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2024/04/17 19:00

RockWallet 的自助式數位資產錢包在不斷擴大交易選項、從 Wyre 獲得新客戶以及添加具有集中兌換功能的 PRO 版本的過程中蓬勃發展。受到對客戶體驗的「堅如磐石」承諾的鼓舞,RockWallet 受益於監管合規性,同時預計未來的增強功能,例如網路錢包、改進的冗餘和去中心化應用程式整合。


RockWallet: A Bastion of Crypto Asset Management


Amidst the turbulent waters of the digital asset landscape, RockWallet emerges as a beacon of stability and customer-centricity, solidifying its position as a leading self-custodial digital asset wallet.

在數位資產格局的洶湧浪潮中,RockWallet 成為穩定且以客戶為中心的燈塔,鞏固了其作為領先的自我託管數位資產錢包的地位。

Surging Momentum and Unprecedented Growth


Last month, RockWallet's triumph escalated with the acquisition of a money transmitter license (MTL) in New Mexico, empowering New Mexican residents to seamlessly store, buy, sell, and swap various cryptocurrencies, including BSV, BTC, BCH, ETH, USDC, and USDT. This strategic move marks an integral step in RockWallet's ambitious plan to obtain the remaining state approvals by year's end.

上個月,RockWallet 的勝利進一步升級,在新墨西哥州獲得了貨幣傳輸許可證(MTL),使新墨西哥居民能夠無縫儲存、購買、出售和交換各種加密貨幣,包括BSV、BTC、BCH、ETH、 USDC 和泰達幣。這項戰略舉措標誌著 RockWallet 雄心勃勃的計劃邁出了不可或缺的一步,該計劃旨在在年底前獲得剩餘的國家批准。

Co-founder and president Steve Bailey reports a constant stream of inquiries from eager customers in unapproved states, showcasing the immense demand for RockWallet's exceptional services. Responding to this overwhelming interest, Bailey emphasizes RockWallet's unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction.

聯合創始人兼總裁 Steve Bailey 報告稱,來自未經批准的州的熱心客戶不斷提出詢問,這表明對 RockWallet 卓越服務的巨大需求。針對這種壓倒性的興趣,Bailey 強調了 RockWallet 對客戶滿意度的堅定承諾。

2023 culminated with a resounding note of optimism for RockWallet, as December witnessed a "massive spike" in both volume and revenue. This momentum propelled into January and February 2024, culminating in March being declared RockWallet's "best month ever," with both volume and revenue surpassing the combined tallies of January and February. Bailey attributes this surge to both renewed public interest in digital assets and the revolutionary introduction of RockWallet PRO.

2023 年,RockWallet 的樂觀情緒達到了頂峰,12 月的交易量和收入都出現了「大幅飆升」。這種勢頭一直持續到 2024 年 1 月和 2 月,最終在 3 月被宣佈為 RockWallet 的“有史以來最好的月份”,交易量和收入都超過了 1 月和 2 月的總和。 Bailey 將這種激增歸因於公眾對數位資產的重新興趣以及 RockWallet PRO 的革命性推出。

RockWallet PRO: Unlocking Advanced Trading Options

RockWallet PRO:解鎖高級交易選項

Launched in early March, RockWallet PRO introduced centralized exchange functions and advanced trading options for BSV pairs to the RockWallet app. Due to regulatory restrictions, PRO's expanded features are currently available exclusively to customers outside the U.S. and Canada. Despite these geographical limitations, Bailey reports an overwhelming response from international customers.

RockWallet PRO 於 3 月初推出,在 RockWallet 應用程式中引入了 BSV 貨幣對的集中交易功能和進階交易選項。由於監管限制,PRO 的擴充功能目前僅供美國和加拿大以外的客戶使用。儘管有這些地理限制,貝利報告說,國際客戶對此反應熱烈。

"Over the first couple of days, the volumes were over US$2 million. We weren't expecting that at all." Bailey's astonishment was further compounded by the unexpected behavior of PRO customers. "We expected them to come and trade then pull their assets out, but they're leaving the assets in there because they're continually trading. I'll be honest, I didn't think we'd earned the right to do that so early." An enhanced version of PRO is slated for release in the near future.

“最初幾天,成交量就超過了 200 萬美元。我們根本沒想到會出現這種情況。” PRO 客戶的意外行為進一步加劇了貝利的驚訝。 “我們預計他們會來進行交易,然後將資產撤出,但他們將資產留在那裡,因為他們不斷進行交易。說實話,我認為我們沒有權利這樣做太早了。” PRO 的增強版預計將在不久的將來發布。

Synergistic Acquisition of Wyre Customer Accounts

協同收購 Wyre 客戶帳戶

RockWallet's customer base has received a substantial boost from the influx of users from the now-defunct digital payment platform Wyre, which ceased operations in June 2023. In February, RockWallet announced its acquisition of Wyre's customer accounts, actively reaching out to these individuals with an enticing offer to open RockWallets without the hassle of repeating the KYC (know your customer) process.

RockWallet 的客戶群因現已解散的數位支付平台 Wyre(已於 2023 年 6 月停止營運)的用戶湧入而得到了大幅增長。了解您的客戶)流程即可開啟RockWallets 的誘人優惠。

Bailey highlights the remarkable synergy between Wyre and RockWallet's operating philosophies and customer-centric approaches. Wyre boasted millions of active, highly engaged, and crypto-savvy customers, and RockWallet's ability to connect with this audience presents a significant growth opportunity.

Bailey 強調了 Wyre 和 RockWallet 的營運理念和以客戶為中心的方法之間的顯著協同作用。 Wyre 擁有數百萬活躍、高度參與且精通加密貨幣的客戶,RockWallet 與這些受​​眾建立聯繫的能力提供了巨大的成長機會。

Bailey emphasizes RockWallet's targeted communication strategy, segmenting Wyre customers based on their past activity and trade eligibility. These overtures have been met with a positive reception, particularly once Wyre customers discover RockWallet's fiat on-/off-ramps, which Bailey deems a crucial differentiator.

Bailey 強調了 RockWallet 的有針對性的溝通策略,根據 Wyre 客戶過去的活動和交易資格對其進行細分。這些提議得到了積極的回應,特別是當 Wyre 客戶發現 RockWallet 的法幣進/出坡道時,Bailey 認為這是一個關鍵的差異化因素。

Building Upon a Rock-Solid Foundation


RockWallet's remarkable success defies the challenging market conditions that prevailed at its inception in December 2022, amidst the depths of the 'crypto winter' following the demise of FTX and numerous other high-profile crypto failures and scandals. Bailey asserts that the industry-wide purge of fraudulent actors has not adversely affected RockWallet, owing in part to its strong emphasis on regulatory compliance.

RockWallet 的非凡成功克服了自 2022 年 12 月成立以來充滿挑戰的市場環境,當時正值 FTX 消亡和許多其他備受矚目的加密貨幣失敗和醜聞之後的「加密貨幣冬天」的最深處。 Bailey 聲稱,全行業範圍內對詐欺行為者的清洗並沒有對 RockWallet 產生不利影響,部分原因是 RockWallet 非常重視監管合規性。

"There's a reason we're called RockWallet—rock solid, rock confident. We want to provide the best possible service and instill confidence in our customers. One of the ways to do that is to be regulated."

「我們被稱為RockWallet 是有原因的——堅如磐石,堅如磐石。我們希望提供盡可能最好的服務,並給我們的客戶灌輸信心。做到這一點的方法之一就是接受監管。 」

The BSV community warmly embraced RockWallet, recognizing it as a much-needed alternative following the anti-competitive delisting of BSV from several prominent exchanges in 2019. However, RockWallet's adoption by the broader digital asset community speaks volumes about the exceptional quality of its product and unwavering commitment to customer experience.

BSV 社群熱烈歡迎RockWallet,認為在2019 年BSV 從多家知名交易所以反競爭方式下架後,它是急需的替代方案。卓越品質和對客戶體驗堅定不移的承諾。

From its inception, Bailey emphasizes that RockWallet's customers have always felt supported. "When they weren't supported, we doubled down and made sure they were happy because it's really important that the customer has the best experience. The customer experience is as important or even more important than the technology."

Bailey 強調,從成立之初,RockWallet 的客戶就一直感受到支持性。 “當他們得不到支持時,我們加倍努力,確保他們滿意,因為讓客戶獲得最佳體驗非常重要。客戶體驗與技術同樣重要,甚至更重要。”

While RockWallet had its own internal targets, Bailey explains that the first year of its existence was primarily dedicated to building a product upon which customers could unconditionally rely.

雖然 RockWallet 有自己的內部目標,但 Bailey 解釋說,其存在的第一年主要致力於建立客戶可以無條件依賴的產品。

"We wanted to avoid all the fancy bells and whistles for later. Our focus was ensuring that our customers could send, store, receive, buy, swap, and sell every single time they desired, with each trade facilitated as optimally as possible."


Addressing Customer Expectations


Managing customer expectations remains an ongoing challenge, given what Bailey describes as a widespread "lack of knowledge/understanding in the market around how crypto actually works."


"If a customer trades something, they quite rightly want to know why it isn't in their wallet straightaway, why it wasn't executed? It really is down to the blockchain and the protocol that's being used."


"This is one of the good things about BSV. Zero-confirmations, bang, it's done. Low fees, done. Other coins like BTC, ETH, once it's on the blockchain, it takes a while. Some are faster than others and dependent on the fees the customer wants to pay in terms of prioritizing the trade. Sometimes trades can be on the blockchain for far too long, unacceptable. So I think educational content is one of the things we're going to focus on this year."

「這是BSV 的優點之一。零確認,砰,完成了。低費用,完成了。其他代幣,如BTC、ETH,一旦進入區塊鏈,需要一段時間。有些比其他代幣更快,並且具有依賴性有時,交易可能會在區塊鏈上停留太久,這是不可接受的,所以我認為教育內容是我們今年要關注的事情之一。

While customers are eager to expand the list of available token options, RockWallet's commitment to customer protection necessitates a pragmatic approach to token listings, adhering to regulatory guidelines. "Certainly, in the U.S., we want to avoid listing thousands of coins. The key ones are 99.9% of the volume anyway, and it keeps us on the good side of the Securities and Exchange Commission."

雖然客戶渴望擴大可用代幣選項的列表,但 RockWallet 對客戶保護的承諾需要採取務實的方法來列出代幣,並遵守監管指南。 “當然,在美國,我們希望避免上千種代幣。無論如何,關鍵的代幣佔交易量的 99.9%,這讓我們對美國證券交易委員會保持有利。”

Continuous Development and Expansion


Bailey likens RockWallet's current state to the DeLorean in Back to the Future: "It's basically a car with stuff bolted on it, and it works, but it doesn't look very slick, and Doc Brown's the only one who knows how to operate it." The upcoming product release promises a "revamped customer experience, much slicker."

貝利將RockWallet 目前的狀態比作《回到未來》中的德羅寧:「它基本上是一輛用螺栓固定在上面的汽車,它可以工作,但它看起來不太光滑,布朗博士是唯一知道如何操作它的人」。即將發布的產品承諾「改進的客戶體驗,更加流暢」。

A primary objective is to "get customers through funnels as quickly as possible," enabling them to become trade-eligible with minimal friction. "You can create a wallet and all you can do is send/store/receive until you go through some form of KYC process. We have Express Verification, a very minimal-touch way to send/store/receive/buy/swap. Then you go through the full KYC process and you have access to the entire gamut of functions," including significantly increased trade limits.

主要目標是“盡快讓客戶通過管道”,使他們能夠以最小的摩擦獲得交易資格。 「你可以創建一個錢包,你所能做的就是發送/儲存/接收,直到你完成某種形式的KYC 流程。我們有快速驗證,這是一種非常簡單的發送/儲存/接收/購買/交換方式。

Another highly requested feature is a web-based RockWallet accessible from both desktop and mobile browsers, which Bailey views as a "mitigation strategy." While app stores will remain a crucial channel for RockWallet's distribution, Bailey acknowledges the potential for gatekeepers to impose stringent restrictions on app updates. "At times, it has delayed our development cycle. We just can't have that risk to our business."

另一個備受期待的功能是基於網路的 RockWallet,可透過桌面和行動瀏覽器訪問,貝利將其視為一種「緩解策略」。雖然應用程式商店仍將是 RockWallet 分發的重要管道,但 Bailey 承認看門人有可能對應用程式更新施加嚴格限制。 “有時,它會延遲我們的開發週期。我們不能讓我們的業務面臨這種風險。”

Currently in beta mode, the web-wallet will initially mirror the international RockWallet app, limited to send/store/receive functions. International users can now access additional features via PRO. The ultimate goal is to achieve full functional parity across all apps and jurisdictions, with the web-wallet offering the same comprehensive functionality as the mobile apps.

目前處於測試模式,網路錢包最初將鏡像國際 RockWallet 應用程序,僅限於發送/儲存/接收功能。國際用戶現在可以透過 PRO 存取附加功能。最終目標是在所有應用程式和司法管轄區之間實現全面的功能對等,使網路錢包提供與行動應用程式相同的全面功能。

Further enhancements include improved redundancy, expanded payment options, and enhanced scalability. "We built the system to cope with X amount of transactions and we're way below that threshold. But if we're as successful as I think we're going to be, we need to continue to iterate to ensure we can bring in more and more customers, particularly with the Wyre deal as well."

進一步的增強包括改進的冗餘、擴展的支付選項和增強的可擴展性。 「我們建立的系統是為了處理 X 數量的交易,但我們遠低於這個閾值。但是,如果我們像我認為的那樣成功,我們需要繼續迭代以確保我們能夠引入越來越多的客戶,尤其是Wyre 交易的客戶。

Long-Term Vision and Ambitions


Among RockWallet's long-term aspirations are remittances, which Bailey identifies as "one of the key things you're going to see from us this year." Bailey highlights jurisdictions such as the Philippines, Nigeria, South Africa, and India as likely target markets, with BSV anticipated to play a central role due to its reputation for speed and cost-effectiveness.

RockWallet 的長期目標之一是匯款,貝利將其視為「今年您將從我們這裡看到的關鍵業務之一」。 Bailey 強調菲律賓、奈及利亞、南非和印度等司法管轄區是可能的目標市場,而 BSV 因其速度和成本效益的聲譽而預計將發揮核心作用。

Bailey also expresses interest in exploring decentralized apps (dApps) as a means to "open the wallet up to more functionality." "This is one of the things customers ask us about; the ability to use your assets based on the idea of how crypto was originally designed. It's really not a 'store of wealth,' it's to facilitate transactions."

貝利也表示有興趣探索去中心化應用程式(dApps)作為「開放錢包以獲得更多功能」的手段。 “這是客戶問我們的問題之一;根據加密貨幣最初設計的理念使用您的資產的能力。它實際上不是‘財富儲存’,而是為了促進交易。”

Geographically, RockWallet aims to leverage its Lithuanian license to increase its presence in European markets. "That's not just a 'turn on the switch' action, unfortunately," but "that will happen this year, absolutely."

從地理上看,RockWallet 的目標是利用其在立陶宛的許可證來擴大其在歐洲市場的影響力。 “不幸的是,這不僅僅是‘打開開關’的行動,”但“這絕對會在今年發生。”

Unwavering Commitment to Customer Centricity


In closing, Bailey shared a recent experience conducting a "mystery shopper" exercise with RockWallet's online chat support. "The answers were good, but they weren't good enough. And I don't like that, and I know the people involved won't like that either. So what I learned today is that we have work to do in terms of our ability to communicate with our customers."

最後,Bailey 分享了最近在 RockWallet 線上聊天支援下進行「神秘購物者」活動的經驗。 “答案很好,但還不夠好。我不喜歡這樣,我知道相關人員也不會喜歡這樣。所以我今天了解到的是,我們在以下方面還有工作要做我們與客戶溝通的能力。”

"I sound like a broken record, but I mean this



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