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Major healthcare and technology breakthroughs have resulted in extended human longevity. People live longer today than ever, and reports indicate that the trend will continue into the foreseeable future. Here's everything you need to know about how new advancements extend human longevity.
Statistics Don’t Lie
Several studies examining extending life expectancies have provided some interesting results. For example, a report from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and coordinated by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) revealed that the average life expectancy of a female in the US will increase from 73.6 years in 2022 to 78.1 years by 2050. This report revealed a longer life expectancy of +0-27 years between 1990 and 2019 as well.
幾項關於延長壽命的研究提供了一些有趣的結果。例如,比爾及梅琳達蓋茲基金會和健康指標與評估研究所(IHME)協調的報告顯示,美國女性的平均壽命將從2022年的73.6歲增加到2050年的78.1歲。報告也顯示,1990 年至2019 年間,預期壽命延長了0-27 歲。
The data revealed that the biggest increase in life expectancy will come from the countries with the lowest longevity currently. These nations will quickly gain access to healthcare and other services that will make this transformation a possibility according to researchers. This discovery was in stark contrast to what many analysts believed the scenario would be, superpowers experiencing the largest life expectancy increases.
How Will People Live Longer?
There are some interesting ways in which your life expectancy may increase in the future. Researchers continue to delve into various methods and sciences to ward off the effects of old age and extend youth and health. Here are a few interesting studies that should help you understand that the race for human longevity has many paths.
Anti-Aging Drugs to Drive Human Longevity
The idea of an age-defying elixir has been a concept since ancient civilizations. There are moments in history when dignitaries and others attempted some crazy ways to stop the effects of time. For example, cinnabar (mercuric sulfide) was commonly used in makeup products in ancient cultures, resulting in disease and death.
Thankfully, science may be closer to finding the true anti-aging serum. A study, published in the journal Fly, delves into the use of Mifepristone and Rapamycin to extend life expectancy. The researchers used fruit flies as the subjects, which they monitored using a noninvasive method.
The engineers noticed that both Mifepristone and Rapamycin slightly extended the fly's life expectancy by enhancing the cell's ability to fight off mitophagy, restoring your cell's mitochondrial health. Humans naturally lose this capability as they age.
The results of the study suggested both drugs slightly improved this capability. However, when used together, they didn't improve results, leading researchers to conclude they work similarly. Notably the test was conducted at the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences and funded by the National Institute on Aging grant R01AG057741.
研究結果顯示這兩種藥物都略微提高了這種能力。然而,當一起使用時,它們並沒有改善結果,導致研究人員得出結論,它們的工作原理相似。值得注意的是,該測試是在南加州大學多恩西夫文學、藝術和科學學院進行的,並由國家老化研究所 R01AG057741 資助。
Now engineers seek to get approval for further testing of the drugs on humans. Thankfully, these drugs are both used for other purposes currently, making it easier to get them approved as anti-aging drugs if the benefits are clinically proven.
Cardio Fitness Boosts Human Longevity
It may not be a huge surprise to learn that there is a strong connection between your cardiovascular health and your life expectancy for most people. However, according to a new report published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM), this connection is far greater than once thought. A team of researchers examined +20.9 million observations from 199 unique research groups, seeking out the correlation.
對於大多數人來說,心血管健康與預期壽命之間存在密切聯繫,這可能並不令人感到意外。然而,根據《英國運動醫學雜誌》(BJSM)發表的一份新報告,這種聯繫遠比以前想像的要大。一組研究人員檢查了來自 199 個獨特研究小組的 2090 萬個觀察結果,尋找其中的相關性。
The researchers discovered that the better your body is at supplying oxygen during intense activities, the longer you are likely to live. It also showed that you're less likely to develop diseases when you consistently enhance your blood flow by working out and staying active. This data demonstrates how high levels of cardiorespiratory fitness may be one of the best ways to ward off diseases like type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cancers, stroke, and depression.
研究人員發現,在劇烈活動期間,您的身體提供氧氣的能力越好,您的壽命就越長。它還表明,當您透過運動和保持活躍來持續增強血液流動時,您患疾病的可能性就會降低。這些數據表明,高水平的心肺健康可能是預防第 2 型糖尿病、代謝症候群、癌症、中風和憂鬱症等疾病的最佳方法之一。
Microbiome Optimization Can Improve Human Longevity.
Another report found that your gut microbiome is a crucial component that could dictate how long you live. Your microbiome is home to billions of microorganisms that all play a part in your health, digestion, and bodily functions. This critical component of your anatomy dictates your nutrition absorption, immune system health, hormone levels, metabolism, and much more.
Researchers have discovered that those with healthier gut microbiomes enjoy a reduced risk of various chronic diseases. As such, enhancing your microbiome can help you live longer and healthier. To improve your microbiome, you don’t need anything special. A healthy diet, which includes pro and prebiotics, can make a difference.
Water-Bear May be the Key
Nature is full of creatures that seem to ward off aging or sickness through unimaginably harsh conditions. In the past, engineers have looked towards jellyfish, lobsters, tortoises, and other animals to reveal some of their longevity secrets. A recent study shrinks the subjects to a microscopic level in search of results.
The tardigrade, or water bear, is a tiny arthropod that can survive in some insane conditions. For example, these
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