This brilliant and moving novel takes the reader on a journey through the wanderings of today's youth. Published by Éditions POL.
这部精彩动人的小说带领读者踏上了当今青年的流浪之旅。由 POL 版本出版。
Another favorite from this rentrée littéraire. I finished the book feeling knocked out. Rebecca Lighieri has done it again with a vibrant, dark text that gets lost in the boundaries between the real and the supernatural. This wandering is certainly the key that opens the doors to a world whose richness and abundance we could not have imagined and in what it comes to question and highlight. Don't panic, because the author's power is to never abandon the reader along the way, offering them multiple possible and unexpected reading itineraries.
这本出租文学作品中的另一个最爱。我读完这本书,感觉很沮丧。丽贝卡·利吉耶里(Rebecca Lighieri)再次做到了这一点,用充满活力的黑暗文本,迷失在真实与超自然之间的界限中。这种漫游无疑是打开通往一个我们无法想象的丰富性和丰富性以及质疑和强调的世界之门的钥匙。不要惊慌,因为作者的力量就是一路上不抛弃读者,为他们提供多种可能的和意想不到的阅读行程。
This novel is the story of Armand and Birke, a couple of bohemian Parisian theatergoers who enjoy life passionately. Miranda, their only daughter, their Shakespearean heroine, is the opposite of them in every way: a child who is too well-behaved, an effaced adolescent, she has become a dull, joyless young woman. Miranda, the shadow in the picture, adored by her father, unloved by her mother. Miranda, who gives so little to be seen. Miranda, who gets lost in the throes of dark worlds. Miranda, whose destiny was written on a stormy night. Who is she deep down?
The novel is divided into three parts. Armand takes the floor, the good-natured, joyful man is in a state of incomprehension of his daughter, helpless. Then comes Miranda's turn, who propels us into her head, and it's dizzying, as the author transports us into a state of confusion between dream and reality. Finally, in a last part, Armand takes the floor again and these last pages are of a crazy intensity, magnificently tragic.
There is in this book something to nourish so many questions about what connects us with our children, about our expectations and our considerations, about what they carry of anguish and anger, about our powerlessness also and especially to save them sometimes from themselves. A book with a tone as tragic as it is majestic. Everything is there!
Isa on Insta: lodyssee_des_mots
Insta 上的 Isa:lodyssee_des_mots
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