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樂施會的分析顯示,自2020年以來,富裕階層的股利支付大幅增加,而工人薪資卻停滯不前。全球有 31 個國家向富裕股東支付的股利超過了工人薪資,佔全球 GDP 的 81%。 2020年至2023年間,股息實際成長了45%,而薪資僅成長了3%。最富有的 1% 人從股票所有權中獲益匪淺,到 2023 年,他們平均能獲得 9,000 美元的股息,而普通工人需要 8 個月才能賺到這筆錢。
The Widening Economic Divide: A Global Crisis Fueled by the Enrichment of the Wealthy
In the words of billionaire investor Warren Buffett, "There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning." This stark reality is brought into sharp focus by compelling new data released by Oxfam ahead of International Workers' Day.
The analysis unveils a staggering trend: since 2020, the wealthy elite, the "rich class" as Buffett terms them, have amassed extraordinary gains, leaving workers in the dust. In 31 countries, home to 81% of the world's GDP, global dividend payments to affluent shareholders have soared at a blistering pace—14 times faster than worker compensation between 2020 and 2023.
分析揭示了一個驚人的趨勢:自2020年以來,富有的精英,即巴菲特所說的“富有階層”,積累了驚人的財富,將工薪階層遠遠甩在身後。在佔全球 GDP 81% 的 31 個國家中,向富裕股東支付的全球股息以驚人的速度飆升——2020 年至 2023 年間,其速度比工人薪酬快 14 倍。
Global corporate dividends are projected to shatter the previous record of $1.66 trillion set last year. Dividend payouts to wealthy shareholders have skyrocketed by 45% in real terms during the same period, while workers' wages have risen by a mere 3%. The wealthiest 1%, by virtue of their stock ownership alone, pocketed an average of $9,000 in dividends in 2023—an amount that the average worker would take eight months to earn through wages.
全球企業股息預計將打破去年創下的 1.66 兆美元的紀錄。同期,向富裕股東派發的股息以實際價值計算猛增了 45%,而工人的薪資僅上漲了 3%。 2023 年,僅憑股票所有權,最富有的 1% 人就平均獲得了 9,000 美元的股息——普通工人需要 8 個月才能透過薪資賺取這筆金額。
This widening gap is of profound significance because it fuels the inequality crisis that plagues our societies. As returns on capital outpace returns on labor, the gulf between the haves and have-nots will inevitably deepen. The core of our economic system revolves around a perpetual struggle between capital owners and workers. The true measure of progress lies in the equitable distribution of the fruits of labor, empowering workers and their families, or conversely, in the concentration of these benefits in the hands of capital owners, exacerbating inequality.
For the majority of the world's population, the post-2020 era has been marked by immense hardship. The pandemic dealt a devastating blow, claiming millions of lives and plunging countless more into destitution. The subsequent surge in the cost of food and essential goods has created a relentless strain on households worldwide, forcing families to make difficult choices between purchasing necessities like fuel, bread, and flour. In Malawi, where I once lived, friends struggle daily to stay afloat. Here in the UK, millions rely on food banks to stave off hunger. On a global scale, poverty remains higher than pre-pandemic levels, and inequality between the developed world and the Global South has widened for the first time in three decades.
In stark contrast to the plight of ordinary citizens, the wealthy elite have flourished in the years since 2020. Billionaires, numbering around 3,000 globally, are among the largest shareholders. A staggering seven out of ten of the world's largest corporations have a billionaire CEO or principal shareholder. Over the past decade, billionaire wealth has grown by an average of 7% annually. This growth rate has accelerated to 11.5% per year since 2020.
The term "shareholders" evokes a sense of democratic participation, but this notion is far removed from reality. In truth, the majority of shares and all other financial assets are concentrated in the hands of a privileged few. Research in 24 OECD countries reveals that the wealthiest 10% of households own a staggering 85% of total capital assets, including company shares, mutual funds, and businesses, while the bottom 40% possess a mere 4%. In the United States, the richest 1% controls 44.6% of financial assets, while the poorest 50% hold a minuscule 1%.
「股東」一詞喚起了一種民主參與的感覺,但這種概念與現實相去甚遠。事實上,大部分股票和所有其他金融資產都集中在少數特權人士手中。對 24 個 OECD 國家的研究表明,最富有的 10% 的家庭擁有令人震驚的 85% 的總資本資產,包括公司股票、共同基金和企業,而最富有的 40% 的家庭僅擁有 4%。在美國,最富有的 1% 人控制著 44.6% 的金融資產,而最貧窮的 50% 人只擁有微不足道的 1%。
Compounding this wealth concentration, the ownership of assets is dominated by men and white individuals. In the US, 89% of shares are owned by whites, 1.1% by Black people, and a mere 0.5% by Hispanics. Similarly, globally, only one in three businesses is owned by women. As a result, the burgeoning returns to shareholders primarily benefit the already affluent, further widening the economic divide.
使這種財富集中化更加複雜的是,資產的所有權由男性和白人主導。在美國,白人擁有 89% 的股份,黑人擁有 1.1%,西班牙裔僅擁有 0.5%。同樣,在全球範圍內,只有三分之一的企業由女性擁有。因此,股東回報的快速成長主要使本已富裕的人受益,進一步擴大了經濟鴻溝。
Addressing this inequality crisis requires multifaceted solutions. A robust approach would encompass significantly increasing taxes on the super-rich. Encouragingly, Brazil, which chairs the G20 this year, has placed tax reform on the agenda. Additionally, President Biden has reiterated his support for a new billionaire tax.
However, taxation serves as a remedy after the fact. The cornerstone of our efforts should be to prevent the economy from creating such vast disparities in the first place. Empowering workers is a crucial step in this direction. The fruits of labor should be enjoyed by those who toil, not by those who, as John Stuart Mill observed, "grow rich in their sleep without working, risking or economising." This can only be achieved through increased worker organization and the assertion of worker power. History has shown that high levels of worker power coincide with low inequality. As the International Monetary Fund has noted, declining union membership has directly contributed to the concentration of wealth at the top.
然而,稅收是事後的補救措施。我們努力的基石應該是首先防止經濟造成如此巨大的差距。賦予工人權力是朝這個方向邁出的關鍵一步。勞動成果應該由那些辛勤勞動的人享受,而不是那些像約翰·斯圖爾特·穆勒(John Stuart Mill)所說的那樣,「不勞而獲、不冒險、不節約,在睡夢中致富」的人。這只能透過加強工人組織和維護工人權力來實現。歷史表明,工人權力水平高與不平等程度低相一致。正如國際貨幣基金組織指出的那樣,工會會員數量的減少直接導致了財富向高層的集中。
Amid this backdrop, the resurgence of strikes and the growing voice and power of workers in recent years represent a beacon of hope. While still a fraction of what is required to tip the scales in favor of workers, a new generation is awakening to the transformative power of organizing. Generation Z displays the highest level of support for unions among living generations. From autoworkers in the US to garment workers in Bangladesh, workers are rising up against their employers, demanding a fairer, more equitable world.
在此背景下,近年來罷工的死灰復燃以及工人聲音和力量的增強代表著希望的燈塔。雖然也只是讓天平有利於工人所需的一小部分,但新一代正在覺醒組織的變革力量。 Z世代對工會的支持程度是當代世代中最高的。從美國的汽車工人到孟加拉的服裝工人,工人正在反抗他們的雇主,要求一個更公平、更平等的世界。
Workers worldwide must seize the reins of change and pull the levers of power back towards themselves. In doing so, they will shape the political and economic landscape towards a new era of equality.
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