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2024/03/25 20:26

西蒙·伊莫博·茨瓦姆(Simon Imobo-Tswam)强烈呼吁团结,恳求祖加大主教将其媒体影响力转向解决贝努埃的紧迫问题。茨瓦姆对大主教最近发布的分裂视频表示担忧,敦促他停止对阿利亚州长的人身攻击,转而利用他的平台倡导解决猖獗的贫困、社区冲突和国家面临的其他挑战。茨瓦姆提醒祖加,贝努埃的未来取决于统一的方针,敦促他与州长携手推动进步,重新赢得人民失去的信任。


” *We have no other country than, Nigeria. And we’ll remain here and salvage it together.”Anonymous.

” *除了尼日利亚,我们没有其他国家。我们将留在这里,一起拯救它。”匿名。

I begin this Open Letter with the above quote. It used to be popular in the 8Os, but owing to the cobwebs of time, I have forgotten the author. Please, any patriot who’s reading this, and recalls the author’s name should insert it there. (Let’s be co-authors).

序言:我以上述引言开始这封公开信。它曾经在8O年代流行过,但由于时间的蜘蛛网,我已经忘记了作者。请任何正在阅读本文并记得作者名字的爱国者将其插入此处。 (让我们成为共同作者)。

Related articles

So, the quote is relevant today for Benue state and people as it was relevant to Nigeria in the 80s. Nigeria may have 36 states, but we, in Benue, have only one state i.e. Benue. We have no other state.

因此,这句话对于今天的贝努埃州和人民来说很有意义,就像它对于 80 年代的尼日利亚一样。尼日利亚可能有 36 个州,但我们贝努埃只有一个州,即贝努埃。我们没有其他状态。

Some states are richer than Benue, but they are not Benue. Some are more populous than Benue, but they are not Benue. Still, others may be more resource-endowed than Benue, but they are not our Benue.


We can parody that advert of yore about a certain pharmaceutical product thus: “If it’s not Benue, it’s not the same thing as Benue… because Benue is (uniquely) Benue.”

我们可以模仿以前有关某种药品的广告:“如果它不是 Benue,它就不是 Benue 一样的东西……因为 Benue 是(独特的)Benue。”

A pause for introduction
At this point, let me pause and introduce myself. My name is Simon Imobo-Tswam, Ikyurav-Tiev born, journalist, poet, speech communicator, media consultant, public affairs specialist, public space activist and ordained minister of the Gospel.

暂停介绍 现在,让我暂停一下并介绍一下自己。我叫西蒙·伊莫博-茨瓦姆 (Simon Imobo-Tswam),出生于伊库拉夫-蒂耶夫 (Ikyurav-Tiev),是记者、诗人、言语传播者、媒体顾问、公共事务专家、公共空间活动家和被任命为福音部长。

We are not known to each other, but I have heard a lot about you as: an Archbishop, General Overseer of the House of Joy, Professor of Digital Economy, founder of Zuga Coin, politician, businessman, philanthropist etc.


Why I write to you now
I find it expedient to write you this Open Letter now because your recent videos leave much to be desired.


Even if your professorial standing places no ethical demands on you, your position as a General Overseer and Archbishop does. One of them is sobriety. It’s a qualification for a bishop.


Another qualification is deliberation. Even professors require this: it makes them think before going public! And, sir, as a man of learning as well as an international player, certain behaviours should be beneath you.


We have only Benue
Even from a mundane and less philosophical standpoint, we can say our land is different, even special. It’s not only fertile – it is well-watered.This is why it gives us a variety of crops (Yams, Ground-nuts, Mangoes etc) that are uniquely different in colour, taste and nutrients.


Our people are also different: They are some of the most nationalistic, most courageous, most patriotic, most resourceful and most selfless. No need to mention names here, but each of us can point out a name – if not in our homes or in the neighbourhood, then certainly in History books.


Truth be told
But if we are sincere too, we can ask ourselves and answer (agree) that these superlatives have not really served us well as a people. And the superlatives have not really given our dear state the competitive edge either.


Benue state continues to underperform in all indices, the people continue to lose hope and the land continues to bleed from primitive communal clashes as well as well-orchestrated genocidal invasions.


The problem
At the heart of our problem is a gross and perennial lack of unity. We have no unity of purpose, no unity of visioning, no unity in the appreciation of reality, no unity of effort, no unity of strategy, no unity of finishing. It is always a market-square of cacophony, a perpetual Babel, with reason, out-voiced, out-shouted, outspaced and out-propagandaed. We play divisive politics in season and out of season.

问题 我们问题的核心是长期严重缺乏团结。我们没有统一的目标,没有统一的愿景,没有统一的现实认识,没有统一的努力,没有统一的战略,没有统一的完成。它始终是一个喧闹的集市广场,一座永恒的巴别塔,但理性却被压抑、喧嚣、空旷和宣传所掩盖。我们在季节和淡季都玩分裂政治。

And yet, Abraham Lincoln told us that: “United we stand; divided we fall.”


So, are we not fallen yet? Are we not lying prostrate before those who love our land more than they value our lives?


The world speaks to us
In this age of globalisation, the world speaks to us, and I challenge us to listen well.


“There is beauty and power in unity. We must be united in heart and mind. One world, one people.” – Lailah Gifty Akita.
Who, what can, thus, divide us?

“团结中蕴含着美丽和力量。我们必须在心灵上和思想上团结起来。同一个世界,同一个民族。” – Lailah Gifty Akita。谁、什么可以分裂我们?

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” – Ryunosuke Satoro.

“就个人而言,我们是一滴水。我们在一起就是一片海洋。” ——悟龙之介。

As an ocean, who can dare us? But as a drying stream, dare we imagine that we can defend ourselves?


“When spiders unite, they can tie down a lion.” – Anonymous.

“当蜘蛛联合起来时,它们可以束缚狮子。” - 匿名的。

Is there no lion in the homestead, devouring, despoiling and devastating us now?


“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” – Henry Ford.

“团结是开始,团结是进步,共同努力是成功。” - 亨利·福特。

Need more be said?


“There is no power greater than a community discovering what it cares about.” – Margaret Wheatley.

“没有什么力量比社区发现自己关心的事情更强大的了。” ——玛格丽特·惠特利。

Even if we don’t care about our honour, peace and security in the present, don’t we care also about our future or that of our children?


Killer-herdsmen are visiting us with democratic terror, leaving death and devastation in their wake. They now even recruit the weakest among us as mercenaries/collaborators. But to even this, a former British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, counsels us: “When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.”


The bottom line, therefore, is this: “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” – Martin Luther King, Jr..

因此,底线是:“我们必须学会像兄弟一样生活在一起,否则像傻瓜一样一起灭亡。” - 马丁路德金..

And the foregoing, my Lord Archbishop, brings me to the trending issue: your videos.


Your strange videos
For some days now, you, the founder of Zuga Coin, an advertised form of crypto-currency, have been trending on the social media, especially Facebook, with your videos, I think three or even four. It’s becoming one day, one video. (We may see one before sunset today).

你奇怪的视频几天来,你,Zuga Coin(一种加密货币的广告形式)的创始人,一直在社交媒体上流行,尤其是 Facebook,你的视频,我想有三个甚至四个。它变成了一天,一个视频。 (我们可能会在今天日落之前看到一个)。

A basket of problems
There is much that can be better in the Benue state of today. In our state today, especially in Tivland, there is no second generation wealth, no viable succession planning and no real mentoring system.


The issue of killer-herdsmen invasion is getting intractable as Benue bleeds from Agatu to Zaki-Biam! Poverty is entrenching itself in the land. And as there is disequilibrium in the state, there is also a disequilibrium (relative to our demographics) at the Federal level.


What we expected
One expected that you, a prominent figure in the state, will use your videos to draw attention to some of these ills plaguing our state, and as well proffer some alternatives.

我们的期望 人们期望您,作为该州的知名人物,将使用您的视频来引起人们对困扰我们州的一些弊病的关注,并提供一些替代方案。

For instance, you are from the Sankera Axis of the state. In fact, as a Shitile son, you are the Sankera of Sankera. At the moment, that area is the Somalia of Benue state. It’s a virtual gangland. You have so far not deemed it fit to call upon our brothers to leave the forests and return to civilization. And Gov Alia is tasking stakeholders from that Axis to help proffer viable alternatives towards ending the insecurity there.


Zuga Coin
Prof. Zuga, you yourself have acknowledged the endemic poverty in the state. This is why, in the recent past, using the platform of Sam Zuga Foundation, you have brought economic empowerment schemes to uplift the people.


Among these are the Ginger Initiative and the Zuga Coin, which you touted as the Number 1 crypto-currency (or digital) in the world!

其中包括 Ginger Initiative 和 Zuga Coin,您将其吹捧为世界第一加密货币(或数字货币)!

Silence and more silence
Benue people, and Tiv people in particular, with great expectations of getting out of poverty, believed your claims and keyed into both schemes. With the gestation period being over, especially concerning the Zuga Coin, investors have been expecting their ROI. So far, it’s been only regrets and lamentations from those who invested trust in their Archbishop and his fantastic schemes. And from your side, sir, it’s been silence, then silence and more silence.


Misplaced hopes
The hope that you will use your video outings to talk about Zuga Coin and the Ginger Initiative among your other poverty alleviation schemes have proved fruitless; and Gov. Alia is now the focus of your every succeeding video outing.


In the videos, sir, you appear unusually agitated, and sound angry, bitter and, somewhat, uncoordinated. Sometimes, it appears as though you are creating content for a comedy skit, but one isn’t sure. Then, in other instances, you sway from side to side, appear to go momentarily blank before resuming your jerky, staccato and tedious monologue.


Not the Zuga we know
That is not the Zuga that Benue people know. The normal Archbishop Zuga is a fairly stable cleric who favours garish attires, and is majorly known for his roadside exhibitions and bombastic promotions of Zuga Coin.


The Sam Zuga that is trending in the videos is a strange person – both in his endless rambling and outlandish claims against the Tiv political leadership, but especially the State Governor, HE Rev. Fr. Hyacinth Iormem Alia. This Zuga appears driven, even haunted!

视频中出现的萨姆·祖加 (Sam Zuga) 是一个奇怪的人——他对蒂夫政治领导层,尤其是州州长,HE Rev. Fr. 神父无休止的胡言乱语和古怪的主张。风信子 Iormem Alia。这个祖加看起来充满动力,甚至闹鬼!

Nothing sacred…
But these are political times, and nothing is sacred, nothing is off limits and nothing is off the table. Let it not be that everyone wants access to the palace, and the driving philosophy is: the end justifies the means.


A personal pain
Personally, I am pained that a stakeholder from Sankera, an influencer of Zuga’s stature, has a chance to say something useful to our brothers, but has rather chosen the self-serving path of exhibitionism, drama, narcissism, jealousy, pettiness, bitterness, self-unmasking, verbal self-immolation etc. We have lived long enough to discover that even archbishops can major in minors! This is a hope betrayed. An opportunity squandered.


From Alia, same message
Sir, signals from Government House, Makurdi, show consistency. The message from the governor appears to remain the same: “No deals” and “No bazaars.” “Let the public purse breathe!” “And let the commonwealth serve the common man.”

先生,阿利亚发出了同样的信息,马库尔迪总督府发出的信号显示出一致性。州长的信息似乎保持不变:“禁止交易”和“禁止集市”。 “让公共钱包喘口气吧!” “让国家为普通人服务。”

It’s like the governor is maintaining his principled stand that Benue’s commonwealth is for Benue people; and not for the servicing of the gargantuan appetites of rent-collectors, attention-seekers, special groups or vested interests. And no amount of political blackmail or cyber-terrorism may persuade the Rev. Father to the contrary.


The governor is clearly sworn to prudence. That automatically means he is against all forms of waste, including elite parasitism – no matter how it is packaged, no matter what form it takes and no matter how it is disguised.


Those who think the governor will cave in under enormous pressure or more pressure may be grossly mistaken. His body language seems to be insisting: “I have work to do and will not be distracted by rent-seekers or intimidated by cyber-bullies and political gargoyles.


Like Gov. Nehemiah like Gov. Alia
Your sophomoric rhetoric and amateur videos seem to suggest that you want a fight with the governor. Your boastful taunts imply just that. You want him to go down to your shaky ground. Even if one cannot discern the purpose, one can tell that your actuations are far from holy.


Like Gov. Nehemiah, Gov. Alia’s golden silence is a loud message to you and others with the same persuasions. He is saying: “I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down. Why should the work cease while I leave it and go down to you?” (Neh. 6:3).

与尼希米州长一样,阿莉亚州长金色的沉默是向您和其他有相同信念的人发出的响亮信息。他说:“我正在做一项伟大的工作,所以我不能下来。为什么工作要停止而我把它交给你呢?” (尼 6:3)。

You have two choices, sir. You can join this modern Nehemiah in the building project or you can remain tethered in the valley of envy, making student union-noises and deriving pyrrhic satisfaction! Not everyone fights a Nehemiah. If you doubt me, ask Sanballat, Tobiah and Geshem.
The truth is this: Alia is a lion, a he-man; and Zuga cannot feminize him.


Your Holiness, Archbishop Zuga, the overwhelming majority of Benue people, who recruited Dr. Hyacinth Iormem Alia as Benue state’s governor, were deliberate in their smart choice. They wanted someone, an outsider, who would fix Benue, clear the mess and inaugurate a new order of public service, fiscal responsibility, accountability and transparency.


So far, the governor is on course. Every Naira is giving value to the community. And there are corresponding results. Benue state is beginning to work again. The governor is ably delivering on his campaign promises, even inspecting projects even at night! The people are beginning to have hope in government, once again.


The governor has refused to be distracted, from the look of things. His preferred table is the work-desk; not the dining table. But there is no resting on his oars: he needs to keep the momentum of change. He must restrain himself from joining street fights. He must not become entangled with champions of shadow-boxing, and clearly need help in the form of deliverance!


Doing the needful
You are a respected cleric who should do the needful, once you regain your composure i.e. beat a permanent retreat from this rueful route and engage in serious sober reflections.


You will find answers to questions like: “Who’s pursuing me?” “What’s eating me from the inside?” “What has really come over me?” “How can I redeem myself? “

您会找到诸如“谁在追求我?”之类的问题的答案。 “是什么从内部吞噬了我?” “到底是什么让我着迷?” “我该如何救赎自己? “

“Since every father/pastor has a father/pastor – to whom can I go for help?” “How can I win back the trust of those I have needlessly impugned their hard-earned reputations?” “And how can I remedy the damage and opprobrium I have invited lavishly upon myself, my ministry and reputation?”

“既然每个父亲/牧师都有一个父亲/牧师——我可以向谁寻求帮助呢?” “我怎样才能赢回那些我不必要地损害了他们来之不易的声誉的人的信任呢?” “我怎样才能弥补我对自己、我的事工和声誉造成的损害和责难呢?”

But this is not to say Archbishop (Prof.) Dr. Sam Zuga cannot or will not criticise the governor, his governor. Gov. Alia is not God. And, although he means well for the state, he cannot be doing everything right or with 100 percent efficiency.


At such times, you can talk to him, Reverend to Reverend, in firm but respectful tones; you can criticise with without condemning him or descending into pejoratives and expletives. Remember: politics is over. It’s now time for governance. And until 2027 or 2031, irrespective of partisan labels, he remains our executive governor.

在这种时候,你可以用坚定但尊重的语气与他交谈,牧师对牧师;你可以批评他,但不要谴责他或贬低他或咒骂他。请记住:政治已经结束。现在是治理的时候了。在 2027 年或 2031 年之前,无论党派标签如何,他都将继续担任我们的执行州长。

And to Benue people
At this point, it is equally important to appeal to Benue people to keep faith with Gov. Alia’s administration while keeping at bay rabble-rousers, failed politicians, dubious businessmen and enemies of the emerging narrative where Benue works for all. Politics is over. We will return to mudslinging in three years’ time. It’s time for governance now.




My Lord Archbishop (Prof.), kindly accept my sincere regrets: the letter is fairly long. But then, it has tried to answer the issues you raised in your long videos.


I come in peace.


Thank you, sir.


Yours sincerely,
Simon Imobo-Tswam.

此致,Simon Imobo-Tswam。2024 年 3 月 23 日。



Imobo-Tswam, a Benue patriot, writes from Abuja.

贝努埃爱国者伊莫博-茨瓦姆 (Imobo-Tswam) 在阿布贾撰文。




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