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World War II Veteran Celebrates a Century of Life, Honored for Service and Community Impact
On April 27, Howard Mautner, a nonagenarian veteran of World War II, was celebrated by an assemblage of dignitaries, companions, and family members at a special event held at the Villas at Spanish Oaks Social Center, marking his 100th birthday.
With a resonant and unwavering voice, Mautner led the attendees, numbering over 150, in the Pledge of Allegiance, his words echoing the unwavering patriotism that has defined his life. Adorned in an American flag jacket, he embodied the spirit of the nation he had once served with honor.
Eight members of the esteemed Marion County Memorial Honor Guard, clad in their formal attire, presented a majestic color guard for the momentous occasion. Later, they encircled Mautner, extending a heartfelt hand salute as a token of reverence.
尊敬されるマリオン郡記念儀仗隊の 8 人の隊員が、正装に身を包み、この重大な機会に荘厳なカラーガードを披露しました。その後、彼らはマトナー氏を取り囲み、敬意の表れとして心からの敬礼を行った。
Diane Benjamin, in her invocation, extolled Mautner's virtues, recognizing his wisdom, community involvement, and compassionate nature. Congresswoman Kat Cammack, representing the United States House of Representatives, bestowed upon Mautner the title of "true patriot and American hero."
Presenting Mautner with a special proclamation and an American flag flown over the US Capitol, Cammack praised his exceptional memory and expressed her admiration for his unwavering spirit. She presented him with a challenge coin, symbolizing his lifetime of service and dedication.
Cammack acknowledged Mautner's remarkable recall and swagger, remarking that she aspired to possess similar qualities. "I am in awe of you," she stated, expressing her gratitude for his military service.
カマックはモートナーの驚くべき記憶力と威張った姿勢を認め、彼女も同様の資質を持ちたいと願っていたと述べた。 「私はあなたに畏敬の念を抱いています」と彼女は述べ、彼の兵役に感謝の意を表した。
Joining the celebration, State Representatives Stan McClain and Ryan Chamberlin presented Mautner with a flag that had graced the state Capitol, acknowledging his profound influence on the community. Ocala City Councilman Jim Hilty Jr., a fellow veteran of the Vietnam War, presented a proclamation honoring Mautner's milestone birthday, along with a commemorative pin and a key to the city.
County Commission Chairwoman Michelle Stone, accompanied by her spouse Charlie, presented Mautner with yet another birthday proclamation and attached a lapel pin to his jacket.
The celebration, hosted by the Villas at Spanish Oaks Home Owners' Association and catered by Mojo's restaurant, provided an occasion for Mautner to be the first to enjoy his culinary choices, expertly served by Dora Hopkins, his regular server at Mojo's.
Numerous veterans' organizations, including Marion County Veterans Services, Marion County Veterans Helping Veterans, and Friends of Marion County's Veterans Park, were represented at the event, adding to the sense of camaraderie and support.
"Can't thank you enough," Mautner expressed, his voice filled with gratitude for the outpouring of honors.
Mautner's niece, Leslie Chandler, and her husband, Russell, traveled from Boulder, Colorado, to witness the momentous occasion. "He's hard to keep up with," Leslie remarked, describing her uncle's boundless energy. Russell Chandler compared Mautner to the Energizer Bunny, symbolizing his unwavering vitality.
モートナーさんの姪のレスリー・チャンドラーさんと夫のラッセルさんは、この重大な出来事を目撃するためにコロラド州ボルダーからやって来た。 「彼についていくのは難しい」とレスリーさんは叔父の無限のエネルギーについて語った。ラッセル・チャンドラーはモートナーをエナジャイザー・バニーに例え、彼の揺るぎない活力を象徴しました。
Jeanette Schnorrenberg, a close friend, described Mautner as "very gifted" and praised his unwavering commitment to the community. MYMHCommunity.com acknowledged his political activism within the 76-acre, 55-plus community in northeast Ocala, where Mautner has resided since the 1980s.
親しい友人のジャネット・シュノレンバーグさんは、モートナー氏を「非常に才能のある人」と評し、地域社会への彼の揺るぎない取り組みを称賛した。 MYMHCommunity.com は、マウトナー氏が 1980 年代から居住しているオカラ北東部の 76 エーカー、55 エーカー以上のコミュニティ内での彼の政治活動を認めた。
Currently living independently with some assistance, Mautner's commitment to personal autonomy remains evident. His granddaughter, Lisa Strickland-Paul of Laurel Hill, Florida, accompanied by Evelyn Pierson, attended the celebration. Linda Schultz, Sandra Desenso, and Richard Bell, present at the event, were described as helpful and supportive friends who have played a crucial role in Mautner's life.
"We are like family. We love him so much," Schultz declared, reflecting the deep bond shared within the group. Richard Rice, a fellow Vietnam War veteran, shared a table with the honoree.
Born on April 28, 1924, in Rockford, Illinois, Mautner moved to Madison, Wisconsin at the age of eight, according to a biography provided by Todd Belknap of Marion County Veterans Helping Veterans. The biography credits Kay Lerner of Southeast & Country Club Living Magazine for the information.
マリオン郡退役軍人支援団体のトッド・ベルナップ氏が提供した伝記によると、モートナー氏は1924年4月28日にイリノイ州ロックフォードで生まれ、8歳でウィスコンシン州マディソンに移住した。この伝記には、Southeast & Country Club Living Magazine の Kay Lerner の情報提供がクレジットされています。
Joining the US Army Air Corps at 18 in 1942, Mautner served as an air traffic controller, then known as control tower personnel. His service took him to Europe, including Naples and Vienna, his father's birthplace.
1942 年に 18 歳でアメリカ陸軍航空隊に入隊したモートナーは、当時管制塔要員として知られていた航空管制官を務めました。彼の奉仕により、彼はナポリや父親の出生地であるウィーンを含むヨーロッパに連れて行かれました。
Mautner's late brother, Richard, served as a B-25 pilot during the war. Mautner completed his service with the rank of staff sergeant in 1945.
マトナー氏の亡き弟、リチャード氏は戦時中にB-25のパイロットとして活躍した。マトナーは 1945 年に軍曹の階級で勤務を終えた。
Returning to civilian life, Mautner joined the family shoe store business and married Alma in 1968. The business closed in 1974, and in 1979, the couple retired to Lake Alfred, Florida.
In 1980, Alma and Howard Mautner relocated to the Villas at Spanish Oaks. After Alma's passing, Mautner met his second wife, Ruby, in 1986, and they married two years later. Ruby passed away in 2007.
1980 年、アルマとハワード モートナーはスパニッシュ オークスのヴィラに移転しました。アルマの死後、モートナーは 1986 年に 2 番目の妻ルビーと出会い、2 年後に結婚しました。ルビーさんは2007年に亡くなった。
Family members indicated that Mautner had a stepchild from each marriage. He is also the proud grandfather of one grandchild, one great-grandchild, and one great-great-grandchild.
家族は、モートナーにはそれぞれの結婚で継子がいたと述べた。彼は、孫、曾孫、玄孫が 1 人いる、誇り高い祖父でもあります。
Marion County Tax Collector George Albright, who has known Mautner since 1988, praised his unwavering activism within the Villas at Spanish Oaks, which Albright described as one of the highest voter turnout areas in the county. Albright attributed the large attendance at the birthday celebration to the "love and admiration" people have for Mautner.
As the gathering concluded, Mautner expressed his deep appreciation for the honor and recognition bestowed upon him. His unwavering patriotism, dedication to community, and extraordinary life journey continue to inspire those who have the privilege of knowing him.
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