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這枚金幣是已知僅有的 17 枚此類金幣之一,其歷史可以追溯到公元前 43 或 42 年,正面描繪了布魯圖斯,背面描繪了慶祝海軍勝利的獎杯。
A rare gold coin minted by Marcus Junius Brutus after he helped assassinate Julius Caesar will go to auction next week. The coin, which dates to 43 or 42 B.C., is one of only 17 of its kind known to exist. It will be sold by Numismatica Genevensis SA on Dec. 9-10.
馬庫斯·朱尼厄斯·布魯圖斯在幫助刺殺朱利葉斯·凱撒後鑄造的一枚稀有金幣將於下週進行拍賣。這枚硬幣的歷史可以追溯到公元前 43 或 42 年,是已知現存的僅有的 17 枚此類硬幣之一。它將於 12 月 9 日至 10 日由 Numismatica Genevensis SA 出售。
The coin depicts Brutus on the front and a trophy celebrating a naval victory on the back. It is an aureus, which was worth 25 denarii, or roughly a month's pay for a Roman soldier at the time.
這枚硬幣的正面描繪了布魯圖斯,背面描繪了慶祝海軍勝利的獎杯。這是一枚金黃色葡萄球菌,價值 25 迪納爾,大約相當於當時羅馬士兵一個月的薪水。
On the Ides of March in 44 B.C., Brutus and co-conspirator Gaius Cassius Longinus led dozens of men to a meeting of the Roman Senate. Their plan was to murder Caesar, as they thought his growing power threatened the Roman Republic. Caesar was stabbed 23 times, and as he lay dying, he famously chastised his close friend Brutus for his role in the plot. (Although Caesar spoke to Brutus in Greek, this interaction was later dramatized by William Shakespeare with the Latin phrase "Et tu, Brute?" which translates to "Even you, Brutus?")
西元前 44 年的三月十五日,布魯圖斯和同謀蓋烏斯·卡西烏斯·朗吉努斯帶領數十人參加了羅馬元老院的會議。他們的計劃是謀殺凱撒,因為他們認為他不斷增長的權力威脅著羅馬共和國。凱撒被刺了 23 刀,臨死前他因密友布魯圖斯在陰謀中所扮演的角色而對其進行了嚴厲的懲罰。 (雖然凱撒用希臘語與布魯圖斯交談,但威廉·莎士比亞後來用拉丁語短語“Et tu,Brute?”戲劇化了這種互動,翻譯為“甚至你,布魯圖斯?”)
Although many senators and other Roman leaders participated in Caesar's assassination, the Roman people were outraged by the news. Within months, Brutus and Cassius went into exile, attempting to take over the eastern provinces, while Caesar's allies stayed in Rome.
To pay his soldiers, Brutus minted coins such as the silver denarius, which was worth about a day's pay, and the gold aureus, which was equivalent to 25 denarii, or roughly a month's pay.
為了支付士兵的工資,布魯圖斯鑄造了銀第納爾(大約相當於一天的工資)和金奧裡亞斯(相當於 25 第納爾,大約相當於一個月的工資)等硬幣。
The disagreements between the conspirators and allies eventually forced a civil war that lasted from 43 to 42 B.C., ending when Caesar's allies defeated Brutus and Cassius at the Battle of Philippi in Greece.
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The rare gold coin going up for auction is an aureus that was struck before the Battle of Philippi and has a portrait of Brutus on the front.
"The title BRVTVS IMP(erator) on the obverse refers to the military victory over the Thracian tribe of the Bessi, who opposed Brutus's control of the area in 43 BCE," Lucia Carbone, an associate curator of Roman coins at the American Numismatic Society, told Live Science in an email.
「正面的標題BRVTVS IMP(erator) 指的是對貝西色雷斯部落的軍事勝利,該部落在公元前43 年反對布魯圖斯對該地區的控制,」美國錢幣學會羅馬硬幣副館長露西婭·卡博恩(Lucia Carbone) ,在一封電子郵件中告訴《生活科學》。
The back of the coin includes two conjoined ships' prows (the forward-most part of the bow), which represent Brutus' and Cassius' naval victories in 42 B.C., Carbone said. Somewhat ironically, "the victories celebrated on this aureus were the direct cause of their final defeat in Philippi," she said, because they were stretched thin by fighting on two fronts. In addition, the back references Publius Servilius Casca Longus, one of the co-conspirators and possibly the first person to stab Caesar.
卡博恩說,硬幣的背麵包括兩艘連體船的船頭(船頭的最前部),代表布魯圖斯和卡西烏斯在公元前 42 年的海軍勝利。有點諷刺的是,「在這個金黃色葡萄球菌上慶祝的勝利是他們在腓立比最終失敗的直接原因,」她說,因為他們在兩條戰線上的戰鬥已經捉襟見肘。此外,背面還提到了普布利烏斯·塞維利烏斯·卡斯卡·朗格斯(Publius Servilius Casca Longus),他是同謀之一,也可能是刺殺凱撒的第一人。
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—從佛羅裡達州 1715 艘西班牙寶藏沉船中打撈出來的價值超過 100 萬美元的硬幣
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One reason this coin is so rare is that only six stamp dies — two for the front and four for the back — were used to create the design, which was issued for a very short time. The coin also comes from a large and important collection of Roman coins owned by the early 20th-century Italian politician Giuseppe Mazzini, Carbone said.
這枚硬幣如此罕見的原因之一是只使用了六個郵票模具(正面兩個,背面四個)來創建設計,並且發行時間很短。卡博恩說,這枚硬幣也來自 20 世紀初義大利政治家 Giuseppe Mazzini 擁有的大量重要的羅馬硬幣收藏。
"While coin collectors have long prized coins previously owned by famous collectors or scholars, these object histories are even more critical today, in light of growing legal and ethical concerns around collecting," Liv Yarrow, a Roman historian at the City University of New York, told Live Science in an email.
紐約市立大學羅馬歷史學家麗芙·亞羅(Liv Yarrow) 表示:「雖然錢幣收藏家長期以來一直珍視著名收藏家或學者以前擁有的錢幣,但鑑於對收藏的法律和道德擔憂日益增加,這些物品的歷史在今天變得更加重要。
This aureus was last sold in 2006
該金黃色葡萄球菌最後一次出售是在 2006 年
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