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莫迪總理出席了在 Bharat Mandapam 舉辦的第 2550 屆馬哈維亞勳爵涅槃·馬霍察夫 (Nirvan Mahotsav) 開幕式並向人群發表講話。他在馬哈維爾·賈揚蒂之際向全國人民表達了他的願望,並在選舉高峰期間參加這樣的計劃尋求安慰。
Mahavir Jayanti: PM Modi Inaugurates 2550th Nirvan Mahotsav, Emphasizes Lord Mahavir's Teachings for a Developed India
Mahavir Jayanti:莫迪總理為第 2550 週年 Nirvan Mahotsav 就職典禮,強調 Mahavir 勳爵關於發達印度的教誨
In a momentous celebration at the historic Bharat Mandapam, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the 2550th Nirvan Mahotsav of Lord Mahavir, the 24th Tirthankara of Jainism. The event marked the commencement of a grand festival honoring the life, teachings, and profound impact of one of India's most revered spiritual leaders.
在歷史悠久的巴拉特曼達帕姆(Bharat Mandapam) 舉行的重大慶祝活動中,印度總理納倫德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi) 為馬哈維爾勳爵(Lord Mahavir) 第2550 任Nirvan Mahotsav、耆那教第24 任提坦卡拉(Tirthankara) 揭幕。這場活動標誌著一個盛大節日的開始,紀念印度最受尊敬的精神領袖之一的生活、教義和深遠影響。
Addressing a vast gathering, Prime Minister Modi extended his heartfelt greetings to the nation on the auspicious occasion of Mahavir Jayanti. He expressed his delight and privilege to participate in the program amidst the lively electoral atmosphere, finding solace and inspiration in the time-honored wisdom of Lord Mahavir.
"As we embark on the 2550th Nirvan Mahotsav, we are reminded of the enduring legacy and transformative teachings of Lord Mahavir," Prime Minister Modi proclaimed. "His principles of non-violence, compassion, and self-restraint continue to guide us in our pursuit of a harmonious and prosperous society."
莫迪總理宣稱:“當我們踏上第 2550 屆涅槃馬霍察夫之行時,我們想起了馬哈維爾勳爵的不朽遺產和變革性教義。” “他的非暴力、同情心和自我克制的原則繼續指導我們追求和諧繁榮的社會。”
Prime Minister Modi highlighted the relevance of Lord Mahavir's teachings in the contemporary world, emphasizing their unwavering significance in fostering a developed and enlightened India.
"Lord Mahavir's messages of peace, restraint, and goodwill are an enduring beacon of hope and inspiration for our nation," Prime Minister Modi asserted. "These timeless principles have the power to shape our collective destiny, leading us towards a future where compassion, unity, and progress prevail."
莫迪總理斷言:“馬哈維爾勳爵傳達的和平、克制和善意的信息是我們國家希望和鼓舞的持久燈塔。” 「這些永恆的原則有能力塑造我們的集體命運,引導我們走向一個充滿同情、團結和進步的未來。”
In his social media post on the occasion, Prime Minister Modi extended his heartfelt wishes to all the families across the country, reiterating the profound significance of Lord Mahavir's teachings for India's development.
"On this auspicious day, we remember the teachings of Lord Mahavir that continue to inspire us to live in harmony and peace," Prime Minister Modi posted. "Let us strive to spread the message of non-violence, compassion, and forgiveness, making our country a beacon of unity and prosperity."
莫迪總理發文表示:“在這個吉祥的日子裡,我們銘記馬哈維亞勳爵的教誨,這些教誨繼續激勵我們和諧與和平地生活。” “讓我們努力傳播非暴力、同情和寬恕的信息,使我們的國家成為團結與繁榮的燈塔。”
Significance of Mahavir Jayanti
Mahavir Jayanti, also known as Mahavir Swami Jayanti, commemorates the birth anniversary of Lord Mahavir, the founder and central figure of Jainism. Born in 615 BC into a royal family, Vardhamana Mahavira renounced his princely status at the age of 30, embarking on a spiritual journey seeking truth and enlightenment.
Mahavir Jayanti,也稱為 Mahavir Swami Jayanti,紀念耆那教創始人和核心人物 Mahavir 勳爵的誕辰週年。瓦爾達馬納·馬哈維亞 (Vardhamana Mahavira) 出生於公元前 615 年的一個王室,30 歲時放棄了王子身份,踏上了尋求真理和啟蒙的精神之旅。
After twelve years of rigorous austerities and contemplation, Mahavira attained Kevala Jnana, or perfect knowledge. He then disseminated his teachings, establishing Jainism as a distinct spiritual path. Mahavira's teachings centered around the principles of non-violence (ahimsa), non-stealing (asteya), chastity (brahmacharya), and non-attachment (aparigraha).
經過十二年嚴格的苦行和沈思,馬哈維亞獲得了 Kevala Jnana(完美的知識)。然後他傳播了他的教義,將耆那教確立為一條獨特的精神道路。馬哈維亞的教導圍繞著非暴力(ahimsa)、不偷竊(asteya)、貞潔(brahmacharya)和不執著(aparigraha)的原則。
Jainism and its Impact
Jainism, one of India's oldest religions, has significantly influenced Indian philosophy, culture, and ethics for over two millennia. Its emphasis on non-violence and compassion towards all living beings has played a pivotal role in shaping Indian society and worldview.
"The teachings of Jainism have had a profound impact on Indian civilization," Prime Minister Modi said. "They continue to guide us in our quest for peace, harmony, and spiritual fulfillment."
莫迪總理表示:“耆那教的教義對印度文明產生了深遠的影響。” “他們繼續指導我們追求和平、和諧和精神上的滿足。”
Relevance in Today's World
In the face of contemporary global challenges, the teachings of Lord Mahavir resonate more strongly than ever. His message of non-violence, empathy, and self-restraint offers a transformative path towards a more just and peaceful world.
"Lord Mahavir's teachings are a beacon of hope in a world often marred by violence and conflict," Prime Minister Modi affirmed. "They remind us that lasting peace and progress can only be achieved through compassion, dialogue, and understanding."
莫迪總理肯定地說:“馬哈維亞勳爵的教義是一個經常受到暴力和衝突破壞的世界的希望燈塔。” “他們提醒我們,只有透過同情、對話和理解才能實現持久和平與進步。”
The 2550th Nirvan Mahotsav of Lord Mahavir serves as a powerful reminder of the profound impact that his teachings have had on the development of Indian civilization. Prime Minister Modi's inauguration of the event underscores the relevance and significance of Jainism in today's world, inspiring us to strive for a future guided by the principles of non-violence, compassion, and unity. As we celebrate Mahavir Jayanti, let us all pledge to uphold these timeless principles, working together to build a more just, harmonious, and developed India.
馬哈維爾勳爵的第 2550 世涅槃·馬霍察夫有力地提醒我們,他的教義對印度文明的發展產生了深遠的影響。莫迪總理為活動揭幕,強調了耆那教在當今世界的相關性和重要性,激勵我們為非暴力、同情和團結原則指導的未來而奮鬥。在我們慶祝 Mahavir Jayanti 之際,讓我們所有人承諾堅持這些永恆的原則,共同努力建立一個更公正、和諧和發展的印度。
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