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谷歌地球以滑稽方式捕捉當地人的技巧並不是谷歌工具創造病毒時刻的唯一工具。它的姊妹應用程式 Google Earth 也在英國風景如畫的海岸上留下了一些驚喜。
An armchair explorer's chance discovery on Google Earth led him to a massive shipwreck on Cornwall's stunning coastline.
TikTok adventurer Josh, who runs an account dedicated to Google Earth discoveries, was intrigued by what he spotted from his screen.
TikTok 冒險家 Josh 經營著一個專門用於 Google 地球發現的帳戶,他對螢幕上的發現很感興趣。
"While scrolling through Google Earth, I stumbled across what looked like a massive shipwreck tucked away in a secluded cove along England's stunning coastline," he noted excitedly in his video caption. "Naturally, I couldn't resist the urge to go check it out for myself!"
「在瀏覽谷歌地球時,我偶然發現了一艘看起來像巨大沉船的東西,它隱藏在英格蘭令人驚嘆的海岸線的一個僻靜的海灣中,」他在視頻說明中興奮地指出。 “我自然是按捺不住親自去一探究竟的衝動!”
The trek led him to Lands' End in Cornwall, famed as the most south-westerly point of mainland UK, where he embarked on a breathtaking cliff-edge walk.
Despite its allure, he warned: "Don't let its beauty fool you - this coastline is deadly. There are over 130 registered shipwrecks here."
儘管它很有吸引力,但他警告說:“不要讓它的美麗欺騙了你——這條海岸線是致命的。這裡有超過 130 艘已登記的沉船。”
Josh's journey continued until he noticed an isolated structure in the distance - a former coastguard lookout post caught his interest, but it wasn't his end goal.
A bit further and his mission came to fruition - he found the rusted shipwreck nestled in a hidden cove, exactly as Google Earth had promised.
"It looks absolutely massive," he declared as he commenced a dangerous descent down the rocky terrain to view it at close quarters.
"It looks like part of the ship has broken off," he continued, noticing the spread of "large metal chunks" scattered across the cove.
While climbing aboard the slanted deck, Josh stumbled upon a door surrounded by rusting ladders and windows, leading him inside, only to discover a series of deserted rooms.
"This is a crazy place," he exclaimed. "But it left me wondering why did this massive ship wreck here? ".
「這是一個瘋狂的地方,」他驚呼道。 「但這讓我想知道為什麼這艘巨大的船會在這裡失事?」。
"The hike to the wreck was breathtaking," Josh reminisced later. "The rugged coastal cliffs, with waves crashing below, provided a dramatic and awe-inspiring backdrop for the adventure. I also got very lucky with the weather, which made the hike even more fantastic! ".
「徒步前往沉船的過程令人嘆為觀止,」喬許後來回憶道。 「崎嶇的海岸懸崖,下面海浪拍打,為這次冒險提供了一個戲劇性的、令人驚嘆的背景。我也很幸運,天氣很好,這讓這次徒步旅行變得更加美妙!」。
However, Josh warned those tempted to explore in his footsteps: "Exploring shipwrecks can be dangerous," cautioning that such locations are fraught with instability, sharp edges, and deteriorating structures.
He added, "I'm a trained professional, and my actions are not meant to be replicated. Always prioritize safety and steer clear of entering or climbing on shipwrecks."
Local residents were surprised by his discovery. One commented: "I live in Cornwall and I had no clue that was there! "
Another reflected: "I remember seeing that shipwreck years ago; it was in a much better state. Sad how time erodes these things."
A third person speculated that the vessel in question was the RMS Mülheim, a German cargo ship that ran aground relatively recently in 2003.
第三人推測,該船是 RMS Mülheim 號,這是一艘德國貨船,最近於 2003 年擱淺。
Indeed, Cornwall Live previously detailed: "On a foggy morning around 5am on 22 March 2003, RMS Mülheim, a 294ft cargo vessel carrying 2,200 tonnes of scrap car plastic, ran aground in Gamper Bay between Sennen Cove and Lands' End."
事實上,Cornwall Live 先前曾詳細報導過:「2003 年3 月22 日凌晨5 點左右,一個有霧的早晨,一艘294 英尺長、載有2,200 噸廢汽車塑膠的貨船RMS Mülheim 在Sennen Cove 和Lands ' End 之間的甘珀灣擱淺。
They continued with the dramatic tale of misfortune: "The story goes that the chief officer of RMS Mülheim on watch had caught his trousers in the lever of his chair, fell over and passed out. By the time he regained consciousness, there was nothing he could do to stop the ship hitting the rocks. Sennen Lifeboat and Land's End Coastguard rescue team were quickly on scene and the six Polish crew members were airlifted to safety by a search and rescue helicopter from RNAS Culdrose."
他們繼續講述不幸的戲劇性故事:「故事是這樣的:正在值班的RMS Mülheim 號大副的褲子被椅子的槓桿卡住,摔倒並昏倒了。當他恢復知覺時,他已經沒有任何東西了。 「 Sennen 救生艇和 Land's End 海岸警衛隊救援隊迅速趕到現場,並由 RNAS Culdrose 的一架搜救直升機將六名波蘭船員空運至安全地帶。
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