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這家財富 500 強公司最初要求終止以尼古丁袋命名的加密貨幣,但在意識到沒有實體可以起訴後就放棄了這項要求。
Philip Morris, the tobacco giant that owns Zyn nicotine pouches, initially sent a cease-and-desist letter to the founder of a meme coin named after the product. After realizing there was no entity to sue, Philip Morris backed down on its demands.
擁有 Zyn 尼古丁袋的菸草巨頭菲利普·莫里斯最初向以該產品命名的迷因幣的創始人發出了停止函。在意識到沒有實體可以起訴後,菲利普莫里斯公司放棄了自己的要求。
The founder of a meme coin named after a hyper-popular nicotine pouch has extinguished a legal threat from the Fortune 500 tobacco giant behind the cigarette substitute.
以極受歡迎的尼古丁袋命名的迷因硬幣的創始人消除了來自捲菸替代品背後的財富 500 強菸草巨頭的法律威脅。
After being notified of the token by a CoinDesk story, Philip Morris, the Fortune 500 company that owns Zyn manufacturer Swedish Match, sent ZynCoin founder Colton Kirkpatrick a cease-and-desist letter in the first week of April. The letter, reviewed by CoinDesk, demanded he put the token in the proverbial ashtray.
在透過CoinDesk 報告通知該代幣後,擁有Zyn 製造商瑞典火柴(Swedish Match) 的財富500 強公司菲利普·莫里斯(Philip Morris) 在4 月的第一周向ZynCoin 創始人科爾頓·柯克派崔克(Colton Kirkpatrick) 發送了一封停止函。 CoinDesk 審閱了這封信,要求他將代幣放入眾所周知的煙灰缸中。
"ZynCoin was to immediately discontinue all use of 'ZYN Coin,' 'ZynCoin,' and any reference to ZYN products or any other images confusingly similar to the ZYN mark," the letter read.
信中寫道:“ZynCoin 將立即停止使用‘ZYN Coin’、‘ZynCoin’以及任何對 ZYN 產品的引用或任何其他與 ZYN 商標容易混淆的圖像。”
Kirkpatrick pushed back and reached a compromise: The prefix “zyn” will stay in the token's name, but the team will make minor changes in its marketing.
"They wanted to cease and desist the entirety of Zyncoin, which was problematic because it's etched into the smart contract and the coin on-chain," Kirkpatrick told CoinDesk in an interview. "There's no 'off' button."
柯克帕特里克在接受 CoinDesk 採訪時表示:“他們想要停止並終止整個 Zyncoin,這是有問題的,因為它被蝕刻到智能合約和鏈上硬幣中。” “沒有‘關閉’按鈕。”
There's also no entity, centralized or otherwise, behind the Zyn token, which runs on the Ethereum blockchain. So Kirkpatrick was limited in what he could do to satisfy Philip Morris' trademark fit.
在以太坊區塊鏈上運行的 Zyn 代幣背後也沒有任何實體,無論是中心化的還是其他形式。因此,柯克帕特里克在滿足菲利普莫里斯公司的標誌性契合方面所能做的事情是有限的。
Philip Morris eventually figured this out, and after speaking with Kirkpatrick and his counsel, the company backed down on its demands.
"They went from wanting the whole project to cease and desist to, after researching, realizing they couldn't easily sue or stop the coin due to its decentralized nature," Kirkpatrick said.
"For the avoidance of any doubt, Kirkpatrick may use '$ZYN,' 'ZynCoin,' 'Zyncoin,' and 'ZYNCoin,' (the 'Permitted Marks')," a final version of an agreement between the tobacco giant and Kirkpatrick reads.
Kirkpatrick's counsel pointed out to Phillip Morris that there are plenty of other companies with z-y-n in their names, and any infringement created by the Zyn token would be minimal because it's not a competing product to nicotine pouches.
柯克帕特里克的律師向菲利普·莫里斯指出,還有很多其他公司的名稱中含有 zyn,Zyn 代幣造成的任何侵權都是最小的,因為它不是尼古丁袋的競爭產品。
The compromise: Add a dollar sign in front of "Zyn" to clearly indicate Zyncoin is a cryptocurrency, and remove references to specific circular canisters on the project's website to avoid possible brand confusion.
妥協方案:在「Zyn」前面加上一個美元符號,以明確表明 Zyncoin 是一種加密貨幣,並刪除項目網站上對特定圓形罐的引用,以避免可能的品牌混淆。
An email to the U.S. general counsel for Swedish Match, the Philip Morris subsidiary responsible for Zyn, went unreturned.
菲利普莫里斯公司負責 Zyn 的子公司瑞典火柴公司 (Swedish Match) 向其美國總法律顧問發送了一封電子郵件,但沒有得到回應。
The contretemps may be a sign of disputes to come as meme coins named after celebrities or consumer products without any formal ties proliferate. It also shows that brands or celebs can do only so much to stop crypto projects from piggybacking on their names.
"The practicalities of enforcing compliance within a decentralized community present unique challenges," said Florida-based digital assets attorney John Montague, who was not involved in the case. "Even if the founder can change the website to remove infringing materials, the decentralized decision-making process inherent to DAOs adds another layer of complexity."
「在去中心化社區內強制合規的實際情況帶來了獨特的挑戰,」佛羅裡達州的數位資產律師約翰·蒙塔古(John Montague)表示,他沒有參與此案。 “即使創始人可以更改網站以刪除侵權材料,DAO 固有的去中心化決策過程又增加了一層複雜性。”
For example, "token holders might refuse to approve proposals to alter on-chain details, making compliance with legal demands difficult," Montague said.
There have been prior attempts to stamp out unofficial, fan-made crypto homages to real-world products. Nintendo's lawyers quickly doused NFTs and Metaverse games using the company's recognizable characters during the height of the last crypto bull market.
之前曾嘗試消除非官方的、粉絲製作的對現實世界產品的加密致敬。在上一次加密貨幣多頭市場的鼎盛時期,任天堂的律師很快就使用該公司可識別的角色來撲滅 NFT 和 Metaverse 遊戲。
But these all relied on centralized entities as hosts. Entities that could be served.
Ross Feingold, special counsel at Taiwan's Titan Attorneys-at-Law, told CoinDesk that if enough effort were made, there could be means to serve entities on-chain through a non-fungible token, though this could be time-consuming and costly.
台灣泰坦律師事務所的特別顧問 Ross Feingold 告訴 CoinDesk,如果付出足夠的努力,可能會有辦法透過不可替代的代幣為鏈上實體提供服務,儘管這可能既耗時又昂貴。
"You might just consider the cost as being cost-prohibitive to start sending demand letters anyway," he said.
"But I can imagine where there'd be some situations where you say, 'we're not really suffering any harm here,'" Feingold continued, noting that there's not an obvious case of brand damage or confusion with the token and the Zyn pouch.
「但我可以想像在某些情況下你會說,『我們在這裡並沒有真正遭受任何傷害,』」Feingold 繼續說道,並指出不存在明顯的品牌損害或代幣與 Zyn 混淆的情況。
After all, Zyn token holders are buying the token out of admiration for the product; the coin is free advertising for a company that can't buy it. Philip Morris and other tobacco giants have been banned from advertising their products on TV in the U.S. since the 1980s. Then in 1998, the Clinton White House cut off transit, billboards, and product placements, virtually killing tobacco advertising entirely.
畢竟,Zyn 代幣持有者購買代幣是出於對產品的讚賞;該硬幣是為無法購買它的公司提供的免費廣告。自 1980 年代以來,菲利普·莫里斯 (Philip Morris) 和其他菸草巨頭就被禁止在美國電視上為其產品做廣告。然後在 1998 年,柯林頓政府切斷了交通、廣告看板和植入式廣告,幾乎完全消滅了菸草廣告。
Montague said there might be
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