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巴基斯坦拉合尔信息技术大学 (ITU) 在虚拟宇宙中推出了基于虚拟现实 (VR) 的课程。这些沉浸式课程旨在通过 VR 耳机和运动跟踪模拟传统课堂体验,从而提高学生的学术能力。该项目是与丹麦大学合作开发的,其灵感来自于国际电联的创始模式——麻省理工学院。该举措标志着从 COVID-19 大流行期间实施的在线课程向 VR 教育应用的转变。尽管最初对虚拟宇宙的游戏潜力进行了大肆宣传,但最近的分析表明,它在包括教育在内的各个行业中的应用日益广泛,蒂姆·伯纳斯-李预测了空间计算在未来网络中的重要性。
Information Technology University of Lahore Launches Groundbreaking Virtual Reality Education Program in the Metaverse
Lahore, Pakistan - The Information Technology University of Lahore (ITU Lahore) has taken a significant step towards revolutionizing education by introducing Pakistan's first virtual reality-based classes in the immersive metaverse. This cutting-edge initiative leverages the transformative power of virtual reality (VR) headsets and motion tracking technology to replicate traditional classroom experiences in a virtual realm.
巴基斯坦拉合尔 - 拉合尔信息技术大学(拉合尔国际电联)在沉浸式元宇宙中引入巴基斯坦首个基于虚拟现实的课程,向教育革命迈出了重要一步。这一尖端举措利用虚拟现实 (VR) 耳机和运动跟踪技术的变革力量,在虚拟领域复制传统课堂体验。
According to a report published by the local Pakistani news outlet Samaa TV, ITU Lahore's head of the department of computer sciences, Professor Ibrahim Ghaznavi, expressed confidence that the metaverse initiative will significantly enhance the academic capabilities of students engaged in this immersive learning environment.
据巴基斯坦当地新闻媒体 Samaa TV 发表的一篇报道,国际电联拉合尔计算机科学系主任 Ibrahim Ghaznavi 教授表示,相信虚拟宇宙计划将显着提高沉浸式学习环境中学生的学术能力。
The university's foray into virtual reality education follows the successful implementation of online courses during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the transition to metaverse technology represents a quantum leap forward, as it aligns with the global trend of utilizing virtual reality applications in education.
继 COVID-19 大流行期间成功实施在线课程之后,该大学进军虚拟现实教育。然而,向元宇宙技术的过渡代表了一次巨大的飞跃,因为它符合在教育中利用虚拟现实应用程序的全球趋势。
ITU Lahore's immersive program was reportedly developed with the collaboration and support of the University of Denmark. It may have also drawn inspiration from MIT, the renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which serves as ITU Lahore's spiritual alma mater.
Established in 2012, ITU Lahore was founded with the explicit goal of emulating MIT's unparalleled success in technology and engineering. The university maintains strategic partnerships with other notable educational institutions and corporations, including Harvard and IBM.
国际电联拉合尔分部成立于 2012 年,其成立的明确目标是效仿麻省理工学院在技术和工程方面取得的无与伦比的成功。该大学与其他著名的教育机构和企业保持着战略合作伙伴关系,包括哈佛大学和 IBM。
Despite the rapid advancements in VR, mixed reality, and augmented reality technologies over the past decade, the initial hype surrounding the metaverse era was largely centered on the gaming sector. However, recent data indicates a surge in metaverse applications across various industries, including education, medicine, marketing, and enterprise, with numerous applications making their way into consumer headsets and browsers.
Tim Berners-Lee, the visionary credited with creating the World Wide Web, recently forecasted that spatial computing - the display and operation of computer applications in three-dimensional, augmented reality environments - represents the future of the internet.
蒂姆·伯纳斯·李 (Tim Berners-Lee) 是被誉为创建万维网的远见卓识者,他最近预测,空间计算(计算机应用程序在三维增强现实环境中的显示和操作)代表了互联网的未来。
"You can go do things with a VR headset, and then when you take the VR headset off, you could do it with a huge screen," Berners-Lee stated in an interview with CNBC. He further emphasized the importance of multimodal support for widespread adoption: "Whenever you move, you can grab your phone and the experience will be as one. It should very smoothly go between different devices."
伯纳斯·李在接受 CNBC 采访时表示:“你可以戴着 VR 耳机去做事情,然后当你摘下 VR 耳机时,你就可以用大屏幕来做事。”他进一步强调了多模式支持对于广泛采用的重要性:“每当您移动时,您都可以拿起手机,体验将是一体的。它应该非常顺利地在不同设备之间切换。”
The metaverse's transformative potential for education is multifaceted. It offers students the ability to:
- Immerse themselves in interactive learning environments: VR headsets transport students into virtual worlds where they can actively engage with educational content, fostering a deeper understanding of complex concepts.
- Collaborate with classmates and educators in real-time: Metaverse classrooms enable real-time interactions between students and educators, facilitating discussions, group projects, and virtual field trips.
- Access virtual resources and simulations: The metaverse provides access to vast libraries of virtual resources and simulations that can support and enhance classroom learning.
- Personalize their learning experiences: Students can tailor their learning experiences based on their individual needs and preferences, leveraging the metaverse's adaptive capabilities.
ITU Lahore's pioneering metaverse education program is a testament to the university's commitment to innovation and academic excellence. By embracing the transformative power of virtual reality technology, ITU Lahore is setting a new benchmark for education and empowering students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the 21st-century workforce.
沉浸在交互式学习环境中:VR 耳机将学生带入虚拟世界,他们可以积极参与教育内容,促进对复杂概念的更深入理解。与同学和教育工作者实时协作:元界教室实现学生之间的实时互动和教育工作者,促进讨论、小组项目和虚拟实地考察。访问虚拟资源和模拟:元宇宙提供对大量虚拟资源和模拟库的访问,这些资源和模拟可以支持和增强课堂学习。个性化他们的学习体验:学生可以定制他们的学习利用元宇宙的适应能力,根据个人需求和偏好提供体验。国际电联拉合尔分校开创性的元宇宙教育计划证明了该大学对创新和卓越学术的承诺。通过利用虚拟现实技术的变革力量,国际电联拉合尔分校正在为教育树立新的基准,并为学生提供在 21 世纪劳动力市场取得成功所需的技能和知识。
As the metaverse continues to evolve and mature, it holds immense promise for revolutionizing the way we learn, work, and interact with the world around us. ITU Lahore's visionary initiative serves as a catalyst for this transformation, forging a path towards a more immersive, engaging, and empowering educational experience for generations to come.
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