Filecoin 正在建立一个数据服务市场——第一个服务是存储——在星际文件系统(IPFS)之上。

Filecoin builds a marketplace for data services on top of the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), starting with storage. Filecoin uses deals that price storage based on a market of providers instead of fixed pricing. A storage deal is like a contract with a service level agreement (SLA) — users pay fees to providers to store data for a specified duration.
Filecoin 在星际文件系统(IPFS)之上构建了一个数据服务市场,从存储开始。 Filecoin 使用基于提供商市场而不是固定定价的存储定价交易。存储协议就像带有服务级别协议(SLA)的合同——用户向提供商支付费用以在指定期限内存储数据。
To keep data safe, Filecoin uses a cryptoeconomic incentive model to regularly verify the storage with zero-knowledge proofs. Filecoin rewards storage providers with FIL, the network's native token, to incentivize them to participate in deals. If they fail to provide reliable uptime or act maliciously against the network, storage providers are slashed.
为了保证数据安全,Filecoin 使用加密经济激励模型,通过零知识证明定期验证存储。 Filecoin 通过网络的原生代币 FIL 奖励存储提供商,以激励他们参与交易。如果他们无法提供可靠的正常运行时间或对网络进行恶意攻击,存储提供商就会受到削减。
Filecoin users pay a retrieval provider to fetch data. Unlike storage deals, which involve transactions onchain, retrieval deals use payment channels to settle payments offchain, enabling faster retrieval.
Filecoin 用户向检索提供商付费以获取数据。与涉及链上交易的存储交易不同,检索交易使用支付渠道来结算链下付款,从而实现更快的检索。
Besides storage and retrieval, Filecoin aims to offer an open market where compute power can be contracted to run over data, providing more efficient alternatives to traditional centralized systems.
除了存储和检索之外,Filecoin 还旨在提供一个开放的市场,在该市场中可以通过承包计算能力来运行数据,从而为传统集中式系统提供更有效的替代方案。
Key protocol upgrades to enable compute-over-data services include smart contracts (the Filecoin Virtual Machine - FVM) and scaling (Interplanetary Consensus - IPC). The launch of the FVM in March 2023 brought Ethereum-style smart contracts to enable new use cases on Filecoin, including token leasing, perpetual storage, and compute. Besides growing its FVM ecosystem, Filecoin focuses on enterprise adoption.
支持数据计算服务的关键协议升级包括智能合约(Filecoin 虚拟机 - FVM)和扩展(星际共识 - IPC)。 FVM 于 2023 年 3 月推出,带来了以太坊式智能合约,支持 Filecoin 上的新用例,包括代币租赁、永久存储和计算。除了发展 FVM 生态系统外,Filecoin 还专注于企业采用。