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成功した先人たちの足跡を継ぎ、レニー プティとレオナルド リュビチッチは、スポーツへの情熱とテニス界のレジェンドである父親の指導に突き動かされて、モナコ出身の新進気鋭のテニススターです。それぞれが独自の道を歩んでいますが、デビスカップでモナコを代表し、世界の舞台で偉大さを達成するという同じ目標を共有しています。
Embracing their fathers' legacy, Lenny Petit and Leonardo Ljubicic, two rising stars in the world of tennis, are determined to carve their own path while honoring the footsteps of their predecessors.
Hailing from Monaco and Austria respectively, Petit and Ljubicic have been immersed in the sport since their tender years. Petit's father was a promising junior player before pursuing a career in online poker, while Ljubicic's father, Ivan, achieved global recognition as a world number three and coach to none other than Roger Federer.
それぞれモナコとオーストリア出身のプティとリュビチッチは、幼い頃からこのスポーツに没頭してきた。プティの父親は、オンライン ポーカーでのキャリアを追求する前は将来有望なジュニア プレーヤーでしたが、リュビチッチの父親であるイワンは、世界ナンバー 3 位として、そして他ならぬロジャー フェデラーのコーチとして世界的な知名度を獲得しました。
Despite their familial connections, both players have forged their own unique journeys to tennis stardom. For Ljubicic, the allure of the sport became evident at the age of five when he accompanied his father to tournaments. Under the guidance of his first coach, Michel Borfiga, Ljubicic's passion for tennis blossomed, leading him to dedicate countless hours to training.
Petit's path to tennis was more circuitous. He experimented with various sports, including swimming, boxing, judo, karate, fencing, and baseball, before settling on football and tennis. It was his father's knowledge of the sport that ultimately swayed Petit towards tennis as his primary focus.
United by their age, passion for tennis, and familial ties, Petit and Ljubicic share a common goal: to represent their respective nations in the prestigious Davis Cup.
"It's not a dream because I hope it will happen, but we train for that, it's our goal in a few years," declared Ljubicic, who balances his tennis training between the Lycée Albert-1er and the Monte-Carlo Country Club.
Petit, whose father competed among the top 50 junior players, recognizes the arduous journey ahead but remains steadfast in his pursuit of tennis excellence.
"Towards the age of 10, I started training hard to become a professional and dedicate my life to it," said Ljubicic, who divides his training between Monaco and Vienna, where he receives guidance from Günter Bresnik, the former coach of Dominic Thiem.
Ljubicic's tennis trajectory is yet to be fully determined. While the sport undoubtedly holds a prominent place in his life, he aspires to pursue higher education in business and management in the United States.
Despite their differences in approach, both players draw invaluable counsel from their fathers.
"He tries to help me and since he was a good player, he gives me good advice," said Petit of his father. "He gives everything for me and finances my journey."
「彼は私を助けようとしてくれますし、彼は優れた選手だったので、私に良いアドバイスをくれます」とプティは父親について語った。 「彼は私のためにすべてを与え、私の旅の資金を提供してくれました。」
Ljubicic, on the other hand, benefits from the expertise of Ivan Ljubicic, who juggles his responsibilities as high-performance manager for the French Tennis Federation with his academy in Croatia.
"Since childhood, we only talk about tennis at home," said Ljubicic. "I've watched a lot of matches in my life. My father has played a huge role in my tennis life and my love for the sport. He gives me very good advice. He was Federer's coach, so it's not so bad [laughs]. When I go to Croatia or when I'm here, we get to see each other and he coaches me when he has time."
「子供の頃から、家ではテニスのことしか話さない」とリュビチッチは語った。 「私は人生でたくさんの試合を観てきました。父は私のテニス人生とスポーツへの愛情において大きな役割を果たしてくれました。父は私にとても良いアドバイスをくれます。彼はフェデラーのコーチだったので、それほど悪くはありません(笑)」 ] クロアチアに行くとき、またはここにいるとき、私たちはお互いに会うことができ、彼は時間があるときに私を指導します。」
Ljubicic also finds inspiration in Roger Federer, whom he has the privilege of knowing personally through his father.
"I love his game like millions of people on this planet," said Ljubicic. "And then, I have the chance to know him personally thanks to my father - they've been friends since I was little. He's a person who inspires me. He's as incredible on the court as he is off it, in the way he behaves with everyone. He's already given me advice and it seems surreal to me. I try to apply it because for me he's the greatest of all time."
「地球上の何百万人もの人々と同じように、私も彼の試合が大好きです」とリュビチッチは語った。 「そして、父のおかげで、私は彼を個人的に知る機会がありました。彼らは私が幼い頃からの友人です。彼は私にインスピレーションを与えてくれる人物です。彼はコート上でもコート外でも同じくらい素晴らしいです。彼のやり方は素晴らしいです」彼はすでに私にアドバイスをくれていますが、それを実践しようとしているのは、彼が史上最高だからです。」
While Ljubicic may not be at the level to compete in the prestigious Rolex Monte-Carlo Masters just yet, both players are steadily progressing, participating in numerous tournaments to hone their skills and edge closer to their respective goals.
リュビチッチはまだ権威あるロレックス モンテカルロ マスターズに出場できるレベルには達していないかもしれないが、両選手とも着実に進歩しており、数多くのトーナメントに参加してスキルを磨き、それぞれの目標に少しずつ近づいている。
"I play a few tournaments but not as many as Lenny, who is much further along in his career than me," said Ljubicic. "I still have a lot to play to reach his level."
「私はいくつかのトーナメントに出場しているが、レニーほどではない。レニーは私よりキャリアがずっと長い」とリュビチッチは語った。 「彼のレベルに到達するには、まだプレーすることがたくさんある。」
Petit, on the other hand, competes on the Junior Circuit and Future tournaments, balancing his tennis pursuits with online courses.
"I earned my first three ITF points by reaching the last round of the qualification of Future tournaments three times," said Petit. "My next goal is to get my first ATP points by winning a match in the main draw."
「フューチャートーナメントの最終予選に3回進出して、最初の3つのITFポイントを獲得しました」とプティは語った。 「次の目標は、メインドローの試合に勝って初のATPポイントを獲得することです。」
The road to achieving their tennis dreams will undoubtedly be long and arduous.
"For me, it would be to be able to play the Grand Slams with the likes of Alcaraz and Sinner," said Ljubicic, referring to rising tennis stars Carlos Alcaraz and Jannik Sinner. "And then also win Monte-Carlo, Wimbledon, or Roland-Garros."
「私にとって、それはアルカラスやシナーのような選手たちとグランドスラムでプレーできることだ」とリュビチッチは、新進気鋭のテニススター、カルロス・アルカラスやヤニク・シナーについて言及した。 「そしてモンテカルロ、ウィンブルドン、ローランギャロスでも優勝しましょう。」
Petit, who idolizes Austrian tennis player Dominic Thiem, aspires to "become world number one" and conquer the hallowed courts of Monte-Carlo and Roland-Garros.
As they navigate the challenges that lie ahead, Petit and Ljubicic remain committed to honoring the legacy of their fathers while forging their own unique paths in the world of professional tennis.
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- リンカーン小麦のペニーは2,000万ドルの価値がありました
- 2025-02-23 16:30:26
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