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Blockchain technology is having a major impact on the financial services industry in a number of ways, but one of the most exciting is the concept of tokenization, which allows physical, real-world assets to be represented as digital tokens so they can be traded more easily.
Tokenization is already being used by some of the world’s biggest financial institutions, including BlackRock, BNY Mellon and JP MorganChase, which are now sold on the concept. Those organizations, once wary of all things related to crypto, have been won over by the realization that tokenization promises to deliver tangible improvements in the way assets are traded, paid for and settled.
For the masses, the more significant benefit of tokenization is the way that it can potentially democratize finance, paving the way for everyone to become an investor and start building wealth through the concept of “fractional” investments.
What is tokenization?
Tokenization enables almost any asset to be traded on decentralized, peer-to-peer marketplaces. It can be thought of as a magic portal through which anyone can invest in anything, be it stocks and shares, commodities, forex, real estate, vintage wine or something else. What’s more, it can be accessed by anyone, with as little as just a few dollars. In this way, tokenization opens the door to financial opportunities that were once exclusively reserved for the wealthiest among us.
The magic of tokenization is that it becomes possible to buy a small share of a luxury apartment building, hotel or even a parking lot, or else own shares in a gold reserve or invest in a blue-chip artwork, with just a few mouse clicks from the comfort of your own home.
In terms of benefits, tokenization paves the way for faster trade settlements, with transactions processed in just a few seconds, and lower trade costs, as there are no more middlemen – except for the network “gas” fees, but they are generally minimal.
Tokenization also means more security thanks to the strong foundations and transparent nature of blockchain, greater accountability, transparent ownership tracking, and less reliance on custodians.
What assets can be tokenized?
Digital tokens live on the blockchain, where they’re minted to represent assets in the real world. By creating digital tokens that represent a precious metal such as gold or platinum, for example, that asset can then be bought and sold on-chain, with the tokens changing hands instantly, the moment a transaction is processed. There’s no way anyone can be excluded from the process, and there’s no limit to how many tokens can be generated per asset, which means they can be affordable enough that anyone can get involved with just a few dollars’ worth of crypto in their wallet.
The most exciting thing about tokenization is that it’s not just some kind of future possibility. Tokenized assets already exist, and there are dozens of decentralized marketplaces up and running that anyone can participate in if they’re interested in becoming an investor.
For example, if you’re interested in becoming a real estate investor, Blocksquare, through its Oceanpoint.fi marketplace, enables you to do just that, offering a wealth of real estate investment opportunities spanning penthouse apartments, hotels, and co-living spaces.
例如,如果您有興趣成為房地產投資者,Blocksquare 透過其 Oceanpoint.fi 市場可以幫助您實現這一目標,並提供豐富的房地產投資機會,涵蓋頂層公寓、飯店和共享居住空間。
Blocksquare has been around for several years now and demonstrated its proof of concept as long ago as 2018 when it created the world’s first tokenized parking space that anyone can invest in. The parking space, which exists in a car park in the Slovenian capital city Ljubljana, was split into multiple digital tokens that all represent a fraction of ownership. Anyone who buys one of the tokens can earn regular dividends derived from the $90 per month in rental revenue generated by the parking space.
Blocksquare 已經存在好幾年了,早在2018 年就展示了其概念驗證,當時它創建了世界上第一個任何人都可以投資的代幣化停車位。一個停車場,被分成多個數位代幣,所有數位代幣都代表所有權的一部分。任何購買其中一種代幣的人都可以從停車位產生的每月 90 美元的租金收入中定期獲得股息。
Since that first PoC, Blocksquare has evolved to become a much more comprehensive platform, offering white-label tokenization marketplaces for real estate operators to create their own markets. It also provides a way for real estate tokenization projects to attract community funding. For instance, a project called Pieme recently launched a Marketplace Pool campaign, seeking to obtain backing from Blocksquare’s investor community to help pay for its first tokenized hotel in Kampala, Uganda.
自第一個 PoC 以來,Blocksquare 已發展成為一個更全面的平台,為房地產營運商提供白標代幣化市場來創建自己的市場。它還為房地產代幣化項目提供了一種吸引社區資金的方式。例如,一個名為 Pieme 的計畫最近發起了 Marketplace Pool 活動,尋求獲得 Blocksquare 投資者社區的支持,以幫助支付其在烏幹達坎帕拉的第一家代幣化酒店的費用。
Other options for tokenized investments include commodities. For example, MANTRA has created a marketplace where users can buy tokens that represent ownership of physical gold and silver, which can be traded as easily as any cryptocurrency. It’s much simpler than the traditional methods of investing in precious metals, which involves buying physical bullion or coins and storing it securely, or purchasing shares in a gold exchange-traded fund. Mantra also enables investors to obtain a passive income by staking its native OM token to earn rewards for supporting its network.
代幣化投資的其他選擇包括商品。例如,MANTRA 創建了一個市場,用戶可以在其中購買代表實體黃金和白銀所有權的代幣,這些代幣可以像任何加密貨幣一樣輕鬆交易。它比傳統的貴金屬投資方法簡單得多,傳統的貴金屬投資方法包括購買實體金條或硬幣並安全存儲,或購買黃金交易所交易基金的股票。 Mantra 還使投資者能夠透過質押其原生 OM 代幣來獲得被動收入,以獲得支持其網路的獎勵。
If gold and silver aren’t your thing, perhaps you’ll be more interested in ArtFi, which owns a physical art gallery in Dubai where it showcases dozens of high-value artworks it has procured on behalf of token holders.
如果您不喜歡黃金和白銀,也許您會對 ArtFi 更感興趣,該公司在杜拜擁有實體藝術畫廊,展示了代表代幣持有者採購的數十件高價值藝術品。
ArtFi operates by sourcing paintings, buying them and then tokenizing
ArtFi 的運作方式是購買繪畫作品,然後將其代幣化
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