
Homer City residents are preparing for the upcoming Harvest Festival, which will feature a scarecrow contest at the Community Garden in In-Town Park.
Those interested in participating in the contest can pick up an entry form and rules at the Homer City Borough Building, Homer City Public Library or Homer City Elementary School.
Completed entries must be dropped off at the Community Garden by Sept. 23. Judging will take place Sept. 24, and the scarecrows will be on display through Oct. 1.
完成的参赛作品必须在 9 月 23 日之前送到社区花园。评审将于 9 月 24 日进行,稻草人将展出至 10 月 1 日。
The festival will be held Oct. 1 at the Community Garden and will feature food, games, crafts, live music and more.
该节日将于 10 月 1 日在社区花园举行,以美食、游戏、工艺品、现场音乐等为特色。
Proceeds from the festival will benefit the Homer City Recreation/Parks Department, which organizes events throughout the year for residents of all ages.