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《Stellar Blade》的戰鬥風格與 P 的謊言相呼應,儘管它源自於《尼爾:機械紀元》

2024/04/15 08:40

《Stellar Blade》是 Shift Up 和索尼互動娛樂公司即將推出的動作角色扮演遊戲,因其令人驚嘆的視覺效果和流暢的戰鬥系統而受到關注。遊戲的戰鬥雖然與 Neowiz Games 的《Lies of P》類似,但強調招架和反擊而不是躲避,創造了一種具有挑戰性但令人滿意的體驗。與前作《尼爾:機械紀元》不同,《星辰之刃》並沒有提供刀槍不入或增加傷害的閃避機制。相反,它鼓勵玩家掌握敵人的攻擊模式並準確掌握時機進行格擋。此外,該遊戲還探討了孤立和人類滅絕的主題,使其與其他動作角色扮演遊戲區分開來,同時從該類型的一些最優秀的遊戲中汲取靈感。

Stellar Blade, which initially started development under the codename "Project Eve," has slowly but surely garnered the attention of a lot of players, not only due to its fantastic character designs, but also its flashy, and over-the-top combat system. Much like its inspiration — Nier: Automata — Stellar Blade is going to be quite heavy on the narrative front.

.vidazoo-player-container {寬度:100%;高度:calc((1110px - 360px - 16px) * 9 / 16);背景顏色:#000;}.vidazoo-player-container {高度:calc(685px * 9 / 16);}@media(最大寬度: 768px) {.sk-widget .vidazoo-container {margin-top: 16px;margin-bottom: 16px;}.vidazoo-player-container {高度: calc(( 100vw) * 9 / 16);margin-top: 16px;margin-bottom: 16px;}}Stellar Blade 最初以代號「Project Eve」開始開發,慢慢但確實吸引了許多玩家的注意,不僅因為其出色的角色設計,也因為其華麗且誇張的戰鬥系統。就像它的靈感來源《尼爾:機械紀元》一樣,《星辰之刃》將在敘事方面發揮相當大的作用。

However, it also seems to be equally focused on delivering a "stellar" (no pun intended) combat experience, at least that's what I gathered from having played the recently released demo for more than 15 hours. While the demo is quite short, it's enough to give players a good insight into the game's basic combat mechanics.

然而,它似乎也同樣專注於提供「一流」(沒有雙關語)的戰鬥體驗,至少這是我在玩了最近發布的演示版超過 15 個小時後得到的結論。雖然演示相當短,但足以讓玩家很好地了解遊戲的基本戰鬥機制。

Another thing I realized while playing the demo, especially the "Boss Challenge" mode, is that Stellar Blade is more akin to Neowiz Games' Lies of P than its immediate inspiration, Nier: Automata or even Sekiro.

我在玩試玩版(尤其是「Boss Challenge」模式)時意識到的另一件事是,《Stellar Blade》更類似於Neowiz Games 的《Lies of P》,而不是其直接靈感來源《尼爾:機械紀元》甚至《隻狼》。

.promoted-img {寬度:100%;}

Stellar Blade's combat is strikingly similar to that of Lies of P, barring the usual suite of souls-like elements

As I started getting to grips with Stellar Blade's combat system, I felt a sense of familiarity, something I did not expect given I haven't played any character action game since 2021's Bayonetta 3. Most of my time is usually spent playing souls-likes (predominantly Elden Ring) and recently, I've been spending unhealthy amounts of time playing Dragon's Dogma 2.

《Stellar Blade》的戰鬥與《Lies of P》驚人地相似,除了常見的類似靈魂的元素。 ,因為我還沒有接觸過《Stellar Blade》的戰鬥系統。是《Elden Ring》)上,最近,我在《龍之教條2》上花了不健康的時間。

As such, the "sense of familiarity" was somewhat puzzling to me. However, once I reached the Boss Challenge mode, I finally realized why I was getting a sense of deja vu while playing Stellar Blade's demo. Last year, I played and reviewed Lies of P, a game that in many regards is a pinnacle of souls-like experiences, despite some glaring flaws.

《星刃》中的 Boss 戰圍繞著招架連續攻擊,然後進行自己的反擊(圖片來自 Shift Up || Sony Interactive Entertainment)因此,「熟悉感」讓我有些困惑。然而,當我進入Boss挑戰模式後,我終於意識到為什麼我在玩Stellar Blade的試玩版時會有一種似曾相識的感覺。去年,我玩了《Lies of P》並進行了評測,儘管存在一些明顯的缺陷,但這款遊戲在許多方面都是類魂遊戲體驗的巔峰之作。

Despite having finished it multiple times and getting the Platinum trophy for that game, I regularly visit Lies of P, just to enjoy its combat system and boss fights. And to me, Stellar Blade's combat felt quite similar to Neowiz's title, albeit with some key mechanical differences.

儘管我已經完成了多次並獲得了該遊戲的白金獎杯,但我還是經常訪問《Lies of P》,只是為了享受它的戰鬥系統和 Boss 戰。對我來說,《Stellar Blade》的戰鬥感覺與 Neowiz 的遊戲非常相似,儘管存在一些關鍵的機制差異。

Both Lies of P and Shift Up's upcoming action RPG operate on the same fundamental combat structure — you are encouraged to parry attacks, instead of dodge them. While yes, dodging plays a crucial role in both of these titles, parry and counterattack are the primary focus, with dodge being an additional option for specific scenarios.

Lies of P 和 Shift Up 即將推出的動作角色扮演遊戲都採用相同的基本戰鬥結構——鼓勵你招架攻擊,而不是躲避攻擊。是的,閃避在這兩個遊戲中都起著至關重要的作用,招架和反擊是主要焦點,閃避是特定場景的附加選項。

Nier: Automata also had parrying, but the main focal point of its combat system was perfect dodges, which much like Bayonetta's "witch time" gives you a few seconds of invulnerability and the ability to deal additional damage. There's no such mechanic in Stellar Blade, at least not in the demo, that is.

《尼爾:機械紀元》也有格擋功能,但其戰鬥系統的主要焦點是完美閃避,這很像獵天使魔女的“女巫時間”,讓你有幾秒鐘的刀槍不入和造成額外傷害的能力。 《Stellar Blade》中沒有這樣的機制,至少在試用版中沒有。

And honestly, if I have to compare Shift Up's upcoming action RPG to any other game, it would be Lies of P, instead of Nier: Automata, Bayonetta, or even Sekiro. Don't get me wrong, both Stellar Blade and Lies of P are wildly different games, with one being a straightforward action RPG, and the other a souls-like.

《Lies of P》的戰鬥也相當華麗和壯觀(圖片來自Neowiz Games)老實說,如果我必須將Shift Up 即將推出的動作RPG 與任何其他遊戲進行比較,那麼我會選擇《Lies of P》,而不是《尼爾:機械紀元》、《獵天使魔女》 ,甚至是隻狼。不要誤會我的意思,《Stellar Blade》和《Lies of P》都是截然不同的遊戲,一款是簡單的動作角色扮演遊戲,另一款是魂類遊戲。

Stellar Blade isn't going for a souls-like experience, that's for certain. However, it doesn't shy away from delivering a challenging (yet satisfying) combat. Apart from the usual parry-focused combat, Shift Up's game also shares thematic similarities to Lies of P. Both titles feature the themes of isolation and humanity's extinction.

可以肯定的是,《Stellar Blade》並不追求類似靈魂的體驗。然而,它並不迴避提供具有挑戰性(但令人滿意)的戰鬥。除了通常以格擋為重點的戰鬥之外,《Shift Up》的遊戲在主題上也與《Lies of P》有相似之處。

Yes, some elements feel like they came straight out of Yoko Taro's mind, but there's also plenty that differentiates it from similar titles. Although I would've liked another Nier-like experience, I would rather take something that weaves its own path, while also taking inspiration from some of the best games in the action RPG genre.


Most of the combat in Shift Up's latest entry is based on you learning enemy attack patterns and timing your parries. And truth be told, parrying in this game feels incredibly satisfying, akin to Sekiro and you guessed it, Lies of P. I'm also curious if there are different weapon types available for EVE in the game or not.

《Shift Up》的最新作品中的大部分戰鬥都是基於您了解敵人的攻擊模式和確定招架時機。說實話,在這款遊戲中進行格擋感覺非常令人滿意,類似於隻狼,你猜對了,P的謊言。

Also, whether different weapons will affect the parry timings a la Lies of P, or not. However, that can only be answered once the game is released. Thankfully, I, alongside a legion of fans, won't have to wait too long to get their hands on the game as Stellar Blade is scheduled to be released on April 26, 2024, exclusively for the PS5.

《Shift Up》的標題正在成為動作 RPG 類型的精彩新成員(圖片來自 Shift Up || Sony Interactive Entertainment)此外,不同的武器是否會像《Lies of P》那樣影響招架時機。不過,這個問題只有遊戲發售後才能給出答案。值得慶幸的是,我和一大群粉絲不需要等太久就能上手這款遊戲,因為《Stellar Blade》預定於 2024 年 4 月 26 日發售,專供 PS5。

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