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本文介绍了AI Agent在加密货币圈的发展轨迹,分析了AI Agent的现阶段和未来发展方向。
Product-market fit (PMF) is a crucial concept in entrepreneurship, ensuring that a product aligns with market demand. Before launching a venture, it's essential to assess the market landscape, identify the target customer base, and understand the competitive environment. This approach helps avoid creating products or services that entrepreneurs find appealing but the market ultimately rejects.
The PMF concept also applies to the cryptocurrency domain. Project teams should prioritize understanding the needs of crypto enthusiasts and tailoring products accordingly, rather than piling on technology that's out of sync with market demands.
PMF 概念也适用于加密货币领域。项目团队应该优先了解加密货币爱好者的需求并相应地定制产品,而不是堆砌与市场需求不同步的技术。
In the past, crypto AI was primarily integrated with DePIN. The narrative centered on utilizing crypto's decentralized data to train AI, eliminating reliance on a single entity for computing power, data, and other resources. This approach aimed to distribute the benefits of AI to data providers.
However, according to this logic, it seems like crypto is empowering AI. While this integration might benefit computing power providers by distributing profits in the form of tokens, it doesn't inherently onboard more new users to AI. It could even be argued that this model has not achieved optimal PMF.
然而,根据这个逻辑,加密货币似乎正在为人工智能赋能。虽然这种集成可能会通过以代币的形式分配利润而使计算能力提供商受益,但它本质上并不会吸引更多新用户使用人工智能。甚至可以说该模型并未实现最佳 PMF。
The emergence of AI Agent is more like an application end, compared to DePIN + AI which is like infrastructure. It goes without saying that applications are simpler, easier to understand, and have a better ability to attract users, ultimately achieving better PMF than DePIN + AI.
AI Agent的出现更像是一个应用端,相比之下DePIN+AI更像是基础设施。不言而喻,应用程序更简单,更容易理解,并且具有更好的吸引用户的能力,最终实现比DePIN + AI更好的PMF。
GOAT, sponsored by A16Z founder Marc Andreessen (who also proposed the PMF theory), was created by a conversation between two AIs, marking the starting point of AI Agent. Currently, both ai16z and Virtual have their own strengths and weaknesses. So, what is the development trajectory of AI Agent in the crypto space? What stage is it in now? And where will it go in the future? Let WOO X Research show you.
GOAT由A16Z创始人Marc Andreessen(PMF理论提出者)发起,由两个AI之间的对话创建,标志着AI Agent的起点。目前,ai16z 和 Virtual 都有各自的优点和缺点。那么,AI Agent在加密领域的发展轨迹是怎样的呢?现在处于什么阶段?未来又将走向何方?让 WOO X Research 向您展示。
Phase 1: Meme StartsBefore the emergence of GOAT, the hottest track in this cycle was meme coins, and one of the characteristics of meme coins is their strong inclusiveness. From the zoo's hippo MOODENG, to the newly adopted Neiro of DOGE's owner, to the Internet's native meme Popcat, etc., they show the trend of "everything can be a meme". Such seemingly nonsensical narratives actually provide a fertile soil for the growth of AI Agents.
第一阶段:Meme 启动 在 GOAT 出现之前,本周期最火的赛道是 Meme 币,而 Meme 币的特点之一就是包容性强。从动物园的河马MOODENG,到DOGE主人新领养的Neiro,再到互联网原生表情包Popcat等,都展现出“万物皆可表情包”的潮流。这种看似无厘头的叙述,实际上为AI Agent的成长提供了肥沃的土壤。
GOAT is a meme coin generated by a conversation between two AIs. This is the first time that AI has achieved its own goals through cryptocurrency and the Internet and learned from human behavior. Only meme coins can carry such a highly experimental project. At the same time, similar concept coins have sprung up, but most of their functions remain at automatic Twitter posting and replying, etc., without practical applications. At this time, AI Agent coins are usually called AI + Meme.
GOAT 是由两个人工智能之间的对话生成的模因币。这是人工智能第一次通过加密货币和互联网实现自己的目标,并从人类行为中学习。只有模因币才能承载如此高度实验性的项目。与此同时,类似概念币也不断涌现,但其功能大多停留在推特自动发帖、回复等,没有实际应用。此时AI代理币通常被称为AI+Meme。
Representative projects:
Phase 2: Exploring ApplicationsGradually, people realized that AI Agents can not only interact with each other on Twitter, but also extend to more valuable scenarios. This includes content production such as music and video, as well as investment analysis, fund management and other services that are more suitable for cryptocurrency users. From this stage, AI Agents separated from meme coins, forming a new track.
第二阶段:探索应用逐渐,人们意识到AI Agent不仅可以在Twitter上相互交互,还可以扩展到更有价值的场景。这包括音乐、视频等内容制作,以及投资分析、基金管理等更适合加密货币用户的服务。从这个阶段开始,AI Agent 与 meme 币分离,形成了新的赛道。
Representative projects:
Extra: Distribution PlatformAs AI Agent applications flourish, which track should entrepreneurs choose to seize this wave of AI and Crypto?
附:分发平台随着AI Agent应用的蓬勃发展,创业者应该选择哪条赛道来抓住这波AI和加密货币的浪潮?
The Answer is LaunchpadWhen the currency under the issuing platform has a wealth effect, users will continue to look for and purchase tokens issued by the platform. The real income generated by the users' purchases will also enable the platform currency to drive up the price. As the price of the platform currency continues to rise, funds will spill over to the currency issued under it, forming a wealth effect.
The business model is clear and has a positive flywheel effect, but it should be noted that Launchpad is a winner-takes-all Matthew effect. The core function of Launchpad is to issue new tokens. Under similar functions, what needs to be competed is the quality of the projects under it. If a single platform can stably produce high-quality projects and has a wealth-creating effect, the user's stickiness to the issuance platform will naturally increase, and it will be difficult for other projects to snatch users.
商业模式清晰,具有正向飞轮效应,但需要注意的是,Launchpad是赢家通吃的马太效应。 Launchpad的核心功能是发行新的代币。类似的职能下,需要比拼的是其下的项目质量。如果单一平台能够稳定产出优质项目,并具有创富效应,用户对发行平台的粘性自然会增加,其他项目就很难抢夺用户。
Representative projects:
Phase 3: Seeking collaborationAfter AI Agent begins to realize more practical functions, it will begin to explore collaboration between projects and build a stronger ecosystem. The focus of this stage is on interoperability and the expansion of the ecological network, especially whether it can generate synergies with other crypto projects or protocols. For example, AI Agent may cooperate with DeFi protocols to improve automated investment strategies, or integrate with NFT projects to achieve smarter tools.
第三阶段:寻求协作AI Agent开始实现更多实用功能后,将开始探索项目间的协作,构建更强大的生态系统。这一阶段的重点是互操作性和生态网络的扩展,特别是是否可以与其他加密项目或协议产生协同效应。例如,AI Agent 可以与 DeFi 协议合作,完善自动化投资策略,或者与 NFT 项目集成,实现更智能的工具。
To achieve efficient collaboration, it is necessary to first establish a standardized framework to provide developers with preset components, abstract concepts, and related tools to simplify the development process of complex AI agents. By proposing standardized solutions to common challenges in AI agent development, these frameworks can help developers focus on the
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