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Philip Morris, the tobacco giant that owns Zyn nicotine pouches, initially sent a cease-and-desist letter to the founder of a meme coin named after the product. After realizing there was no entity to sue, Philip Morris backed down on its demands.
The founder of a meme coin named after a hyper-popular nicotine pouch has extinguished a legal threat from the Fortune 500 tobacco giant behind the cigarette substitute.
After being notified of the token by a CoinDesk story, Philip Morris, the Fortune 500 company that owns Zyn manufacturer Swedish Match, sent ZynCoin founder Colton Kirkpatrick a cease-and-desist letter in the first week of April. The letter, reviewed by CoinDesk, demanded he put the token in the proverbial ashtray.
CoinDeskの記事でトークンの存在を知らされた後、Zyn製造会社スウェーデン・マッチを所有するフォーチュン500企業フィリップ・モリスは、4月の第1週にZynCoin創設者のコルトン・カークパトリックに停止命令の書簡を送った。 CoinDeskが確認したその書簡は、トークンをことわざの灰皿に入れるよう要求していた。
"ZynCoin was to immediately discontinue all use of 'ZYN Coin,' 'ZynCoin,' and any reference to ZYN products or any other images confusingly similar to the ZYN mark," the letter read.
Kirkpatrick pushed back and reached a compromise: The prefix “zyn” will stay in the token's name, but the team will make minor changes in its marketing.
"They wanted to cease and desist the entirety of Zyncoin, which was problematic because it's etched into the smart contract and the coin on-chain," Kirkpatrick told CoinDesk in an interview. "There's no 'off' button."
「彼らはZyncoin全体の停止と廃止を望んでいましたが、スマートコントラクトとオンチェーンのコインに刻み込まれているため、これには問題がありました」とカークパトリック氏はCoinDeskのインタビューで語った。 「『オフ』ボタンはありません。」
There's also no entity, centralized or otherwise, behind the Zyn token, which runs on the Ethereum blockchain. So Kirkpatrick was limited in what he could do to satisfy Philip Morris' trademark fit.
また、イーサリアム ブロックチェーン上で実行される Zyn トークンの背後には、集中型かどうかにかかわらず、エンティティは存在しません。そのため、カークパトリックがフィリップ モリスのトレードマークの適合性を満たすためにできることは限られていました。
Philip Morris eventually figured this out, and after speaking with Kirkpatrick and his counsel, the company backed down on its demands.
フィリップ モリスは最終的にこれを理解し、カークパトリックとその弁護士と話し合った後、同社の要求を撤回しました。
"They went from wanting the whole project to cease and desist to, after researching, realizing they couldn't easily sue or stop the coin due to its decentralized nature," Kirkpatrick said.
"For the avoidance of any doubt, Kirkpatrick may use '$ZYN,' 'ZynCoin,' 'Zyncoin,' and 'ZYNCoin,' (the 'Permitted Marks')," a final version of an agreement between the tobacco giant and Kirkpatrick reads.
Kirkpatrick's counsel pointed out to Phillip Morris that there are plenty of other companies with z-y-n in their names, and any infringement created by the Zyn token would be minimal because it's not a competing product to nicotine pouches.
The compromise: Add a dollar sign in front of "Zyn" to clearly indicate Zyncoin is a cryptocurrency, and remove references to specific circular canisters on the project's website to avoid possible brand confusion.
妥協案: 「Zyn」の前にドル記号を追加して、Zyncoin が暗号通貨であることを明確に示し、ブランドの混乱を避けるために、プロジェクトの Web サイト上の特定の円形キャニスターへの参照を削除します。
An email to the U.S. general counsel for Swedish Match, the Philip Morris subsidiary responsible for Zyn, went unreturned.
The contretemps may be a sign of disputes to come as meme coins named after celebrities or consumer products without any formal ties proliferate. It also shows that brands or celebs can do only so much to stop crypto projects from piggybacking on their names.
"The practicalities of enforcing compliance within a decentralized community present unique challenges," said Florida-based digital assets attorney John Montague, who was not involved in the case. "Even if the founder can change the website to remove infringing materials, the decentralized decision-making process inherent to DAOs adds another layer of complexity."
「分散型コミュニティ内でコンプライアンスを強制することの現実性には、特有の課題がある」と、この事件には関与していないフロリダを拠点とするデジタル資産弁護士のジョン・モンタギュー氏は述べた。 「たとえ創設者が侵害資料を削除するためにウェブサイトを変更できたとしても、DAO に固有の分散型意思決定プロセスにより、さらに複雑さが加わります。」
For example, "token holders might refuse to approve proposals to alter on-chain details, making compliance with legal demands difficult," Montague said.
There have been prior attempts to stamp out unofficial, fan-made crypto homages to real-world products. Nintendo's lawyers quickly doused NFTs and Metaverse games using the company's recognizable characters during the height of the last crypto bull market.
But these all relied on centralized entities as hosts. Entities that could be served.
Ross Feingold, special counsel at Taiwan's Titan Attorneys-at-Law, told CoinDesk that if enough effort were made, there could be means to serve entities on-chain through a non-fungible token, though this could be time-consuming and costly.
台湾のTitan Attorneys-at-Lawの特別顧問であるRoss Feingold氏はCoinDeskに対し、十分な努力が払われれば、代替不可能なトークンを通じてオンチェーンで事業体にサービスを提供する手段が存在する可能性があるが、これには時間と費用がかかる可能性があると語った。
"You might just consider the cost as being cost-prohibitive to start sending demand letters anyway," he said.
"But I can imagine where there'd be some situations where you say, 'we're not really suffering any harm here,'" Feingold continued, noting that there's not an obvious case of brand damage or confusion with the token and the Zyn pouch.
After all, Zyn token holders are buying the token out of admiration for the product; the coin is free advertising for a company that can't buy it. Philip Morris and other tobacco giants have been banned from advertising their products on TV in the U.S. since the 1980s. Then in 1998, the Clinton White House cut off transit, billboards, and product placements, virtually killing tobacco advertising entirely.
結局のところ、Zyn トークン所有者は製品への賞賛からトークンを購入しているのです。コインは、それを購入できない企業にとっては無料の広告です。フィリップモリスやその他のタバコ大手は、1980年代以来、米国のテレビで自社製品を宣伝することを禁止されている。そして1998年、クリントン大統領は交通機関、看板、商品の配置を遮断し、実質的にタバコの広告を完全に廃止した。
Montague said there might be
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