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在推出以太坊区块链的十年后,联合创始人加文·伍德(Gavin Wood)一直保持着对Web3超越加密货币的愿景,并通过Polkadot创建了真正的分散互联网。
2025/03/09 17:09
A decade after launching the Ethereum blockchain, co-founder Gavin Wood is still maintaining his vision for a Web3 beyond cryptocurrency and creating a truly decentralised internet alive through Polkadot.
在推出以太坊区块链的十年后,联合创始人加文·伍德(Gavin Wood)仍在维护着对Web3超越加密货币的愿景,并通过Polkadot创建了真正的分散互联网。
At the Polkadot Jam Tour, during which Wood met Polkadot blockchain developers around the world and spoke of his vision for updates to the protocol, the Web3 architect held a presentation in Hong Kong just ahead of Consensus, the crypto conference that organiser CoinDesk held in the city for the first time this year.
在Polkadot Jam之旅中,伍德在此期间遇到了世界各地的Polkadot区块链开发人员,并谈到了他对该协议的最新动态的愿景,Web3 Architect在香港举行了一场演讲,这是COSSESUS,这是该组织者Coindesk在今年首次在城市举行的加密货币会议。
Wood's main focus these days for Polkadot, a blockchain network that is improving scalability and throughput with updated architecture. At Jam, he spoke for more than an hour about technical upgrades that would allow people to run more standard computer software directly on the blockchain.
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Traditional financial use cases - something Hong Kong has been increasingly focused on - are not that interesting to the man who helped put automated transactions through smart contracts on the blockchain.
传统的财务用例 - 香港越来越关注的东西 - 对于帮助通过区块链上的智能合约将自动交易的男人来说并不是那么有趣。
"As Web3 becomes a more accepted part of the scenery that banks operate in, that regulators operate in, we will probably see increased integration [with financial systems]," Wood told the Post after his Jam Tour speech at Cyberport on February 17. "Tentatively speaking, we may be on a path to the integration of more legitimate Web3 technologies than the sorts of things that we were seeing 10 years ago with banks taking up permissed ledgers."
"I think there's a lot of interesting use cases for Web3, and I think stablecoins are actually one of the less interesting ones," he added.
Wood does not see efforts to create a "Web3 hub" as completely in line with how many blockchain projects like Polkadot are managed, which is often through so-called decentralised autonomous organisations - known as DAOs - made up of people scattered across the globe.
伍德没有看到创建“ Web3枢纽”的努力,这完全与诸如Polkadot这样的区块链项目的管理完全一致,这通常是通过由散布在全球范围内的人组成的所谓去中心化的自主组织(称为Daos)。
"I think [hubs] are more limited than in other industries or sectors, primarily because blockchain is a very internet-native technology and just naturally quite decentralised," Wood said. "I think to some extent the collaborations between the different projects can also be internet-native ... Maybe there is still some sort of good reason for having at least points where the people behind the projects actually get together ... it's just a bit less than usual."
伍德说:“我认为[枢纽]比其他行业或行业更有限制,这主要是因为区块链是一种非常互联网的技术,并且自然而然地分散了。” “我认为,在某种程度上,不同项目之间的合作也可能是互联网的……也许仍然有一些充分的理由让这些项目背后的人真正聚在一起……这比平常少一些。”
Polkadot has developer hubs around the world, including in Hong Kong. Max Rebol, co-founder and managing partner of the Polkadot-focused investment firm Harbour Industrial Capital, serves as the head Polkadot ambassador in Hong Kong, where he supports local Web3 events and organises monthly meetings through a group called PolkaPort East.
Polkadot在包括香港在内的世界各地都有开发人员枢纽。以Polkadot投资公司Harbor Industrial Capital的联合创始人兼执行合伙人Max Rebol担任香港Polkadot大使的负责人,在那里他支持当地的Web3活动,并通过一个名为Polkaport East的小组组织每月会议。
"Polkadot history is very much intertwined with Asia," Rebol said, adding that many of the buyers in the first sale of the Dot crypto token came from China and Japan.
Rebol说:“ Polkadot的历史与亚洲非常相互交织在一起。
Like many blockchain projects, Polkadot also has a big developer community in mainland China, according to Rebol, with the main groups being Shenzhen-based OneBlock+ and Hangzhou-based Polkaworld. Since cryptocurrency is restricted on the mainland, Rebol said the developers tend to hold more events and are more public in Hong Kong.
根据Rebol的说法,像许多区块链项目一样,Polkadot在中国大陆也有一个大型开发人员社区,主要团体是深圳的Oneblock+和位于Hangzhou的Polkaworld。 Rebol说,由于加密货币受到大陆的限制,开发商倾向于举行更多的活动,并且在香港更加公开。
While Polkadot does have its native Dot token, Wood's focus these days appears to be more on building out his vision for Web3 and running decentralised applications at scale.
Another project, called Mandalachain, aims to bring public services to the blockchain in Indonesia.
Despite some of the controversy around cryptocurrencies amid the rise of scams and ransomware, Wood takes a broader and more flexible view of Web3, a term he coined, and boils it down to expectations.
"Web3 is about building systems that do what they say on the tin," Wood said.
伍德说:“ Web3是关于构建系统在锡上所说的事情的建设。”
The ability to revert funds in the case of fraud or abuse, for example, could be consistent with Web3, as long as users expect that funds could be yanked back based on how the system works, according to Wood.
"This is one of the very important problems that Web3 is trying to solve," he said. "It's the question of systems mutating to the point where they do not represent the expectations of their users."
他说:“这是Web3试图解决的非常重要的问题之一。” “这是系统变异的问题,直到他们不代表用户的期望。”
Wood makes it clear that he wants systems that people trust, something that he suggests is being challenged in current political environments. He brought up the issue of privacy and identity as one thing Web3 can solve, saying people are "not super keen on handing over their passport in order to prove that they're a person".
"There are Web3 ways of solving this, and they solve it a lot better than putting the keys in the hands of some unelected central authority who we just have to trust will do the right thing," Wood said. "With the current global political turmoil that we are increasingly finding ourselves
伍德说:“有一些解决此问题的方法,它们要解决的问题要比将钥匙掌握在一些未经当选的中央权威的手中要好得多。 “随着当前的全球政治动荡,我们越来越多地发现自己
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