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As solar energy becomes increasingly integrated into the global energy landscape, several key trends and developments are shaping its future trajectory. Among them are the rising efficiency of solar panels, the decreasing costs of production, and the ongoing efforts to address the intermittency of solar power.
One promising avenue being explored to overcome the limitations of ground-based solar energy is the concept of orbital solar. This involves harnessing solar energy in Earth's orbit and transmitting it wirelessly to receivers on the ground. While the idea of space-based solar power (SBSP) has been around for decades, recent advancements in launch technologies and the increasing demand for renewable energy sources are making it more feasible than ever before.
The concept of orbital solar is relatively straightforward. Large solar arrays are deployed in space, where they can continuously collect sunlight,不受天气条件或昼夜变化的影响。然后将收集到的能量通过微波或激光束传输到地球上的接收器,再转换为电能。
The concept of orbital solar is relatively straightforward. Large solar arrays are deployed in space, where they can continuously collect sunlight,不受天气条件或昼夜变化的影响。然后将收集到的能量通过微波或激光束传输到地球上的接收器,再转换为电能。
One of the main advantages of orbital solar is its ability to provide a continuous and reliable supply of energy, regardless of the time of day or weather conditions. This addresses one of the key challenges of ground-based solar energy, which is intermittent and can only generate electricity during daylight hours.
Another potential benefit of orbital solar is the higher efficiency of solar panels in space. Due to the absence of an atmosphere and the lower temperatures in orbit, solar panels can operate at optimal levels without being affected by factors such as dust, clouds, or pollution.
However, there are also several technical and economic challenges that need to be overcome for orbital solar to become a viable commercial technology. One of the biggest hurdles is the high cost of launching and deploying the massive solar arrays and transmission equipment into space.
Another challenge lies in the efficient and safe transmission of large amounts of energy wirelessly over long distances. The technology for beaming energy from space to Earth is still under development and needs to be proven to be reliable and cost-effective.
Despite these challenges, several companies and research institutions are actively pursuing the development of orbital solar technologies. Among them are:
1. Solaren (formerly known as Space Solar Power Project): Solaren is a joint venture between Airbus and ArianeGroup that aims to develop and demonstrate a commercial-scale SBSP system by 2035. The company is planning to launch a pilot plant into orbit by 2028 to test the key technologies involved.
1. Solaren(原名太空太阳能发电项目):Solaren是空中客车公司和阿丽亚娜集团的合资企业,旨在到2035年开发和演示商业规模的SBSP系统。该公司计划到2028年将一个试点工厂发射到轨道来测试所涉及的关键技术。
2. Space Energy Initiative (SEI): SEI is a non-profit organization founded by scientists and engineers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Caltech. The organization is working on developing and promoting SBSP technologies, with a focus on low-cost and scalable solutions.
2.太空能源倡议(SEI):SEI是由麻省理工学院(MIT)和加州理工学院的科学家和工程师创立的非营利组织。该组织致力于开发和推广 SBSP 技术,重点关注低成本和可扩展的解决方案。
3. Emrod Space (formerly known as Laser Light Power): Emrod Space is a startup company that is developing a laser-based SBSP system. The company's approach involves using high-efficiency solar panels in space to generate electricity, which is then converted into a laser beam and transmitted to a receiver on Earth.
3. Emrod Space(以前称为Laser Light Power):Emrod Space是一家初创公司,正在开发基于激光的SBSP系统。该公司的方法包括在太空中使用高效太阳能电池板发电,然后将其转换为激光束并传输到地球上的接收器。
The development of orbital solar technologies is also gaining attention from government agencies and international organizations. In 2023, the European Space Agency (ESA) announced a new program to study and develop SBSP technologies, with the aim of demonstrating a small-scale pilot plant in orbit by 2030.
轨道太阳能技术的发展也引起了政府机构和国际组织的关注。 2023年,欧洲航天局(ESA)宣布了一项研究和开发SBSP技术的新计划,目标是到2030年在轨道上展示一个小型试点工厂。
Meanwhile, the International Energy Agency (IEA) has included SBSP among the key technologies that could contribute to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. The IEA notes that SBSP has the potential to provide a large-scale, continuous, and renewable source of energy, but further research and development are needed to make it commercially viable.
与此同时,国际能源署 (IEA) 将 SBSP 列为有助于到 2050 年实现净零排放的关键技术之一。IEA 指出,SBSP 有潜力提供大规模、连续和可再生的能源,但需要进一步的研究和开发才能使其具有商业可行性。
As the world continues to transition towards renewable energy sources and technologies, orbital solar is emerging as a promising concept that could potentially address some of the limitations of ground-based solar energy. However, significant technological and economic challenges need to be overcome before orbital solar can become a mainstream energy solution.
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