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ニューポート出身のジェームズ・ハウエルズ氏は、アクセスできないビットコインの富に基づいて新しい暗号通貨を始めようとしている。 39 歳の 3 人の子を持つ父親である彼は、2009 年にインターネット フォーラムに時間を費やしてビットコインのことを知り、自分がこの暗号通貨の最初の採掘者の 1 人だったと信じています。
A man whose bid to dig up a hard drive containing around £600m worth of Bitcoin from a landfill site has failed in the High Court has said he now plans to create a new cryptocurrency based on his inaccessible Bitcoin wealth. James Howells, from Newport, claims to have mined 8,000 Bitcoins in 2009 which were stored on a hard drive in his home office. But in 2013 his then-partner is said to have mistakenly thrown out the hard drive which ended up at the Docksway landfill site in Newport.
Mr Howells, 39, has spent years trying to get permission to excavate the site and approached investors who were prepared to pay for the dig. But Newport council refused and Mr Howells took them to the High Court in a "last resort" attempt to get the go-ahead for the dig or be paid £495m in damages.
His claim was thrown out by Judge Keyser KC on Thursday, who said it would have "no realistic prospect" of success at trial. Mr Howells told WalesOnline he now feels "the dig is completely off the table".
But he said a comment made by the judge during the hearing could help him in a new scheme to finally make the most of his inaccessible Bitcoin. He said: "During the hearing, the judge himself stated it was his belief that the council owned the physical hard drive but that I am the owner of the Bitcoin. But he was disappointed that this finding did not feature in the written judgement handed down by Judge Keyser on Thursday.
"What was issued was the judgment but there is also going to be a final order," Mr Howells added. "I am hoping the order will recognise my ownership of the Bitcoin in law which will allow me to legally tokenise them into a new asset."
「下されたのは判決だが、最終命令も下されるだろう」とハウエルズ氏は付け加えた。 「この命令によってビットコインの私の所有権が法的に認められ、合法的にビットコインを新しい資産にトークン化できるようになるのを期待しています。」
Mr Howells admitted his tokenisation plan has been a difficult concept for some people to understand but he made this analogy to explain it. He said: "In the old days, gold bars would be held in a vault and the notes traded in public would represent the value held in the vault. I could use the Bitcoin as backing, like a financial vault, and create a new currency - let's imagine it's called James Coin - which would replicate one for one the assets in the Bitcoin wallet.
ハウエルズ氏は、彼のトークン化計画が一部の人々にとって理解するのが難しい概念であることを認めましたが、それを説明するためにこの例えを作りました。同氏は、「昔は、金の延べ棒は金庫に保管されており、公開で取引される紙幣は金庫に保管されている価値を表していた。金融金庫のようにビットコインを裏付けとして使用して、新しい通貨を作成することもできる」と語った。 - これが James Coin と呼ばれるものだと想像してみましょう。これは、ビットコイン ウォレット内の資産を 1 つずつ複製します。
"Everyone can see the Bitcoin is never going to move. I can't get the private key so it's going to be sat there for eternity. But I believe with a court declaration of ownership, I can tokenise them into a sub-currency. I would become a figurehead for James Coin and it would be marketed as a child currency of Bitcoin. Its value would always be derived from Bitcoin - James Coin's value will go up and down as the market price of Bitcoin goes up and down."
We asked Mr Howells if his inability to access the Bitcoin would be an obstacle to these ambitions. "It's not an obstacle," he replied. "It's a benefit. The landfill acts like a super-duper storage vault. The coins never come out of the vault, and something else that's traded represents what is in the vault."
私たちはハウエルズ氏に、ビットコインにアクセスできないことがこれらの野望にとって障害となるかどうか尋ねました。 「それは障害ではありません」と彼は答えた。 「それは利点です。埋め立て地は超大型の保管庫のように機能します。コインが保管庫から出てくることはありません。取引される他の何かが保管庫の中にあるものを表します。」
Mr Howells believes he could get the cryptocurrency running within a year. Even in a best-case scenario the scheme would not see him recover all of his £600m wealth, he acknowledged. "It's a very small win for me but it would allow me to do something else, rather than sit there and look at the Bitcoin I can't access."
ハウエルズ氏は、1年以内に仮想通貨を運用できると信じている。たとえ最良のシナリオであっても、この計画では彼が6億ポンドの資産をすべて取り戻すことはできないだろうと同氏は認めた。 「私にとってこれは非常に小さな勝利ですが、アクセスできないビットコインをそこに座って眺めているよりも、何か他のことができるようになります。」
He added that James Coin was only a "placeholder" for the currency's yet-to-be-decided name. When we asked if he had considered using 'Bin Coin' for marketing purposes, he said he saw the funny side but he was more likely to go with Ceiniog Coin. "Ceiniog is the Welsh word for penny, or the smallest denomination of money," he said, adding that he liked the "old-school" association with ancient Welsh money.
同氏は、ジェームズ・コインはまだ決定されていない通貨名の「プレースホルダー」にすぎないと付け加えた。私たちがマーケティング目的で「Bin Coin」を使用することを検討したかどうか尋ねたところ、彼は面白い面は見たが、Ceiniog Coinを使用する可能性が高いと言いました。 「セイニオグとはウェールズ語でペニー、つまり最小額面の通貨を意味します」と彼は言い、古代ウェールズのお金との「昔ながらの」連想が好きだと付け加えた。
After securing backing from investors, Mr Howells had assembled a team of experts who were prepared to carry out a £10million landfill dig at no cost to the council. He had also offered the council 10% of the Bitcoin's value if recovered. But James Goudie KC, representing the council in court, argued that this could have amounted to a "bribe" and would have been playing "fast and loose" with regulations. He said that the hard drive had become council property when it entered the landfill and that the site's environmental permits would prevent the proposed excavation.
Mr Howells' team had narrowed down the likely location of the hard drive and estimated the dig would take 18 to 36 months followed by around a year of remediation work. His barrister Dean Armstrong KC said the search was not so much a "needle in a haystack" case as a "finely tuned plan
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- Alibabaの株式は、会社が新しい議論モデルを発表した後に上昇しました。
- 2025-03-07 09:10:43
- 香港でのアリババの株式は、木曜日に8.93%上昇しました。