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Mad Jacques 源于通过探索附近目的地来增强旅行体验的简单理念,成为法国微冒险的先驱。这家总部位于巴黎的公司组织为期多天的探险活动,将运动挑战与节日聚会结合起来。这些冒险活动可以步行、骑自行车、乘独木舟甚至搭便车进行,通过当地产品的镜头展示鲜为人知的地区。
The Mad Jacques: A Pioneering Microadventure in the Pays d'Auge, Normandy
Conceived to revolutionize the way we travel, the Mad Jacques, a Paris-based microadventure company, has emerged as a pioneer in the field. Their meticulously crafted expeditions seamlessly blend athletic challenges with a festive atmosphere, typically spanning a few days. These immersive experiences prioritize foot, bike, canoe, and even hitchhiking as means of traversing lesser-known regions, unlocking their rich local culinary traditions.
Mad Jacques 是一家总部位于巴黎的微型冒险公司,旨在彻底改变我们的旅行方式,现已成为该领域的先驱。他们精心设计的探险活动将运动挑战与节日气氛完美地融合在一起,通常持续几天。这些身临其境的体验优先考虑步行、骑自行车、划独木舟,甚至搭便车,作为穿越鲜为人知的地区的方式,解锁当地丰富的烹饪传统。
From May 24th to 26th, 2024, the Mad Jacques will embark on a captivating two-day cycling expedition through the picturesque Pays d'Auge, nestled between the coastal town of Deauville and the renowned cheesemaking hub of Livarot. The itinerary promises an unforgettable journey, culminating in a vibrant village celebration and a vibrant producers' market on Sunday.
2024 年 5 月 24 日至 26 日,Mad Jacques 将踏上为期两天的自行车探险之旅,穿越风景如画的奥日地区,该地区位于沿海小镇多维尔和著名的奶酪制作中心利瓦罗之间。该行程将带来一次难忘的旅程,并在周日充满活力的乡村庆祝活动和充满活力的生产者市场中达到高潮。
As participants pedal through the rolling landscapes, numerous checkpoints will guide them to emblematic landmarks, each offering a glimpse into the region's unique heritage. The iconic Planches de Deauville, the charming village of Beaumont-en-Auge, the venerable calvados distillery Maison de Calvados Huet, the historic Grandouet farm in Cambremer, the idyllic Chèvres de Noémie goat farm in Ouilly-du-Houley, and the majestic Château Le Kinnor in Fervaques are just a few highlights awaiting discovery.
当参与者骑行穿过连绵起伏的景观时,众多检查站将引导他们到达标志性地标,每个检查站都可以让他们一睹该地区独特的遗产。标志性的 Planches de Deauville、迷人的博蒙昂奥日 (Beaumont-en-Auge) 村庄、历史悠久的卡尔瓦多斯酒厂 Maison de Calvados Huet、康布勒梅尔 (Cambremer) 历史悠久的 Grandouet 农场、乌伊杜霍利 (Ouilly-du-Houley) 田园诗般的 Chèvres de Noémie 山羊农场以及雄伟的城堡Fervaques 的 Le Kinnor 只是等待发现的几个亮点。
"The Mad Jacques experience is distinguished by the unyielding curiosity of its participants," explains Vincent Drye, the company's co-founder. "Their motivation lies not in setting time records but in immersing themselves in the local culture and environment."
“Mad Jacques 体验的特点是参与者不屈不挠的好奇心,”该公司联合创始人文森特·德里 (Vincent Drye) 解释道。 “他们的动力不在于创造时间记录,而在于沉浸在当地的文化和环境中。”
Showcasing the Hidden Gems of Pays d'Auge
This unique event serves as an invaluable showcase for the Pays d'Auge, a testament to the harmonious collaboration between the Mad Jacques and a multitude of local stakeholders. The partnership with the Pôle Métropolitain de l'Estuaire de la Seine, an inter-municipal syndicate representing nine communes across Calvados, Seine-Maritime, and Eure, has been instrumental in shaping this exceptional experience.
这一独特的活动是奥日地区的宝贵展示,证明了 Mad Jacques 与众多当地利益相关者之间的和谐合作。与 Pôle Métropolitain de l'Estuaire de la Seine(一个代表卡尔瓦多斯省、滨海塞纳省和厄尔省九个市镇的市际联合组织)的合作,在塑造这一非凡体验方面发挥了重要作用。
"Our aim is to promote this vibrant region through an event centered around cycling and local products," explains Florence Dubosc, the organization's director. "We sought an activity that would traverse the entire territory, extending beyond the popular destinations of Étretat and Deauville. After an in-depth evaluation, the Mad Jacques captured our imagination with their ethos and their ability to foster a community spirit. Thus, we reached out to them."
“我们的目标是通过以自行车和当地产品为中心的活动来宣传这个充满活力的地区,”该组织总监 Florence Dubosc 解释道。 “我们寻求一项能够穿越整个领土的活动,超越埃特勒塔和多维尔的热门目的地。经过深入评估后,Mad Jacques 以其精神气质和培养社区精神的能力激发了我们的想象力。因此,我们向他们伸出援手。”
This partnership has proven mutually beneficial, as Vincent Drye readily acknowledges, "The Pays d'Auge was already high on our list of potential destinations." The Pôle Métropolitain ultimately acquired the rights to host the Mad Jacques event, investing a confidential sum in the endeavor.
事实证明,这种合作关系是互惠互利的,文森特·德里也承认,“奥日地区已经在我们的潜在目的地名单上名列前茅。” Pôle Métropolitain 最终获得了举办 Mad Jacques 活动的权利,并为此投入了一笔保密资金。
Last year, the inaugural "Estuaire de la Seine" edition of the Mad Jacques took place in the neighboring Pays de Caux region. "On our scale, this ranks among our two most significant annual events, alongside the Gambade gourmet cycling ride," notes Florence Dubosc. The Pôle Métropolitain's three dedicated employees have wholeheartedly embraced the challenge of organizing this captivating experience.
去年,首届“塞纳河口”版疯狂雅克在邻近的科克斯地区举行。弗洛伦斯·杜博斯克 (Florence Dubosc) 表示:“就我们的规模而言,这与甘巴德美食自行车赛并列为我们最重要的两项年度活动之一。” Pôle Métropolitain 的三名敬业员工全心全意地迎接组织这一迷人体验的挑战。
For this maiden voyage into the Pays d'Auge, the Pôle Métropolitain has facilitated connections between the Mad Jacques and local authorities, tourist offices, and various organizations. "The Mad Jacques brings its loyal community and expertise in event management, while we provide the vital link to the local scene," explains the director.
在这次进入奥日地区的首次航行中,Pôle Métropolitain 促进了 Mad Jacques 与地方当局、旅游局和各种组织之间的联系。 “Mad Jacques 带来了其忠诚的社区和活动管理方面的专业知识,而我们则提供与当地场景的重要联系,”总监解释道。
"The Mad Jacques concept, with its emphasis on community spirit, immediately resonated with us."
“Mad Jacques 的理念强调社区精神,立即引起了我们的共鸣。”
Florence Dubosc, Director, Pôle Métropolitain de l'Estuaire de la Seine
Florence Dubosc,塞纳河口大都会极点总监
A Symphony of Local Collaborations
"The Mad Jacques team reached out, sharing valuable information on local producers and musicians who could enrich our experience," recounts Tiffaine Henry, the event's programming manager responsible for entertainment. "We supplemented this with our own online research before embarking on site visits and meetings with all the key players."
“Mad Jacques 团队伸出援手,分享了有关当地制作人和音乐家的宝贵信息,这些信息可以丰富我们的体验,”该活动负责娱乐的节目经理蒂芬·亨利 (Tiffaine Henry) 回忆道。 “在开始实地考察并与所有主要参与者举行会议之前,我们通过自己的在线研究对此进行了补充。”
The course design has drawn inspiration from existing cycling routes, occasionally modified to incorporate points of interest. The inaugural bivouac on Friday evening will be hosted in the quintessential Augean village of Moyaux, chosen over the equally charming Cambremer. "We were thrilled when they contacted us," enthuses the mayor, Benoît Charbonneau. "We actively seek events that enhance our appeal. The promotional videos immediately captured our hearts."
课程设计的灵感来自现有的自行车路线,偶尔会进行修改以纳入兴趣点。周五晚上的首届露营活动将在典型的奥吉亚村 Moyaux 举办,该村选择了同样迷人的康布勒梅 (Cambremer)。 “当他们联系我们时,我们非常激动,”市长伯努瓦·夏博诺 (Benoît Charbonneau) 兴奋地说。 “我们积极寻找能够增强我们吸引力的活动。宣传视频立即俘获了我们的心。”
"They were genuinely impressed when they visited our village in February. There was an instant rapport," adds Sébastien Ridel, a municipal communications officer. "Our facilities exceeded their expectations. Moyaux has everything necessary to accommodate a bivouac of 500 to 800 people."
“他们二月份访问我们的村庄时,给他们留下了深刻的印象。我们很快就建立了融洽的关系,”市政通讯官员塞巴斯蒂安·里德尔补充道。 “我们的设施超出了他们的预期。Moyaux 拥有容纳 500 至 800 人露营所需的一切。”
The Mad Jacques Formula: Empowering Local Communities
The Mad Jacques philosophy revolves around leveraging local resources for the village festivities. "We actively engage with local event organizers, businesses, and associations," reveals Tiffaine Henry.
Mad Jacques 的理念围绕着利用当地资源举办乡村庆祝活动。 “我们积极与当地活动组织者、企业和协会合作,”蒂芬·亨利 (Tiffaine Henry) 透露。
"For example, our football club members have requested to host a grand lottery," adds Sébastien Ridel. In the same vein, Moyaux's parents' association will organize a giant "donkey relay," a spirited variation on leapfrog.
A Recurring Bonanza for the Region
Mayor Charbonneau exudes confidence, asserting that Moyaux has "ample experience in organizing events. This one is seamlessly integrated into our annual calendar." His enthusiasm is echoed in the last three editions of the municipal newsletter, where he enthusiastically highlights the upcoming Mad Jacques event.
This initiative is not intended as a fleeting phenomenon but rather as a recurring highlight for the region. The Mad Jacques team is committed to nurturing lasting relationships with the local stakeholders involved. "In previous editions, I've even had mayors as godparents to my children," quips Vincent Drye.
这一举措并非昙花一现,而是该地区反复出现的亮点。 Mad Jacques 团队致力于与当地相关利益相关者建立持久的关系。 “在以前的版本中,我什至让市长作为我孩子们的教父母,”文森特·德里打趣道。
The enduring impact is evident in the clientele generated by the event. On average, 40% of participants return independently to visit the region within the following 12 months.
该活动所产生的客户群所产生的持久影响是显而易见的。平均而言,40% 的参与者会在接下来的 12 个月内独立返回该地区。
Registrations remain open, starting at €119: madjacques.fr/les-courses/velo-estuaire. The village festivities in Moyaux and Livarot are free of charge and open to all.
注册仍然开放,起价 119 欧元:madjacques.fr/les-courses/velo-estuaire。莫约和利瓦罗特的乡村庆祝活动免费向所有人开放。
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