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仮想通貨業界の擁護者でマサチューセッツ州上院議員候補のジョン・ディートン氏は、SECとの法廷闘争においてコインベースを支持する法廷準備書面を提出し、SECによるハウイー・テストの一貫性のない適用と有価証券としてのデジタル資産の定義の明確さの欠如には高等裁判所の提訴が必要であると主張した。レビュー。 4,701人の仮想通貨ユーザー、開発者、投資家の代表を務めるディートン氏は、法廷で彼らの声を代弁し、SECによる小規模投資家の利益軽視疑惑に対する彼らの保護を主張しようとしている。
Massachusetts Senate Candidate John Deaton: Crypto Advocate Takes on the SEC
In the midst of a bustling Senate campaign, John Deaton, a fervent crypto enthusiast and lawyer, is not allowing his political aspirations to deter him from vigorously challenging the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on behalf of the burgeoning crypto industry.
Deaton's audacious move is a testament to his unwavering commitment to protecting the interests of the crypto community. He has filed an amicus brief in the Southern District of New York in support of Coinbase, the United States' largest crypto exchange, in its ongoing legal battle with the SEC. This bold action is not just a mere gesture; it signifies a resounding message that the crypto industry is ready to fight back against the government's relentless crackdown.
"The SEC Chairman Gary Gensler and his agency have made it abundantly clear that they are not interested in protecting small investors and operate solely to serve their political masters," Deaton asserts to FOX Business. "The SEC wields unlimited resources, funded by taxpayers, while Coinbase is a multibillion-dollar company with access to the best legal counsel money can buy. The consumers deserve an advocate and a voice as well."
「ゲイリー・ゲンスラーSEC委員長とその代理人は、小規模投資家を保護することに関心がなく、政治的支配者に奉仕するためだけに活動していることを十分に明らかにしている」とディートン氏はFOXビジネスに主張した。 「SECは納税者からの資金で無制限のリソースを行使する一方、Coinbaseはお金で買える最高の法律顧問にアクセスできる数十億ドル規模の企業です。消費者も同様に擁護者と声を上げる権利があります。」
Deaton's amicus brief, which garnered praise from Coinbase's Chief Legal Officer Paul Grewal, encapsulates the concerns of 4,701 Coinbase users, developers, and crypto investors who demand their voices to be heard in court.
Coinbaseの最高法務責任者であるPaul Grewal氏から賞賛を集めたディートン氏の法廷準備書面には、法廷で自分たちの声を聞くことを求める4,701人のCoinbaseユーザー、開発者、仮想通貨投資家の懸念が要約されている。
At the heart of the SEC's lawsuit against Coinbase lies the fundamental question of whether the Howey Test, a litmus test used to determine if a transaction qualifies as an investment contract and thus a security, applies to crypto transactions. The SEC contends that all cryptocurrencies except Bitcoin are likely securities due to their resemblance to traditional investments like stocks and bonds.
Coinbaseに対するSECの訴訟の中心には、取引が投資契約、したがって有価証券として適格であるかどうかを判断するために使用されるリトマス試験紙であるハウイー・テストが暗号通貨取引に適用されるかどうかという根本的な問題が横たわっている。 SECは、ビットコインを除くすべての仮想通貨は、株式や債券などの伝統的な投資と類似しているため、有価証券である可能性が高いと主張している。
The crypto industry vehemently rejects this notion, arguing that the SEC is overstepping its authority by attempting to shoehorn digital assets into the existing framework of securities laws, which were not designed to accommodate the unique characteristics of blockchain technology. In Deaton's view, many digital assets more closely resemble commodities and should therefore fall under the purview of the SEC's sister agency, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
In his amicus brief, Deaton meticulously dissects the SEC's inconsistent approach to regulating crypto tokens. SEC lawyers in the Coinbase lawsuit have argued that Bitcoin, which the SEC has deemed not to be a security, has earned that status because it lacks an ecosystem or "network" behind it. Deaton counters this argument, asserting that Bitcoin arguably possesses the largest and most well-established ecosystem, a key factor that attracts investors to it.
ディートン氏は法廷準備書面の中で、暗号トークンの規制に対するSECの一貫性のないアプローチを注意深く分析している。 Coinbase訴訟のSEC弁護士らは、SECが有価証券ではないとみなしたビットコインがその地位を獲得したのは、背後にエコシステムや「ネットワーク」が欠けているからだと主張した。ディートン氏はこの議論に反論し、ビットコインには間違いなく最大かつ最も確立されたエコシステムがあり、それが投資家を惹きつける重要な要素であると主張した。
"Bitcoin is undoubtedly distinguishable from other cryptocurrencies, but claiming it is not a security, unlike other tokens, because it lacks an ecosystem is simply illogical," Deaton declares.
Deaton's brief is not merely a legal document; it is a scathing critique of the SEC's "malevolent" approach to regulating crypto. He supports Coinbase's motion for an interlocutory appeal, arguing that the SEC's inconsistent application of the Howey Test to digital assets warrants a higher court's intervention to resolve this regulatory conundrum once and for all.
ディートンの準備書面は単なる法的文書ではない。これは、暗号通貨を規制するための SEC の「悪意のある」アプローチに対する痛烈な批判です。同氏は、デジタル資産に対するハウイー・テストのSECの一貫性のない適用は、この規制上の難題を完全に解決するために上級裁判所の介入を正当化すると主張し、Coinbaseの中間控訴の申し立てを支持している。
"If the Howey Test is to be interpreted and applied to encompass all transactions indefinitely, an appellate court, potentially even the U.S. Supreme Court, must be the one to validate it," he asserts.
Deaton's brief goes beyond legal arguments, citing statements from Republican SEC Commissioners Hester Peirce and Mark Uyeda as well as government officials like Congressman Ritchie Torres (D-New York), all of whom have expressed concerns about the hostile regulatory environment under Gensler.
"The underlying lack of clarity appears to be a strategic effort by the SEC to stifle the digital asset industry. If not rooted in maliciousness, they certainly do not seem to be fulfilling their mission of protecting investors," Deaton states in the brief.
This is not Deaton's first encounter with securities regulators; he has consistently championed the crypto industry against what he perceives as unwarranted regulatory overreach. As a candidate running on the Republican ticket to unseat incumbent Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, a staunch crypto critic and ally of SEC Chairman Gensler, Deaton has deftly leveraged his political platform to galvanize the crypto community and attract significant campaign funds.
Deaton's involvement in Ripple's three-year legal battle with the SEC cemented his status as a folk hero among retail holders of the XRP token. His representation of XRP investors as an amicus curiae, or "friend of the court," and his subsequent efforts on behalf of LBC token users in the SEC's lawsuit against decentralized content sharing platform LBRY, have earned him widespread recognition.
ディートン氏は、リップル社とSECとの3年間にわたる法廷闘争に関与したことで、XRPトークンの小売保有者の間でフォークヒーローとしての地位を確固たるものにした。彼は法廷法廷、つまり「法廷の友人」として XRP 投資家を代表し、その後、分散型コンテンツ共有プラットフォーム LBRY に対する SEC の訴訟において LBC トークン ユーザーを代表して取り組んだことで、彼は広く知られるようになりました。
Deaton's contributions to the Ripple case are widely credited as a contributing factor to Manhattan District Judge Torres's ruling that sales of the XRP token between retail investors on exchanges did not meet the SEC's classification of a securities transaction. Should the ruling withstand appeal, it would establish a legal precedent that the SEC lacks authority over transactions between retail investors who engage in secondary market transactions using exchanges such as Coinbase to buy and sell crypto.
This ruling has ignited a fierce legal debate over the definition of a security, the central argument in most of the lawsuits the SEC has brought against the crypto industry. Three judges in the same Southern District of New York courthouse have issued conflicting legal opinions on whether transactions involving digital assets satisfy the Howey Test, a point that Deaton emphasizes in his brief as an argument for why Coinbase should be granted permission to file an interlocutory appeal and potentially resolve the regulatory uncertainty surrounding digital assets once and for all.
Interlocutory appeals are notoriously difficult to obtain, and it remains uncertain whether Judge Failla, who is presiding over the Coinbase case, will side with the exchange on this issue. However, Deaton's bold intervention is a clear indication that the crypto industry is mobilizing to defend its interests and challenge the SEC's aggressive regulatory agenda. The outcome of the Coinbase lawsuit and other ongoing legal battles will have far-reaching implications for the future of the crypto industry, and Deaton's unwavering advocacy demonstrates the growing political clout of the crypto community and its determination to shape its own destiny.
中間控訴は取得が難しいことで知られており、コインベース訴訟を裁判長を務めるファイラ判事がこの問題で取引所の側に立つかどうかは依然として不透明だ。しかし、ディートン氏の大胆な介入は、仮想通貨業界が自らの利益を守り、SECの積極的な規制政策に対抗するために結集していることを明確に示している。 Coinbase訴訟とその他現在進行中の法廷闘争の結果は、仮想通貨業界の将来に広範な影響を与えるだろうし、ディートン氏の揺るぎない擁護は、仮想通貨コミュニティの政治的影響力の増大と、自らの運命を形作る決意を示している。
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