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多倫多大學的一項新研究表明,到 2050 年,電動車 (EV) 的大規模採用和再生能源發電的推出可能會帶來價值高達 1,880 億美元的健康效益。
Electric vehicles (EVs) have gained a lot of traction in recent years as a powerful means to tackle the problem of air pollution. This makes sense, given that air pollution contributes to one in ten deaths globally and causes 8.43 million premature deaths annually. It also shortens life expectancy by more than 2 years. According to WHO, air pollution is the largest environmental threat to human health worldwide.
近年來,電動車(EV)作為解決空氣污染問題的強大手段受到了廣泛關注。這是有道理的,因為空氣污染造成全球十分之一的死亡,每年導致 843 萬人過早死亡。它也會使預期壽命縮短2年以上。據世界衛生組織稱,空氣污染是全球人類健康面臨的最大環境威脅。
This threat is largely attributable to the transportation industry. In the US, the sector accounts for about 29% of all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and, as such, has been the focal point for strategies aimed at mitigating climate change.
這種威脅主要歸因於運輸業。在美國,該產業約佔所有溫室氣體 (GHG) 排放量的 29%,因此一直是旨在緩解氣候變遷的策略的焦點。
Among the solutions, EVs, which generate zero tailpipe emissions, offer significant promise in reducing both GHG emissions and air pollution. According to the US Department of Energy, compared to 5,186 kg of carbon emission created by gas-powered vehicles, EVs only produce 1,783 kg.
在這些解決方案中,電動車可以實現零廢氣排放,為減少溫室氣體排放和空氣污染提供了重大前景。根據美國能源部的數據,與汽油動力車產生的 5,186 公斤碳排放量相比,電動車僅產生 1,783 公斤碳排放量。
A study from earlier this year went on to examine the benefits of full electrification (FullE) in four US cities — New York, Chicago, Houston, and Los Angeles. These cities feature dense populations, high traffic volume, and poor air quality that doesn't meet the Environmental Protection Agency's standards.
今年稍早的一項研究繼續檢視了紐約、芝加哥、休士頓和洛杉磯這四個美國城市全面電氣化 (FullE) 的好處。這些城市人口稠密,交通流量大,空氣品質差,不符合環保署的標準。
The research found that the FullE scenario led to PM2.5 reduction peaking at 0.34 and 2.29 μg.m−3, along with marked reductions in both NOx and ozone concentrations.
研究發現,FullE 情境使 PM2.5 的峰值減少量達到 0.34 和 2.29 μg.m−3,同時氮氧化物和臭氧濃度也顯著降低。
From a health perspective, a FullE scenario could potentially prevent 796, 328, and 157 premature deaths per month in New York, Chicago, and Houston, respectively. Economically, the health benefits are projected to range between $51 mln and $249 million per day.
從健康角度來看,FullE 方案每月可以在紐約、芝加哥和休士頓分別防止 796 例、328 例和 157 例過早死亡。從經濟角度來看,預計每天帶來的健康效益將在 5,100 萬美元至 2.49 億美元之間。
However, in Los Angeles, full electrification can actually increase mortality due to higher PM2.5 and ozone levels, while a 29% EV share for light-duty vehicles can save 104 lives each month. This is because of the city's complex atmospheric chemistry and unique geographical and meteorological conditions, and as such, calls for “region-specific environmental regulations.”
然而,在洛杉磯,由於 PM2.5 和臭氧水平較高,全面電氣化實際上會增加死亡率,而輕型汽車 29% 的電動車份額每月可挽救 104 條生命。這是因為該市複雜的大氣化學和獨特的地理和氣象條件,因此需要「針對特定區域的環境法規」。
Another study, which investigated the health benefits of these vehicles in Shanghai, China, noted that some regions may derive more benefits from large-scale adoption of EVs, which is very costly, than others. As such, it recommended policymakers design incentives based on regional characteristics.
A megacity like Shanghai typically suffers from worse air quality and a larger population is exposed to emissions from vehicles.
So, the study evaluated the climate and health benefits of replacing gasoline vehicles, which emit fine particulate matter, NOx, and volatile organic compounds, with battery-powered EVs that contribute to NOx and SO2 emissions from power plants.
It found that each EV in China's biggest city generates $6400 in health and climate benefits. Additionally, the health impacts of EVs were about 20 times lower than those of the average ICEV, with larger benefits achieved by replacing older ICEVs, amounting to $8900 per vehicle.
研究發現,中國最大城市的每輛電動車可帶來 6,400 美元的健康和氣候效益。此外,電動車對健康的影響比普通 ICEV 低約 20 倍,更換舊 ICEV 的好處更大,每輛車可節省 8900 美元。
Vehicle electrification, however, not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions and improves air quality but has also been found to lower the mortality rate associated with exposure to toxic air pollutants.
Inhaling fine particulate matter emitted by ICE vehicles can lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, including heart attacks. For children, exposure to air pollution can cause a lifetime of healthcare problems. Meanwhile, in pregnant women, it can result in an increased risk of complications and low birth weight. Research suggests that air pollution also contributes to attention-related disorders.
Given the adverse effects of air pollution on human health, especially the young population, the American Lung Association studied the impact of EVs on saving lives.
“Air pollution and climate change are putting children at risk today. The impacts of climate change continue to intensify, and that will just add to the risks that children in the United States face as they're growing up.”
– Will Barrett, the report author and association's Senior Director of Advocacy for Clean Air
– 報告作者兼協會清潔空氣倡導高級總監威爾·巴雷特 (Will Barrett)
To improve the health of people, the report suggested all new car purchases be zero-emission options and the nation's electric grid switch to clean and renewable energy by 2035.
為了改善人們的健康,報告建議所有新車購買應採用零排放選項,並在 2035 年之前將國家電網改用清潔和再生能源。
As per the group, these zero-emission vehicles would create over $1.2 trillion in health benefits for the country by 2050.
該組織表示,到 2050 年,這些零排放車輛將為國家創造超過 1.2 兆美元的健康效益。
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