validators . Validators collect time series price data from various sources and submit it to the blockchain. The consensus mechanism determines the most accurate value from the submitted data. Validators who provide inaccurate or manipulated data will be marked as outliers and excluded. They will not receive rewards and may face financial penalties. This system ensures the reliability and integrity of the data on Flare.
- 為了解決這個問題,Flare 透過 FTSO 使用去中心化的價格回饋系統,該系統擁有 100 多個獨立驗證者。驗證器從各種來源收集時間序列價格資料並將其提交到區塊鏈。共識機制從提交的數據中確定最準確的值。提供不準確或被操縱資料的驗證者將被標記為異常值並被排除。他們不會獲得獎勵,並可能面臨經濟處罰。該系統確保了 Flare 上資料的可靠性和完整性。
- Source: Flare
- 來源:耀斑
- The key differentiator of FTSO is that all 100+ validators participate in every price feed. Many oracles suffer from inconsistent validator participation, where some feeds are fully validated while others rely on only a few validators. Flare ensures consistent validator participation across all feeds. This minimizes data discrepancies between feeds and improves the reliability of the entire system. FTSO data is closely correlated with prices on major exchanges and stays within standard deviation, objectively demonstrating its accuracy and reliability.
- FTSO 的主要區別在於所有 100 多個驗證者都參與每個價格饋送。許多預言機都存在驗證者參與不一致的問題,其中一些提要得到了充分驗證,而另一些則僅依賴少數驗證者。 Flare 確保驗證者在所有 feed 中的參與一致。這最大限度地減少了饋送之間的數據差異,並提高了整個系統的可靠性。 FTSO數據與主要交易所價格密切相關,且保持在標準差範圍內,客觀地證明了其準確性和可靠性。
- In May 2024, Flare released FTSO v2 , which increased the speed and scope of data processing. Previously, price information was limited to cryptocurrency prices, but now it can support a wide range of Web2 data, such as stock and commodity prices. The update cycle was shortened from 180 seconds to 90 seconds. The number of price information
- 2024年5月,Flare發布了FTSO v2,提高了資料處理的速度和範圍。此前,價格資訊僅限於加密貨幣價格,但現在可以支援廣泛的 Web2 數據,例如股票和商品價格。更新週期從180秒縮短至90秒。價格資訊數量
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