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有时,一个绝妙的想法只是在付诸实施的手段出现之前就已经存在了。例如,达芬奇的笔记本上充满了根本无法创造的独特概念和发明,因此他的“假设”至今仍然是许多人的兴趣点。同样地,如果《MC Kids》诞生在 32 位系统上,而不是受到 NES 的限制,它可能会成为当时最受欢迎的平台游戏。现在,在这两个实体之间建立了同等的重要性之后,我们来看看 Leo's Fortune,这是一款 2014 年推出的精彩手机游戏,现已登陆 Nintendo Switch。
A brilliant mobile game from 2014 has finally landed on the Nintendo Switch. This is not some remaster, remake or upgrade: this is almost equivocal to the HD Edition on Steam that’s been there for over a decade. It makes a bit of sense, if only because this is a quintessential mobile title. You play Leo, a mustachioed green fuzzball who has apparently lost his Fortune, which was stolen by dishonorable people. Leo, having no arms, legs or obligations (besides a wife he leaves a very casual note for) heads out to get his cash back.
2014 年的一款精彩手游终于登陆 Nintendo Switch。这不是什么重制版、重制版或升级版:这与 Steam 上已经存在了十多年的高清版几乎是模棱两可的。这是有一定道理的,因为这是一款典型的移动游戏。你扮演里奥,一个留着小胡子的绿色毛球,显然失去了他的财富,它被不光彩的人偷走了。利奥没有胳膊、腿,也没有义务(除了他给妻子留了一张非常随意的纸条),他出发去拿回他的现金。
Strewn across the land in the form of coins and some golden cogs, Leo has a sort of jump/float ability that’s propelled by nothing I can see, as well as the choice to suddenly drop like a rock to hit triggers and activate pulley puzzles, of which there are many in this foreign land. Don’t worry about baddies or boss fights: it’s just you, Leo and the race against the clock to see how quickly you can make it through 24 levels of surprisingly complex level design.
狮子座以硬币和一些金色齿轮的形式散落在土地上,他有一种跳跃/漂浮的能力,这种能力是由我看不到的任何东西推动的,以及选择像石头一样突然掉落来击中扳机并激活滑轮谜题,在这片异国他乡有很多这样的人。不用担心坏人或头目战斗:只有你,Leo,和时间赛跑,看看你能以多快的速度通过 24 个极其复杂的关卡设计。
Get coin, don’t get impaled. Such simple instructions that I wish my father had told me.
Now, I think it’s important that players understand what they’re getting with Leo’s Fortune, though I can’t imagine many haven’t heard of this title in at least some capacity. You’ve got three trophies to achieve by playing each level: finishing, no deaths and time attack. Get all three and you feel a sense of accomplishment, and you also get some stars that, over time, will unlock a bonus stage that is purely ornamental. The first bonus stage, for example, is a speed circuit course where you try to see how many times you can go around the loop of a level that’s designed like an abandoned roller coaster track. Doing this makes you feel cool and that’s it. There’s no alternate ending or special bonus game that comes from completing all the trophies, and goodness knows the Switch long ago gave up on trying to have achievements.
现在,我认为让玩家了解《Leo's Fortune》会给他们带来什么,这一点很重要,尽管我无法想象很多人至少在某种程度上没有听说过这个游戏。通过玩每个关卡,你可以获得三个奖杯:完成任务、不死亡和计时挑战。获得这三者,你会感到一种成就感,而且你还会获得一些星星,随着时间的推移,这些星星将解锁一个纯粹是装饰性的奖励阶段。例如,第一个奖励阶段是一个速度环路课程,您尝试看看您可以绕一个设计得像废弃的过山车轨道的关卡循环多少次。这样做会让你感觉很酷,仅此而已。完成所有奖杯并没有其他结局或特殊奖励游戏,天知道 Switch 很久以前就放弃了取得成就的尝试。
I don’t want to poo poo what Leo’s Fortune is, though, because it really is quite a marvel. A simple concept that’s executed exceedingly well through design and visuals. You could take a look at the diverse worlds of forest, caverns, water, ice and more today and think the game was crafted within the last couple of years. In spite of it being something that originated for phones and tablets, Leo and his surroundings simply burst off the screen in a dramatic and honestly fantastic way.
不过,我不想嘲笑《狮子座的财富》是什么,因为它确实是一个奇迹。一个简单的概念通过设计和视觉效果得到了很好的执行。今天,你可以看看森林、洞穴、水、冰等多样化的世界,并认为这款游戏是在过去几年内制作的。尽管它是起源于手机和平板电脑的东西,但 Leo 和他的周围环境只是以一种戏剧性且真正奇妙的方式从屏幕上爆发出来。
Leo has decided to inflitrate this castle in order to encourage a Dishonored crossover.
If I had to put a tone or a feel to it, I would say that it feels like an upgraded version of an animated movie from the 70s. It has the vibes of natural surrealism that you might find in The Hobbit or perhaps The Phantom Tollbooth, but done in a style that feels very practical: instead of being drawn, it’s like someone cut each blade of grass out of plastic, airbrushed it and arranged it just so to mimic lifelike while still being very much fake. It’s this sheen, this prestige to how it looks that probably captivated people for so many years. It doesn’t hurt that Leo himself looks like a grizzled Muppets cousin who assaulted one of the Fry Kids over a misunderstanding and now lives in seclusion to avoid arrest. Somehow, I mean that in a very positive way.
Moreover, the mechanics of the game are dirt simple but done to such delicate timing that it feels laser tight in precision. You have some wiggle room to get Leo to where he needs to be, and you will, over the course of your play, die quite a few times figuring things out. The art of the floating jump, the gravitational slam and knowing precisely when to inflate and deflate are essential if you have any cares whatsoever about nailing the time trophy. You can only get better with practice, and the bloodless deaths make for Leo’s untimely demise on spikes, pits or other hazards to be merely inconvenient instead of traumatic. The reload is almost instantaneously, and you’ll never respawn in a position where you’ll immediately die again. The game is tough, but fair.
此外,游戏的机制非常简单,但时间安排却非常微妙,让人感觉精准如激光。你有一些回旋的空间来让 Leo 到达他需要的地方,而且在你的游戏过程中,你会为了弄清楚事情而死很多次。如果你想赢得时间奖杯,那么漂浮跳跃、重力猛击以及准确知道何时充气和放气的艺术都是必不可少的。你只能通过练习才能变得更好,而不流血的死亡使得利奥在尖刺、深坑或其他危险中过早死亡只会带来不便,而不是造成创伤。重新加载几乎是瞬时的,而且你永远不会重生到会立即再次死亡的位置。比赛很艰难,但很公平。
Yes, I look ridiculous, but I’m getting an elaborate pachinko machine to open doors, dammit.
Frankly, Leo’s Fortune is a marvel that should have been on the Switch back at launch. While perhaps the developers didn’t see the opportunity then, the game was still very well known back in 2017, and having a mobile title that made more of an impact with buttons than not would have been quite a windfall for Qubic Games. The controls, which were fine for a touchscreen situation, make for even more accurate reflex play with buttons and a joystick, something that Playstation and XBox players have known for quite
坦率地说,《Leo's Fortune》是一个奇迹,本应在 Switch 发售时就推出。虽然当时开发者可能没有看到这个机会,但这款游戏在 2017 年仍然非常出名,并且拥有一款通过按钮产生更大影响力的移动游戏对于 Qubic Games 来说将是一笔意外之财。这些控件非常适合触摸屏情况,可以通过按钮和操纵杆进行更准确的反射式游戏,这是 Playstation 和 Xbox 玩家所熟知的。
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