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Bank Pekao、Aleph Zero 和 Degen House 很榮幸地宣布推出 Archiv3,該計畫旨在對波蘭文化遺產進行代幣化和保護
Bank Pekao Leverages Aleph Zero Blockchain to Preserve Polish Art in Arctic World Archive
Pekao 銀行利用 Aleph 零區塊鏈在北極世界檔案館保存波蘭藝術
Bank Pekao, Aleph Zero, and Degen House Launch Archiv3 to Safeguard Cultural Heritage on Blockchain
Bank Pekao、Aleph Zero 和 Degen House 推出 Archiv3 以保護區塊鏈上的文化遺產
Poland’s second-largest bank has used the Aleph Zero L1 blockchain to tokenize and preserve internationally renowned Polish artworks. The artworks will be stored digitally in the Arctic World Archive (AWA).
波蘭第二大銀行使用 Aleph Zero L1 區塊鏈來標記和保存國際知名的波蘭藝術品。這些藝術品將以數位方式儲存在北極世界檔案館(AWA)中。
Bank Pekao, Aleph Zero, and Degen House are proud to announce the launch of Archiv3, a project to tokenize and preserve Polish cultural heritage on the Aleph Zero blockchain, with digital reproductions securely stored in the Arctic World Archive (AWA). This initiative combines blockchain technology with a commitment to cultural preservation, ensuring the safekeeping of Poland’s artistic legacy for future generations.
Bank Pekao、Aleph Zero 和Degen House 自豪地宣布推出Archiv3,該項目旨在在Aleph Zero 區塊鏈上對波蘭文化遺產進行代幣化和保存,並將數位複製品安全地存儲在北極世界檔案館( AWA) 中。該舉措將區塊鏈技術與文化保護承諾相結合,確保為子孫後代保管波蘭的藝術遺產。
With Archiv3, Bank Pekao becomes the first universal bank to tokenize historical art specifically for preservation purposes. This initiative follows the bank’s earlier “Unique” project, marking its role in integrating blockchain technology with traditional banking. It also highlights the bank’s ongoing commitment to modernizing its services and expanding the reach of digital assets. Notably, Archiv3 is the first project to tokenize artworks for long-term storage in the Arctic World Archive, known as the “Doomsday Library.”
憑藉 Archiv3,Bank Pekao 成為第一家專門出於保存目的對歷史藝術品進行代幣化的全能銀行。這項舉措是繼該銀行早期的「Unique」專案之後,標誌著其在將區塊鏈技術與傳統銀行業務相結合方面發揮的作用。它還強調了該銀行對服務現代化和擴大數位資產範圍的持續承諾。值得注意的是,Archiv3 是第一個將藝術品代幣化以長期儲存在北極世界檔案館(被稱為「世界末日圖書館」)的計畫。
In its press release, Bank Pekao pointed out that the deciding factor in using the Aleph Zero blockchain has been not only its speed and security but also its attention to optimizing for a low carbon footprint and its carbon offset program.
Pekao 銀行在新聞稿中指出,使用 Aleph Zero 區塊鏈的決定性因素不僅在於其速度和安全性,還在於其對優化低碳足跡及其碳抵消計畫的關注。
“We have chosen Aleph Zero for their privacy-focused, top-class technology combined with sound experience in cooperation with large institutions,” says Michał Walęczak, Director of the Private Banking Strategy and Development Department at Bank Pekao S.A. “Minimal carbon footprint as well as low storage costs were also important factors in our decision-making process. Tokenization of art requires modern and flexible technology, unforced creativity and some out-of-the-box thinking; these features we were happy to find in co-operation with Aleph Zero.”
Bank Pekao SA 私人銀行策略與發展部總監 Michał Walęczak 表示:「我們選擇 Aleph Zero 是因為他們注重隱私、一流的技術以及與大型機構合作的豐富經驗。」因為低儲存成本也是我們決策過程中的重要因素。藝術的代幣化需要現代靈活的技術、非強迫性的創造力和一些創造性的思考;我們很高興與 Aleph Zero 合作發現這些功能。
ARCHIV3 involves the meticulous digitization of masterpieces from iconic Polish artists, such as Jan Matejko, Stanisław Wyspiański, Wojciech Kossak, and others, facilitated by Degen House, the bank’s technological partner, who also managed the Aleph Zero integration. The process began with the creation of high-quality, museum-grade 3D scans using ultra-sensitive cameras, which capture every detail of the original artworks. These digital replicas were then minted as NFTs on the eco-friendly Aleph Zero blockchain, which ensures minimal carbon footprint during the process. The tokenized versions are subsequently archived in the Arctic World Archive, where they are expected to remain secure for at least 1,000 years.
ARCHIV3 涉及對 Jan Matejko、Stanisław Wyspiański、Wojciech Kossak 等波蘭標誌性藝術家的傑作進行細緻的數位化處理,並由該銀行的技術合作夥伴 Degen House 協助,Degen House 也負責管理 Aleph Zero 整合。這個過程首先使用超靈敏相機創建高品質的博物館級 3D 掃描,捕捉原始藝術品的每個細節。然後,這些數位複製品在環保的 Aleph Zero 區塊鏈上被鑄造為 NFT,從而確保在此過程中最小化碳足跡。代幣化版本隨後將存檔在北極世界檔案館中,預計它們將安全保存至少 1000 年。
The artworks in the Archiv3 collection span a range of historical periods, primarily featuring 19th-century works and select modern pieces, such as those by contemporary artist Lia Kimura. This initiative aims to preserve these treasures not only for their cultural and historical significance but also as a resource for future study, conservation, and potential virtual exhibitions.
Archiv3 收藏的藝術品跨越了一系列歷史時期,主要包括 19 世紀的作品和精選的現代作品,例如當代藝術家 Lia Kimura 的作品。該倡議旨在保護這些寶藏,不僅是因為它們具有文化和歷史意義,也是未來研究、保護和潛在虛擬展覽的資源。
Preserving Art for Future Generations
The Arctic World Archive, located on the remote Svalbard archipelago, serves as a highly secure data vault designed to protect invaluable cultural, historical, and scientific information from natural disasters, cyber threats, and other risks. Established in 2017, the archive uses advanced storage technology to ensure data longevity without the need for electricity or human intervention, making it one of the safest places in the world for preserving irreplaceable records.
北極世界檔案館位於偏遠的斯瓦爾巴群島,是一個高度安全的資料庫,旨在保護寶貴的文化、歷史和科學資訊免受自然災害、網路威脅和其他風險的影響。該檔案館成立於 2017 年,採用先進的儲存技術來確保資料的長期保存,無需電力或人工幹預,使其成為世界上保存不可替代記錄的最安全的地方之一。
The AWA already houses manuscripts from the Vatican Library, documentation from UNESCO and UNICEF, the entire GitHub code repository, as well as literary works by Nobel Prize laureates Olga Tokarczuk and Wisława Szymborska. Bank Pekao is the first financial institution to archive culturally significant artworks at the AWA, while doing the same using decentralized storage, setting a precedent for how blockchain technology can be used to bridge traditional art with new digital solutions.
AWA 已經收藏了梵蒂岡圖書館的手稿、聯合國教科文組織和聯合國兒童基金會的文檔、整個GitHub 程式碼儲存庫,以及諾貝爾獎得主奧爾加·託卡爾丘克和維斯瓦瓦·辛波斯卡的文學作品。 Bank Pekao 是第一家在AWA 存檔具有文化意義的藝術品的金融機構,同時使用去中心化存儲進行同樣的操作,為如何使用區塊鏈技術將傳統藝術與新的數位解決方案聯繫起來開創了先例。
For any enquiries about this release, please contact josh@serotonin.co
有關此版本的任何疑問,請聯絡 josh@serotonin.co
About Aleph Zero
Aleph Zero is a privacy-first ecosystem of blockchain solutions that are engineered for speed, data confidentiality, and ease of development. It achieves efficiencies akin to conventional web2 systems, upholds rigorous standards for data protection via zero knowledge proofs, and offers a comprehensive toolset for development across web3 that ranges from WASM-based Rust to EVM-based Solidity environments. Aleph Zero’s versatility is highlighted by over 40 use cases being actively developed, showcasing its adaptability across various sectors and applications. These use cases are part of an engaged community and growing ecosystem of web3 applications that are supported by Aleph Zero ecosystem development programs.
Aleph Zero 是一個隱私優先的區塊鏈解決方案生態系統,旨在提高速度、資料機密性和易於開發性。它實現了與傳統 web2 系統類似的效率,透過零知識證明維護嚴格的資料保護標準,並為跨 web3 的開發提供了全面的工具集,範圍從基於 WASM 的 Rust 到基於 EVM 的 Solidity 環境。 Aleph Zero 的多功能性體現在 40 多個正在積極開發的用例中,展示了其在各個領域和應用程式中的適應性。這些用例是參與社區和不斷發展的 web3 應用程式生態系統的一部分,由 Aleph Zero 生態系統開發計劃支援。
For more information, users can visit https://alephzero.org/
About Bank Pekao S.A.
Bank Pekao S.A., founded in 1929, is one of the largest financial institutions in the Central and Eastern European region
Bank Pekao SA 成立於 1929 年,是中東歐地區最大的金融機構之一
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