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Cardone Capital 的创始人兼首席执行官刚刚推出了一只新基金,将房地产产生的现金流投资于比特币(BTC)。
Real estate mogul Grant Cardone is rolling out a new fund that will funnel property-generated cash flow into bitcoin (BTC), a move that could see Cardone Capital amass a bitcoin reserve worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
房地产大亨 Grant Cardone 正在推出一只新基金,将房地产产生的现金流注入比特币(BTC),此举可能会让 Cardone Capital 积累价值数亿美元的比特币储备。
Cardone, who has been buying real estate for 30 years, told CoinDesk that the fund will begin with a pilot project where Cardone bought an apartment complex on the Space Coast in Melbourne, Florida, for $72 million, and then ploughed an extra $15 million in bitcoin into the fund, for a total of $88 million.
Cardone 已经购买房地产 30 年了,他告诉 CoinDesk,该基金将从一个试点项目开始,Cardone 以 7200 万美元购买了佛罗里达州墨尔本太空海岸的一栋公寓大楼,然后额外投入了 1500 万美元比特币注入该基金,总额为 8800 万美元。
The cash flow generated by the property will be dollar-cost averaged into bitcoin every month for the next four years – or at least until the fund’s asset ratio, currently at 85% real estate and 15% bitcoin, shifts to 70% real estate and 30% bitcoin.
未来四年,该房产产生的现金流将以美元成本平均转化为比特币,或者至少直到该基金的资产比例(目前为 85% 房地产和 15% 比特币)转变为 70% 房地产和 15% 比特币。 30% 比特币。
If the top cryptocurrency, now trading for $104,000, reaches the $158,000 mark within a year, the entire fund will grow by 25% in value. If it reaches $251,000 in two years, that number shoots up to 61%.
如果目前交易价格为 104,000 美元的顶级加密货币在一年内达到 158,000 美元大关,则整个基金的价值将增长 25%。如果两年内达到 251,000 美元,这个数字将飙升至 61%。
Cardone’s projections assume that bitcoin will hit $1 million per coin within the next five years, and keep going up after that.
Cardone 的预测假设比特币在未来五年内将达到每枚 100 万美元,并在此后继续上涨。
His ambition is to roll out 10 other such projects before June, for a grand total investment of $1 billion. If bitcoin rises according to Cardone’s projections, Cardone Capital may end up with a bitcoin reserve potentially worth hundreds of millions of dollars solely off the back of its real estate cash flow.
他的目标是在 6 月之前推出另外 10 个此类项目,总投资额达 10 亿美元。如果比特币按照 Cardone 的预测上涨,Cardone Capital 仅靠其房地产现金流就可能获得价值数亿美元的比特币储备。
Taking a page out of Saylor’s bookCardone has been buying real estate for 30 years, and he’s famous for it, with over 4.8 million followers on Instagram, 2.7 million on YouTube, and 1.1 million on X.
借鉴 Saylor 的书,Cardone 购买房地产已有 30 年历史,他因此而闻名,在 Instagram 上拥有超过 480 万粉丝,在 YouTube 上有 270 万粉丝,在 X 上有 110 万粉丝。
Cardone Capital manages 15,000 units – 6,000 of which belong to Cardone himself, and 9,000 of which have been crowdfunded across 18,400 investors, accredited or not. The firm distributes $80 million a year in dividends, and its last six deals were all paid in cash.
Cardone Capital 管理着 15,000 个单位,其中 6,000 个单位属于 Cardone 本人,其中 9,000 个单位是通过 18,400 名投资者(无论是否获得认可)进行众筹的。该公司每年派发 8000 万美元的股息,最近六笔交易均以现金支付。
“We don’t take institutional money,” Cardone said. “No sovereign funds, no Wall Street.”
“我们不接受机构资金,”卡多内说。 “没有主权基金,就没有华尔街。”
Cardone added that he’s a risk-taker, but compared to the “degenerates in the blockchain industry,” he’s “so conservative, it's unbelievable.”
Despite studying bitcoin for seven years, Cardone said he did not see a way to combine real estate and bitcoin until MicroStrategy (MSTR) co-founder Michael Saylor suggested the model to him.
尽管研究比特币七年,Cardone 表示,直到 MicroStrategy (MSTR) 联合创始人 Michael Saylor 向他建议了该模型,他才找到将房地产和比特币结合起来的方法。
“This is really a version of what he’s doing at MicroStrategy,” Cardone said.
“这确实是他在 MicroStrategy 所做工作的一个版本,”Cardone 说。
One of the advantages of the real estate-bitcoin fund is that it allows the firm to raise capital much faster. Not only are investors piling into the initiative, but Cardone plans on issuing corporate bonds to get some long-term, cheap money, and somewhat replicate Saylor’s convertible note formula.
He also wants to put up combined mortgages against the projects. Bitcoin mortgage products do not yet exist, he noted, but Cardone expects that to change after he’s done plowing hundreds of millions of dollars into these hybrid projects.
“$700 million worth of real estate paid for with cash, $300 million worth of bitcoin, and no debt. Who wouldn't give me a loan for $500 million against the combination?” he said. “I'm talking about very friendly long-term debt, no margin calls. Seven to 10 years.”
“价值 7 亿美元的房地产是用现金支付的,价值 3 亿美元的比特币是用比特币支付的,没有任何债务。谁不会以这个组合为抵押向我提供 5 亿美元的贷款呢?”他说。 “我说的是非常友好的长期债务,没有追加保证金。七到十年。”
Not to mention the possibility of the firm going public, which Cardone says could occur in 2026.
更不用说该公司上市的可能性,Cardone 表示这可能会在 2026 年发生。
Cardone’s plans to buy bitcoin in a price-agnostic way – meaning that he won’t be focused on buying dips, but will simply purchase bitcoin within 72 hours of the monthly distributions coming in.
Cardone 计划以与价格无关的方式购买比特币,这意味着他不会专注于逢低买入,而只是在每月分配到来后 72 小时内购买比特币。
Nor will the firm take exposure to bitcoin through any spot exchange-traded funds (ETFs); the plan is to hold the cryptocurrency through an institutional custodian.
Does he ever plan on selling? Not in the immediate future. But he still has concerns about the growing frenzy surrounding cryptocurrencies.
“The place I'm at in my life, I can take this chance. I don't need more cash flow,” Cardone said. “But if you're 25 years old and you're trying to get some cash flow for life, bitcoin is not a solution. It's a bet, it's a gamble, and you got to pay rent, you got to take care of your family, you got to pay your bills. And bitcoin
“就我现在的生活而言,我可以抓住这个机会。我不需要更多的现金流,”卡多内说。 “但如果你已经 25 岁了,并且想为生活获得一些现金流,那么比特币并不是一个解决方案。这是一场赌注,这是一场赌博,你必须支付房租,你必须照顾你的家人,你必须支付你的账单。还有比特币
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