Veteran Bollywood actress Mumtaz, who recently visited Pakistan, expressed her appreciation for the warm hospitality she received and called for the lifting of the ban on Pakistani artists in India. She met with Pakistani stars like Fawad Khan and Ghulam Ali, and was particularly touched by Rahat Fateh Ali Khan singing for her despite being unwell.
Renowned Bollywood Icon Mumtaz Advocates for Resumption of Cultural Exchange between India and Pakistan
Veteran Bollywood actress Mumtaz has graced Pakistan with her presence, embarking on a heartwarming journey that has rekindled memories and ignited calls for the resumption of cultural exchange between the two nations.
During her sojourn in Pakistan, the 75-year-old thespian was deeply moved by the extraordinary hospitality extended to her by Pakistani artists, leaving an indelible mark on her heart. In a candid interview with Zoom, Mumtaz shared her cherished experiences and expressed her ardent desire to see the ban on Pakistani singers and actors in India lifted.
Reflecting on the convivial gatherings she attended during her stay, Mumtaz recounted how actor Fawad Khan generously reserved an entire restaurant for her delectation. Despite battling ill health, renowned vocalist Rahat Fateh Ali Khan graciously obliged her request for a captivating performance. The icing on her Pakistani culinary experience was her encounter with the legendary classical singer Ghulam Ali, rendering her trip truly exceptional.
"At each and every venue I visited, people showered my sister and me with an abundance of love and gifts," Mumtaz gushed to Zoom. "What more could an artist possibly yearn for? They were intimately familiar with all my films and songs."
Her profound appreciation for Pakistani talent extended beyond the boundaries of her personal experiences. Mumtaz firmly believes that Pakistani artists deserve an opportunity to showcase their exceptional abilities in the Bollywood film industry. "They are incredibly talented," she asserted. "While it is true that our Mumbai film industry boasts an abundance of talent, it is imperative that Pakistani artists also be given the chance to share their gifts with Bollywood audiences."
Mumtaz's impassioned plea for cultural exchange between India and Pakistan resonates with the sentiments expressed by many who believe that art transcends political boundaries. By allowing Pakistani artists to work in India, she argues, both countries can reap the rewards of a vibrant and mutually enriching cultural landscape.
Her sentiments come on the heels of headlines generated by her recent comments regarding Zeenat Aman's marital life, which she described as a "living hell." Mumtaz's remarks followed Zeenat's social media post advocating for live-in relationships before marriage. While Mumtaz's opinions on this matter have sparked debate, her unwavering belief in the power of cross-cultural collaboration remains an inspiring message.
As the world grapples with divisions and conflicts, the need for cultural exchange and understanding has never been more pressing. Mumtaz's visit to Pakistan serves as a poignant reminder that art has the capacity to bridge gaps, promote empathy, and foster peace.