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Coins provide a valuable window into the socio-economic fabric of any society. In Kashmir, the monetary history can be traced back to the 6th-4th century B.C. (Kushana period) with the arrival of Scythians, Greeks and Dhythians in the Valley.
Coins of Philip of Macedon, Alexander the Great, Alexander II, Diodotus, Euthy demons, Menander, Apollodotus, Hippostratus, Lysis, Azes, Azelises and Sapalarsis have been found in Kashmir and are mentioned by Iqbal Ah. in his book on numismatics.
马其顿菲利普的硬币,亚历山大大帝,亚历山大二世,迪奥多德斯,e节魔鬼,梅纳德,阿波罗多德,河马,伊斯兰教,裂解,azeliss,azelises,azelises和sapalarsis在克什米尔发现,并被伊克巴尔·艾希(Iqbal Ah)提到。在他关于钱币学的书中。
The punch-marked silver and copper coins, known as pana in ancient Sanskrit and Pali literature date back to the Kushana era and some of these coins which were sold at the SR Gunj area of Srinagar until recent years were scripted with Sharda and Devanagari languages. The mention of silver and gold coins is found in Kalhana’s Rajtaranghini.
拳头标记的银币和铜硬币,在古代梵文和帕利文学中被称为pana,可以追溯到库沙纳时代,其中一些硬币是在斯利那加的SR Gunj地区出售的,直到最近几年都用Sharda和Devanagari语言进行了脚本。在Kalhana的Rajtaranghini中发现了有关银和金币的提及。
The standard type of coin in Kashmir has remained unchanged since first introduced by Kanishka in 78 C.E down to the Muslim rule in 1339 C.E (almost 1261 years).
The oldest Muslim coin available in SPS Museum, Srinagar is that of Sultan Shah Mir (1339-42 C.E) while the oldest copper coin is that of Sultan Sikandar. The inscription on Shah Mir’s coin reads:
斯利那加(Srinagar)SPS博物馆中最古老的穆斯林硬币是苏丹·沙·米尔(Sultan Shah Mir)(公元1339 - 42年),而最古老的铜币是苏丹·西坎达(Sultan Sikandar)。 Shah Mir的硬币上的铭文写着:
And in the central lozenge:
Sultan Sikandar’s coin has a similar inscription in the lozenge except for the other inscription that reads his name.
苏丹·西坎达(Sultan Sikandar)的硬币在燕元中也有类似的铭文,除了其他铭记他的名字的铭文。
According to Stanley Lane Poole, a British orientalist and archaeologist, half of the coins at the British museum from Kashmir Sultanate are silver coins. The copper issues are usually round with a diameter of 0.8 inches, a loop or a knot of arabesque design in the midst. The silver coins are square with a breadth of 0.6 inches.
据英国东方主义者和考古学家斯坦利·莱恩·普尔(Stanley Lane Poole)称,克什米尔苏丹国大英博物馆的一半硬币是银币。铜问题通常是圆形的,直径为0.8英寸,中间的循环或一系列阿拉伯式设计。银币是正方形的,宽为0.6英寸。
Srinagar was the only mint town during the Hindu rule and the entire duration of Muslim rule. Saraf Mohalla in the Zaina Kadal area of Srinagar is believed to be the locality of the royal mint.
斯利那加(Srinagar)是印度教统治和整个穆斯林统治期间唯一的薄荷镇。据信斯利那加的Zaina Kadal地区的Saraf Mohalla被认为是皇家造币厂的所在地。
On some coins from Sultanate era, the dates are given in numbers and on others in words as well as numbers. While some of them have dates in Arabic on others these are inscribed in Persian.
The design of Sultanate era coins is almost the same and there is very little variability with most of them having the same lozenge on the back namely, “Zarb-i-Kashmir.”
苏丹国时代硬币的设计几乎是相同的,而且几乎没有变化,大多数人都在背面具有相同的lozenge,即“ Zarb-i-Kashmir。”
Na’ib-i-Khalifat-ur-Rahman appears on some of the coins from the Sultanate era, since the ruler looked upon himself as the lieutenant of the Caliph of the time. On some, Na’ib-Amir-ul-Mumineen is inscribed and on others, the regal title appears. On a few coins, honorary titles of Munir-ud-din and Nasir-ud-din have also been noticed.
The weight of silver coins from the Sultanate era would be 91-96 grains (not grams) and that of copper coins would be 83 grains.
Golden Dinar of Fateh Shah.
The Muslim Sultans of Kashmir introduced to Kashmiri coinage the bar and nought symbol, the kalima in Arabic, the legend of Al Sultan Al Azam (the supreme emperor), and a reference to Kashmir as the mint house (Zarb-i, Kashmir).
克什米尔的穆斯林苏尔塔人介绍了克什米尔造币的酒吧和naught符号,阿拉伯语的卡利马,阿尔·苏丹·阿尔·阿扎姆(Al Sultan Al Azam)的传奇(至高无上的皇帝),并将克什米尔作为薄荷之家(Zarb-i,Kashmir)提到。
The coins would change according to the economic conditions of the time. For instance, Sultan Hassan Shah re-issued the old puntshu (derived from puntsh meaning 25) in a debased form when the economy was in a depression.
硬币会根据当时的经济状况而改变。例如,苏丹·哈桑·沙阿(Sultan Hassan Shah)重新发行了旧的蓬肖(源自蓬特什(Puntsh)的含义25),以一种贬低的形式,当时经济处于萧条状态。
Sultan Hassan Shah also gave currency to the new coin called ‘dvitinnari’, which was made of lead and had an inscription of a naga (snake).
苏丹·哈桑·沙阿(Sultan Hassan Shah)还向新硬币付出了名为“ dvitinnari”的货币,该硬币是由铅制成的,并用纳迦(Snake)铭文。
Just like the Emperor of France, Napoleon, who intended to conquer England and had his medals struck in anticipation of his imaginary conquest of England, the Kashmir coins can be found in Kings of neighbouring areas even when they didn’t rule Kashmir or were far from conquering it.
A silver coin from the Kashmir Sultanate.
An example being the coins of Islam Shah Sur (1545-1552 C.E) who never ruled Kashmir. These coins probably are evidence of a conspiracy against Mirza Haider Dughlat, who was the ruler of Kashmir (1541-1551 C.E) at that time. Similarly, there are coins of Mughal’s struck in Kashmir as early as 1557 by those pitting against Chaks.
一个例子是从未统治克什米尔的伊斯兰·沙尔(Islam Shah Sur)(公元1545- 1552年)的硬币。这些硬币可能是对米尔扎·海德·杜格拉特(Mirza Haider Dughlat)的阴谋的证据,他当时是克什米尔(1541-1551 CE)的统治者。同样,早在1557年,那些对阵烟草的人就在克什米尔袭击了莫卧儿的硬币。
When the Mughals came to power, Akbar had fine currency in gold and silver. However the most artistic currency was issued by Jahangir, the fourth Mughal Emperor. The sixth Mughal emperor Aurangzeb
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