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利物浦杜克街的一座具有历史意义的建筑曾经是白宫酒吧的所在地,并以描绘巨鼠的班克斯壁画而闻名。这家酒吧是当地人和游客经常光顾的地方,自 2004 年该艺术品出现以来一直是一个地标,但该建筑经过了翻修,现在是一家法国风格的咖啡馆酒吧。
Amidst the vibrant streets of Liverpool, where history intertwines with modern-day vibrancy, a tale unfolds around a once-derelict building at the intersection of Berry Street and Duke Street. This former abode of the Whitehouse pub bears witness to a remarkable episode involving an iconic street artist and a captivating piece of urban art.
In 2004, this dilapidated structure became an unexpected canvas for Banksy, the enigmatic graffiti maestro whose works have garnered global acclaim. Under the cloak of night, he bestowed upon the building's façade a colossal rat, a symbol of resilience and irreverence. The rodent's presence instantly transformed the building into a local landmark, drawing curious onlookers and art enthusiasts alike.
2004 年,这座破旧的建筑成为班克斯 (Banksy) 意想不到的画布,这位神秘的涂鸦大师的作品赢得了全球的赞誉。在夜色的掩护下,他在建筑物的外墙上画了一只巨大的老鼠,象征着坚韧和不敬。这只啮齿动物的出现立即将这座建筑变成了当地的地标,吸引了好奇的旁观者和艺术爱好者。
The rat, adorned with an audacious swagger, stood proudly for nearly a decade, its audacious form imbuing the crumbling edifice with an aura of urban chic. However, in 2013, as part of a comprehensive renovation, the artwork was carefully removed, much to the dismay of many who had come to appreciate its subversive charm.
Today, the building echoes with a different ambiance, having been reborn as the Petit Café Du Coin, a charming French-inspired café bar that pays homage to the city's diverse culinary scene. Its verdant and gold facade stands out against the backdrop of the city center, echoing the vibrant hues of its sibling establishments on Allerton Road and Lark Lane.
如今,这座建筑焕发出不同的氛围,重生为 Petit Café Du Coin,这是一家迷人的法式咖啡馆酒吧,向这座城市的多元化美食致敬。其翠绿的金色外观在市中心的背景下显得格外引人注目,与阿勒顿路和拉克巷的兄弟酒店的充满活力的色调相呼应。
Yet, the legacy of the Whitehouse pub and Banksy's enigmatic rat endures, forever etched into the annals of Liverpool's architectural and artistic heritage. The building remains an enduring testament to the city's rich maritime past, having once served as the residence and confectionery shop of the illustrious Baines family, prominent shipbuilders who played a pivotal role in the city's maritime ascendancy.
In the 1800s, as Liverpool emerged as a global shipping hub, Duke Street became the heart of the city's maritime elite. The Baines family, led by James Baines, a renowned merchant, shipowner, and shipbroker, established a formidable shipping empire, operating a fleet of vessels along the Liverpool Black Ball line, connecting England and Australia.
1800 年代,随着利物浦成为全球航运中心,杜克街成为该市航海精英的中心。贝恩斯家族在著名商人、船东和船舶经纪人詹姆斯·贝恩斯的领导下,建立了一个强大的航运帝国,在连接英格兰和澳大利亚的利物浦黑球航线上运营着一支船队。
The Baines' confectionery shop, located at 185 Duke Street, not only catered to the sweet tooth of the local community but also supplied delectable treats to the discerning palates of the Royal Family, further cementing the family's prominence within Liverpool's social fabric.
贝恩斯家族的糖果店位于杜克街 185 号,不仅迎合了当地社区的甜食需求,还为挑剔的皇室成员提供了美味佳肴,进一步巩固了该家族在利物浦社会结构中的突出地位。
As the years passed, the property underwent several transformations, serving as an immigrant guest house before evolving into the Whitehouse pub, a convivial hub that welcomed countless locals and tourists alike. The pub's warm ambiance and lively atmosphere left an enduring mark on the city's social landscape, with many fond memories still shared by patrons who frequented its hallowed halls.
In the 1920s, the Jennings family took the helm of the Whitehouse pub, with James and Mary Jennings, known affectionately as Molly, presiding over the establishment for over two decades. Christine Donaldson, their granddaughter, fondly recalled her family's connection to the pub, sharing tales of her grandmother's impeccable demeanor and unwavering dignity.
1920 年代,詹宁斯家族掌管了白宫酒吧,詹姆斯·詹宁斯 (James Jennings) 和玛丽·詹宁斯 (Mary Jennings)(被亲切地称为莫莉)掌管了这家酒吧二十多年。他们的孙女克里斯汀·唐纳森(Christine Donaldson)深情地回忆起她的家人与酒吧的渊源,分享了她祖母无可挑剔的举止和坚定不移的尊严的故事。
During the tumultuous years of World War II, the pub's cellar provided refuge for the Jennings family, who sought solace from the relentless air raids that plagued the city. The pub's upper floors housed the workshops of Christine's uncles, skilled artisans who plied their trades as a cabinet-maker, chair maker, and cobbler, adding to the building's rich tapestry of human endeavor.
In 2000, the Liverpool ECHO launched its "Stop the Rot" campaign, a clarion call to preserve the city's architectural heritage. By 2004, the derelict building on Berry Street had been bestowed with Grade-II listed status, recognizing its historical significance.
2000 年,利物浦 ECHO 发起了“停止腐烂”活动,吹响了保护城市建筑遗产的号角。到 2004 年,贝里街的这座废弃建筑被授予二级保护建筑地位,承认其历史意义。
Amidst the efforts to preserve the building's architectural integrity, Banksy's rat emerged as a beacon of contemporary urban art, imbuing the dilapidated structure with a fresh layer of cultural significance. The artwork, with its estimated value of £1 million, became a symbol of Liverpool's vibrant street art scene and further cemented the city's reputation as a hub of creativity and innovation.
在保护建筑完整性的努力中,班克斯的老鼠成为当代城市艺术的灯塔,为这座破旧的建筑注入了新的文化意义。这件艺术品估计价值 100 万英镑,成为利物浦充满活力的街头艺术场景的象征,并进一步巩固了这座城市作为创造力和创新中心的声誉。
In 2011, Ascot Property Group acquired the building, embarking on a meticulous restoration project. The Banksy rat, a cherished symbol of the city's artistic spirit, was carefully removed from the façade, its preservation entrusted to Sincura, a company specializing in the restoration and management of artworks.
2011 年,阿斯科特地产集团 (Ascot Property Group) 收购了该建筑,并开始了细致的修复工程。班克斯老鼠是这座城市艺术精神的珍贵象征,它被小心翼翼地从外墙上移走,并将其保存委托给专门从事艺术品修复和管理的 Sincura 公司。
Despite extensive restoration efforts, only the upper portion of the artwork survived, as the lower section had been stenciled onto wood that could not be salvaged. The artwork's whereabouts remained largely unknown until a brief appearance in London's "graffiti tunnel" in 2018, where it found a temporary home in a bar aptly named "Rat-bar."
尽管进行了大量的修复工作,但艺术品只有上半部分幸存下来,因为下半部分被模印在无法回收的木头上。这件艺术品的下落很大程度上不为人知,直到 2018 年短暂出现在伦敦的“涂鸦隧道”,并在一家名为“Rat-bar”的酒吧找到了临时住所。
In April 2021, the artwork, now rechristened "The Whitehouse Rat," was transported to the Netherlands, where it was sold at auction. According to the auction website, it fetched an impressive 475,000 Euros, approximately £404,565. News outlets reported that the artwork had been acquired by an English buyer, raising hopes that it might one day return to Liverpool, its spiritual home.
2021 年 4 月,这件现已重新命名为“白宫之鼠”的艺术品被运往荷兰,并在那里进行拍卖。据拍卖网站称,它拍出了令人印象深刻的 475,000 欧元,约合 404,565 英镑。新闻媒体报道称,这件艺术品已被一位英国买家收购,人们希望它有一天能回到其精神家园利物浦。
The fate of "The Whitehouse Rat" remains uncertain, but its legacy as a symbol of Liverpool's cultural vibrancy and artistic heritage endures. The building at the corner of Berry Street and Duke Street, once a confectioner's shop, immigrant guest house, and beloved pub, now stands as a testament to the city's rich history and its enduring connection to the world of art.
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