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Alfred Nobel's will established the Nobel Prize, which is awarded annually to those who have made the greatest contribution to humanity in the fields of physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, and peace during the preceding year.
Later on, the Swedish central bank would create a sixth prize for economic sciences, which is officially known as the Prize in Economic Sciences and often referred to as the Nobel Prize in Economics.
その後、スウェーデン中央銀行は、正式には経済科学賞として知られ、しばしばノーベル経済学賞とも呼ばれる、経済科学分野で 6 番目の賞を創設しました。
The decision on who will receive the prize is made by several Swedish academic institutions.
Alfred Nobel's decision to establish the Nobel Prize was influenced by an event that occurred earlier in his life. When a French newspaper mistakenly reported his brother's death, it published an obituary titled "The Merchant of Death Is Dead." The article criticized Nobel for his invention of smokeless explosives, of which dynamite was the most well-known.
Nobel's inventions had a significant impact on the development of modern warfare, and he eventually purchased a large iron and steel mill with the intention of transforming it into a major armaments manufacturer.
However, being primarily a chemist, engineer, and inventor, Nobel realized that he did not want his legacy to be that of a man who had made a fortune from war and the deaths of others.
Today, Nobel's fortune is held in a fund that is invested to generate income for the Nobel Foundation and the gold-plated green gold medal, diploma, and monetary award of 11 million SEK (around $1M) that is given to the prize winners.
現在、ノーベルの財産は、ノーベル財団の収入を生み出すために投資される基金に保管されており、金メッキの緑色の金メダル、賞状、受賞者に与えられる賞金 1,100 万スウェーデンクローナ (約 100 万ドル) が贈られます。
The prize money is frequently divided among multiple winners, especially in scientific fields where it is common for two or three leading figures to contribute together or in parallel to a groundbreaking discovery.
賞金は複数の受賞者に分配されることが多く、特に科学分野では、画期的な発見に 2 人または 3 人の著名な人物が一緒に、または並行して貢献することが一般的です。
Over the years, the Nobel Prize has become the preeminent scientific prize, striving to strike a balance between theoretical and highly practical discoveries. It has recognized achievements that have laid the foundations of the modern world, such as radioactivity, antibiotics, X-rays, or PCR, as well as fundamental science like the power source of the sun, the electron charge, atomic structure, or superfluidity.
For a long time - practically since its origins with Adam Smith - economic sciences have analyzed macroeconomics with the assumption that the people making up the economy are rational actors.
From such ideas stemmed central concepts of economic science, such as:
This makes some sense, as people are mostly driven by their own interests, and most economics (trade, currency, etc.) involve logical and rational decisions. But at the same time, it is not so hard to find plenty of real-life examples where individuals, companies, or entire nations make all but rational choices. And especially when it comes to economics and money.
For example, someone might gamble his life savings away in a casino, even when knowing that the probabilities are against him. Or a company's management might make risky gambles that endanger a corporation more than a century old.
たとえば、確率が自分に不利であるとわかっていても、カジノで人生の貯金をギャンブルに費やしてしまう人がいるかもしれません。あるいは、企業の経営者が、創業 100 年以上の企業を危険にさらすような危険な賭けをするかもしれません。
This has long troubled economists, who knew deep inside that the “perfectly rational agent” assumed in most economic models is an oversimplification.
This led to the development of a new discipline, sitting at the junction between the study of economics, and the study of human psychology, called behavioral economics.
One key founder of this discipline has been Richard H. Thaler, who was rewarded with the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2017 for his contributions to behavioral economics.
この分野の主要な創設者の 1 人は、行動経済学への貢献により 2017 年にノーベル経済学賞を受賞したリチャード H. セイラーです。
Thaler was relentless in pushing the limits of economic sciences beyond the presumptions of “rational agents.” Notably, he published the regular “Anomalies” series in the Journal of Economic Perspectives, as well as many articles, comments, and books to push the idea that psychology should be integrated into economics.
Throughout his career, he would further elaborate and build a large array of analyses on the limited rationality, or sometimes irrationality, of our economic decisions. Among these are three key concepts:
彼はそのキャリアを通じて、私たちの経済的決定の限られた合理性、あるいは場合によっては非合理性について、さらに詳しく分析し、膨大な数の分析を構築しました。その中には、次の 3 つの重要な概念があります。
Thaler's first insight was into people's tendency to make economic decisions based on gains and losses relative to some reference point. This differed from conventional economic wisdom, assuming a rational choice for a given amount of wealth or utility (like health).
He also demonstrated it in multiple studies where he investigated people's preferences when facing hypothetical scenarios. For example, a $100 to a $200 gain (or loss) has a larger utility impact than moving from a $10,100 to a $10,200 gain (or loss), despite the gain/loss being actually identical.
彼はまた、仮説的なシナリオに直面したときの人々の好みを調査した複数の研究でもそれを実証しました。たとえば、実際には利益と損失が同じであるにもかかわらず、100 ドルから 200 ドルの利益 (または損失) は、10,100 ドルから 10,200 ドルの利益 (または損失) に移行するよりも大きな効用効果があります。
Another example is how taxi drivers drive less on days with high demand and more on days with low demand.
もう 1 つの例は、タクシー運転手が需要が多い日には運転量を減らし、需要が少ない日には運転量を増やす方法です。
This is not rational economic behavior, but it makes sense if the mental goal is to reach a certain reference revenue for the day instead of maximizing profits over time.
A key influence is that people are known to be much more averse to loss than appreciative of gains. This can sometimes manifest as an order of magnitude greater sensitivity to losses or fear of losses than greed for gains.
So, for example, when faced with equal
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