Wall Street opened positively on Friday, setting the stage for a potential rebound after recent market fluctuations. The S&P 500 aimed to halt its five-day losing streak, rising 0.4% to 5,891.07 in early trading. Meanwhile, the tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite followed suit, gaining 0.6% to reach 19,395.51, and the 30-stock Dow Jones Industrial Average edged up by 0.25% to 42,392.27.
华尔街周五开盘积极,为近期市场波动后的潜在反弹奠定了基础。标准普尔 500 指数旨在结束五连跌,早盘上涨 0.4% 至 5,891.07 点。与此同时,以科技股为主的纳斯达克综合指数也紧随其后,上涨 0.6%,至 19,395.51 点,30 种股票的道琼斯工业平均指数小幅上涨 0.25%,至 42,392.27 点。
Among the top performers in early trade were some of the biggest names in the tech industry. Amazon.com Inc. rose 1.1%, NVIDIA Corp. gained 1.3%, and Microsoft Corp. advanced 0.7%, all helping to lift the broader market. However, not all stocks were faring well, with Nike Inc. and McDonald's Corp. both experiencing losses, pulling down certain parts of the market.
早期交易中表现最好的是科技行业的一些知名人士。亚马逊公司上涨 1.1%,英伟达公司上涨 1.3%,微软公司上涨 0.7%,所有这些都有助于提振大盘。然而,并非所有股票都表现良好,耐克公司和麦当劳公司均出现亏损,拖累了部分市场。
Out of the 11 S&P 500 sectoral indices, seven were trading lower compared to the previous day's close. The biggest losses were seen in real estate, down 0.8%, followed by declines in information technology and consumer staples, while sectors such as energy, up 1.2%, healthcare, and utilities experienced gains.
在标准普尔 500 指数的 11 个行业指数中,有 7 个指数的交易价格低于前一交易日的收盘价。房地产业跌幅最大,下跌 0.8%,其次是信息技术和消费品行业,而能源、医疗保健和公用事业等行业则上涨 1.2%。
In the commodities market, spot gold traded 0.41% lower at $2,647.09 per ounce, and Brent crude oil saw a slight gain of 0.18%, reaching $76.07 per barrel. The Bloomberg Dollar Index also fell by 0.2%, while major currencies saw mixed movements. The British Pound rose by 0.2%, reaching $1.2409, and the Japanese yen strengthened by 0.3% to 157.07 per dollar.
大宗商品市场,现货黄金下跌0.41%至每盎司2,647.09美元,布伦特原油小幅上涨0.18%,至每桶76.07美元。彭博美元指数也下跌 0.2%,主要货币涨跌互现。英镑兑美元上涨0.2%,至1.2409美元;日元兑美元上涨0.3%,至157.07美元。
Among cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin traded down by 0.4%, falling to $96,712.23, as the crypto market showed signs of slowing down after a series of recent gains.
加密货币中,比特币下跌 0.4%,跌至 96,712.23 美元,因为加密货币市场在近期一系列上涨后出现放缓迹象。