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来自纽波特的詹姆斯·豪厄尔斯(James Howells)将基于他难以获得的比特币财富创建一种新的加密货币。这位 39 岁的三个孩子的父亲于 2009 年通过浏览互联网论坛了解了比特币,他相信自己是该加密货币的第一批矿工之一。
A man whose bid to dig up a hard drive containing around £600m worth of Bitcoin from a landfill site has failed in the High Court has said he now plans to create a new cryptocurrency based on his inaccessible Bitcoin wealth. James Howells, from Newport, claims to have mined 8,000 Bitcoins in 2009 which were stored on a hard drive in his home office. But in 2013 his then-partner is said to have mistakenly thrown out the hard drive which ended up at the Docksway landfill site in Newport.
一名男子试图从垃圾填埋场挖出一个装有价值约 6 亿英镑比特币的硬盘,但在高等法院失败。他表示,他现在计划根据自己无法获得的比特币财富创建一种新的加密货币。来自纽波特的 James Howells 声称在 2009 年开采了 8,000 个比特币,这些比特币存储在他家庭办公室的硬盘上。但据说 2013 年,他当时的合伙人错误地扔掉了硬盘,最终被扔到了纽波特的 Docksway 垃圾填埋场。
Mr Howells, 39, has spent years trying to get permission to excavate the site and approached investors who were prepared to pay for the dig. But Newport council refused and Mr Howells took them to the High Court in a "last resort" attempt to get the go-ahead for the dig or be paid £495m in damages.
39 岁的豪厄尔斯先生多年来一直试图获得挖掘该遗址的许可,并接触了愿意支付挖掘费用的投资者。但纽波特市议会拒绝了,豪厄尔斯先生将他们告上高等法院,作为“最后手段”,试图获得挖掘许可,否则将获得 4.95 亿英镑的赔偿金。
His claim was thrown out by Judge Keyser KC on Thursday, who said it would have "no realistic prospect" of success at trial. Mr Howells told WalesOnline he now feels "the dig is completely off the table".
周四,凯泽·KC 法官驳回了他的主张,称该主张在审判中“没有现实的前景”。豪厄尔斯先生告诉威尔士在线,他现在觉得“挖掘工作完全不可能”。
But he said a comment made by the judge during the hearing could help him in a new scheme to finally make the most of his inaccessible Bitcoin. He said: "During the hearing, the judge himself stated it was his belief that the council owned the physical hard drive but that I am the owner of the Bitcoin. But he was disappointed that this finding did not feature in the written judgement handed down by Judge Keyser on Thursday.
"What was issued was the judgment but there is also going to be a final order," Mr Howells added. "I am hoping the order will recognise my ownership of the Bitcoin in law which will allow me to legally tokenise them into a new asset."
豪厄尔斯先生补充说:“发布的是判决,但也将有最终命令。” “我希望该命令能够在法律上承认我对比特币的所有权,这将使我能够合法地将它们标记为新资产。”
Mr Howells admitted his tokenisation plan has been a difficult concept for some people to understand but he made this analogy to explain it. He said: "In the old days, gold bars would be held in a vault and the notes traded in public would represent the value held in the vault. I could use the Bitcoin as backing, like a financial vault, and create a new currency - let's imagine it's called James Coin - which would replicate one for one the assets in the Bitcoin wallet.
豪厄尔斯先生承认,他的代币化计划对一些人来说是一个难以理解的概念,但他用这个类比来解释它。他说:“在过去,金条会存放在金库中,公开交易的纸币将代表金库中持有的价值。我可以使用比特币作为支持,就像金融金库一样,并创造一种新的货币- 让我们想象它被称为詹姆斯币 - 它将一一复制比特币钱包中的资产。
"Everyone can see the Bitcoin is never going to move. I can't get the private key so it's going to be sat there for eternity. But I believe with a court declaration of ownership, I can tokenise them into a sub-currency. I would become a figurehead for James Coin and it would be marketed as a child currency of Bitcoin. Its value would always be derived from Bitcoin - James Coin's value will go up and down as the market price of Bitcoin goes up and down."
We asked Mr Howells if his inability to access the Bitcoin would be an obstacle to these ambitions. "It's not an obstacle," he replied. "It's a benefit. The landfill acts like a super-duper storage vault. The coins never come out of the vault, and something else that's traded represents what is in the vault."
我们询问豪厄尔斯先生,他无法获得比特币是否会成为实现这些雄心壮志的障碍。 “这不是障碍,”他回答道。 “这是一个好处。垃圾填埋场就像一个超级存储金库。硬币永远不会从金库中出来,而交易的其他东西代表了金库中的东西。”
Mr Howells believes he could get the cryptocurrency running within a year. Even in a best-case scenario the scheme would not see him recover all of his £600m wealth, he acknowledged. "It's a very small win for me but it would allow me to do something else, rather than sit there and look at the Bitcoin I can't access."
豪厄尔斯先生相信他可以在一年内让加密货币运行起来。他承认,即使在最好的情况下,该计划也不会让他收回全部 6 亿英镑的财富。 “这对我来说是一个很小的胜利,但它让我可以做其他事情,而不是坐在那里看着我无法访问的比特币。”
He added that James Coin was only a "placeholder" for the currency's yet-to-be-decided name. When we asked if he had considered using 'Bin Coin' for marketing purposes, he said he saw the funny side but he was more likely to go with Ceiniog Coin. "Ceiniog is the Welsh word for penny, or the smallest denomination of money," he said, adding that he liked the "old-school" association with ancient Welsh money.
他补充说,詹姆斯币只是该货币尚未确定的名称的“占位符”。当我们问他是否考虑过使用“Bin Coin”进行营销时,他说他看到了有趣的一面,但他更有可能选择 Ceiniog Coin。 “Ceiniog 在威尔士语中是便士的意思,或者是最小面额的货币,”他说,并补充说他喜欢与古代威尔士货币的“老派”联系。
After securing backing from investors, Mr Howells had assembled a team of experts who were prepared to carry out a £10million landfill dig at no cost to the council. He had also offered the council 10% of the Bitcoin's value if recovered. But James Goudie KC, representing the council in court, argued that this could have amounted to a "bribe" and would have been playing "fast and loose" with regulations. He said that the hard drive had become council property when it entered the landfill and that the site's environmental permits would prevent the proposed excavation.
在获得投资者的支持后,豪厄尔斯先生组建了一个专家团队,准备在不向市议会支付任何费用的情况下进行耗资 1000 万英镑的垃圾填埋场挖掘工作。如果比特币被收回,他还向理事会提供了 10% 的补偿。但在法庭上代表该委员会的詹姆斯·古迪·KC (James Goudie KC) 辩称,这可能构成“贿赂”,并且会“随意”违反规定。他说,硬盘在进入垃圾填埋场时已成为议会财产,该地点的环境许可证将阻止拟议的挖掘。
Mr Howells' team had narrowed down the likely location of the hard drive and estimated the dig would take 18 to 36 months followed by around a year of remediation work. His barrister Dean Armstrong KC said the search was not so much a "needle in a haystack" case as a "finely tuned plan
豪厄尔斯先生的团队已经缩小了硬盘可能的位置范围,并估计挖掘工作需要 18 至 36 个月的时间,然后进行大约一年的修复工作。他的律师 Dean Armstrong KC 表示,这次搜查与其说是“大海捞针”,不如说是一个“精心调整的计划”。
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