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加密行业倡导者、马萨诸塞州参议院候选人约翰·迪顿 (John Deaton) 提交了一份非当事人意见陈述,支持 Coinbase 与 SEC 的法律斗争,他认为 SEC 对 Howey 测试的应用不一致,以及在将数字资产定义为证券方面缺乏明确性,因此需要高等法院对审查。 Deaton 代表 4,701 名加密货币用户、开发商和投资者,寻求在法庭上为他们提供发言权,并主张保护小投资者免受 SEC 所谓无视其利益的指控。
Massachusetts Senate Candidate John Deaton: Crypto Advocate Takes on the SEC
马萨诸塞州参议院候选人 John Deaton:加密货币倡导者挑战 SEC
In the midst of a bustling Senate campaign, John Deaton, a fervent crypto enthusiast and lawyer, is not allowing his political aspirations to deter him from vigorously challenging the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on behalf of the burgeoning crypto industry.
在繁忙的参议院竞选活动中,狂热的加密货币爱好者兼律师约翰·迪顿 (John Deaton) 并没有让自己的政治抱负阻止他代表新兴的加密货币行业积极挑战美国证券交易委员会 (SEC)。
Deaton's audacious move is a testament to his unwavering commitment to protecting the interests of the crypto community. He has filed an amicus brief in the Southern District of New York in support of Coinbase, the United States' largest crypto exchange, in its ongoing legal battle with the SEC. This bold action is not just a mere gesture; it signifies a resounding message that the crypto industry is ready to fight back against the government's relentless crackdown.
迪顿的大胆举动证明了他坚定不移地致力于保护加密货币社区的利益。他已在纽约南区提交了一份法庭之友陈述,支持美国最大的加密货币交易所 Coinbase 与 SEC 正在进行的法律斗争。这一大胆的行动不仅仅是一个姿态;这标志着一个响亮的信息:加密行业已准备好反击政府的无情镇压。
"The SEC Chairman Gary Gensler and his agency have made it abundantly clear that they are not interested in protecting small investors and operate solely to serve their political masters," Deaton asserts to FOX Business. "The SEC wields unlimited resources, funded by taxpayers, while Coinbase is a multibillion-dollar company with access to the best legal counsel money can buy. The consumers deserve an advocate and a voice as well."
迪顿向福克斯商业频道表示:“美国证券交易委员会主席加里·詹斯勒和他的机构已经非常明确地表示,他们对保护小投资者不感兴趣,他们的运作只是为了服务他们的政治主人。” “SEC 拥有由纳税人资助的无限资源,而 Coinbase 是一家价值数十亿美元的公司,可以聘请金钱可以买到的最好的法律顾问。消费者也应该得到拥护者和发言权。”
Deaton's amicus brief, which garnered praise from Coinbase's Chief Legal Officer Paul Grewal, encapsulates the concerns of 4,701 Coinbase users, developers, and crypto investors who demand their voices to be heard in court.
Deaton 的法庭之友陈述得到了 Coinbase 首席法务官 Paul Grewal 的赞扬,其中概括了 4,701 名 Coinbase 用户、开发者和加密货币投资者的担忧,他们要求法庭听取他们的声音。
At the heart of the SEC's lawsuit against Coinbase lies the fundamental question of whether the Howey Test, a litmus test used to determine if a transaction qualifies as an investment contract and thus a security, applies to crypto transactions. The SEC contends that all cryptocurrencies except Bitcoin are likely securities due to their resemblance to traditional investments like stocks and bonds.
SEC 对 Coinbase 提起诉讼的核心在于一个根本问题:Howey 测试(用于确定交易是否符合投资合约以及证券资格的试金石)是否适用于加密货币交易。美国证券交易委员会认为,除比特币之外的所有加密货币都可能是证券,因为它们与股票和债券等传统投资相似。
The crypto industry vehemently rejects this notion, arguing that the SEC is overstepping its authority by attempting to shoehorn digital assets into the existing framework of securities laws, which were not designed to accommodate the unique characteristics of blockchain technology. In Deaton's view, many digital assets more closely resemble commodities and should therefore fall under the purview of the SEC's sister agency, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
加密行业强烈反对这一观点,认为 SEC 试图将数字资产硬塞到现有的证券法框架中,这是越权行为,而现有的证券法框架并非旨在适应区块链技术的独特特征。在迪顿看来,许多数字资产更类似于商品,因此应该属于美国证券交易委员会的姊妹机构商品期货交易委员会的管辖范围。
In his amicus brief, Deaton meticulously dissects the SEC's inconsistent approach to regulating crypto tokens. SEC lawyers in the Coinbase lawsuit have argued that Bitcoin, which the SEC has deemed not to be a security, has earned that status because it lacks an ecosystem or "network" behind it. Deaton counters this argument, asserting that Bitcoin arguably possesses the largest and most well-established ecosystem, a key factor that attracts investors to it.
在他的法庭之友陈述中,迪顿仔细剖析了 SEC 监管加密代币的不一致方法。 Coinbase 诉讼中的 SEC 律师辩称,SEC 认为比特币不是证券,但它之所以获得这一地位,是因为它背后缺乏生态系统或“网络”。迪顿反驳了这一论点,声称比特币可以说拥有最大、最完善的生态系统,这是吸引投资者的关键因素。
"Bitcoin is undoubtedly distinguishable from other cryptocurrencies, but claiming it is not a security, unlike other tokens, because it lacks an ecosystem is simply illogical," Deaton declares.
Deaton's brief is not merely a legal document; it is a scathing critique of the SEC's "malevolent" approach to regulating crypto. He supports Coinbase's motion for an interlocutory appeal, arguing that the SEC's inconsistent application of the Howey Test to digital assets warrants a higher court's intervention to resolve this regulatory conundrum once and for all.
迪顿的案情摘要不仅仅是一份法律文件,而且是一份法律文件。这是对 SEC 监管加密货币的“恶意”方法的严厉批评。他支持 Coinbase 的中间上诉动议,认为 SEC 对数字资产的 Howey 测试的应用不一致,需要高等法院进行干预,以一劳永逸地解决这一监管难题。
"If the Howey Test is to be interpreted and applied to encompass all transactions indefinitely, an appellate court, potentially even the U.S. Supreme Court, must be the one to validate it," he asserts.
Deaton's brief goes beyond legal arguments, citing statements from Republican SEC Commissioners Hester Peirce and Mark Uyeda as well as government officials like Congressman Ritchie Torres (D-New York), all of whom have expressed concerns about the hostile regulatory environment under Gensler.
迪顿的简报超越了法律论点,引用了共和党 SEC 委员 Hester Peirce 和 Mark Uyeda 以及国会议员 Ritchie Torres(纽约州民主党)等政府官员的声明,他们都对 Gensler 领导下的敌对监管环境表示了担忧。
"The underlying lack of clarity appears to be a strategic effort by the SEC to stifle the digital asset industry. If not rooted in maliciousness, they certainly do not seem to be fulfilling their mission of protecting investors," Deaton states in the brief.
This is not Deaton's first encounter with securities regulators; he has consistently championed the crypto industry against what he perceives as unwarranted regulatory overreach. As a candidate running on the Republican ticket to unseat incumbent Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, a staunch crypto critic and ally of SEC Chairman Gensler, Deaton has deftly leveraged his political platform to galvanize the crypto community and attract significant campaign funds.
这并不是迪顿第一次与证券监管机构打交道。他一直支持加密行业反对他认为无理的过度监管。作为共和党候选人,马萨诸塞州现任民主党参议员伊丽莎白·沃伦 (Elizabeth Warren) 是一位坚定的加密货币批评者,也是 SEC 主席 Gensler 的盟友,迪顿巧妙地利用他的政治平台来激励加密货币社区并吸引大量竞选资金。
Deaton's involvement in Ripple's three-year legal battle with the SEC cemented his status as a folk hero among retail holders of the XRP token. His representation of XRP investors as an amicus curiae, or "friend of the court," and his subsequent efforts on behalf of LBC token users in the SEC's lawsuit against decentralized content sharing platform LBRY, have earned him widespread recognition.
Deaton 参与 Ripple 与 SEC 长达三年的法律诉讼,巩固了他在 XRP 代币散户中民间英雄的地位。他以法庭之友(amicus curiae)或“法庭之友”的身份代表 XRP 投资者,以及随后在美国证券交易委员会针对去中心化内容共享平台 LBRY 的诉讼中代表 LBC 代币用户所做的努力,为他赢得了广泛的认可。
Deaton's contributions to the Ripple case are widely credited as a contributing factor to Manhattan District Judge Torres's ruling that sales of the XRP token between retail investors on exchanges did not meet the SEC's classification of a securities transaction. Should the ruling withstand appeal, it would establish a legal precedent that the SEC lacks authority over transactions between retail investors who engage in secondary market transactions using exchanges such as Coinbase to buy and sell crypto.
迪顿对 Ripple 案的贡献被广泛认为是曼哈顿地区法官托雷斯裁定散户投资者在交易所出售 XRP 代币不符合 SEC 证券交易分类的一个促成因素。如果该裁决经受上诉,将开创一个法律先例,即 SEC 对散户投资者之间的交易缺乏权力,这些散户投资者使用 Coinbase 等交易所进行二级市场交易来买卖加密货币。
This ruling has ignited a fierce legal debate over the definition of a security, the central argument in most of the lawsuits the SEC has brought against the crypto industry. Three judges in the same Southern District of New York courthouse have issued conflicting legal opinions on whether transactions involving digital assets satisfy the Howey Test, a point that Deaton emphasizes in his brief as an argument for why Coinbase should be granted permission to file an interlocutory appeal and potentially resolve the regulatory uncertainty surrounding digital assets once and for all.
这一裁决引发了关于证券定义的激烈法律辩论,这是 SEC 针对加密行业提起的大多数诉讼的核心论点。纽约南区同一法院的三名法官就涉及数字资产的交易是否满足豪伊测试发表了相互矛盾的法律意见,迪顿在其摘要中强调了这一点,作为为什么 Coinbase 应该被允许提起中间上诉的论据并有可能一劳永逸地解决围绕数字资产的监管不确定性。
Interlocutory appeals are notoriously difficult to obtain, and it remains uncertain whether Judge Failla, who is presiding over the Coinbase case, will side with the exchange on this issue. However, Deaton's bold intervention is a clear indication that the crypto industry is mobilizing to defend its interests and challenge the SEC's aggressive regulatory agenda. The outcome of the Coinbase lawsuit and other ongoing legal battles will have far-reaching implications for the future of the crypto industry, and Deaton's unwavering advocacy demonstrates the growing political clout of the crypto community and its determination to shape its own destiny.
中间上诉是出了名的难以获得,而且目前尚不确定主审 Coinbase 案件的法伊拉法官是否会在这个问题上站在交易所一边。然而,迪顿的大胆干预清楚地表明,加密行业正在动员起来捍卫其利益并挑战 SEC 激进的监管议程。 Coinbase 诉讼和其他正在进行的法律斗争的结果将对加密行业的未来产生深远的影响,迪顿坚定不移的倡导表明了加密社区日益增长的政治影响力及其塑造自己命运的决心。
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