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2024/05/08 20:09

在這個播客中,Blockchain Gamer World 的主編 Jon Jordan 與 Yield Guild Games 聯合創始人 Gabby Dizon 和 LongHash Ventures 的戰略投資者 Shi Khai Wei 談論了遊戲公會的未來。他們討論了公會模式從獎學金模式到 YGG 公會協議的演變。 Dizon 解釋了這種轉變如何能夠在鏈上創建團體身份,並允許行會作為一個集體執行行動和任務。 LongHash 對 YGG 的投資歸因於其模型的可擴展性和適應性,使他們能夠加入多樣化的社區並與各種遊戲和生態系統整合。


In the latest episode of his Blockchain Gaming World podcast, editor-in-chief Jon Jordan talks to Yield Guild Games’ co-founder Gabby Dizon and its recent strategic investor Shi Khai Wei from LongHash Ventures about the future of the gaming guild model.

在區塊鏈遊戲世界播客的最新一集中,主編 Jon Jordan 與 Yield Guild Games 聯合創始人 Gabby Dizon 及其最近來自 LongHash Ventures 的戰略投資者 Shi Khai Wei 討論了遊戲公會模式的未來。

From the scholarship model at the height of the Axie Infinity play-to-earn movement, YGG has now evolved into what Dizon calls a Guild as Protocol model; something also cited by LongHash in its investment thesis.

從 Axie Infinity Play-to-earn 運動鼎盛時期的獎學金模式,YGG 現在演變成 Dizon 所說的 Guild as Protocol 模式; LongHash 在其投資論文中也引用了這一點。

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.


You can also listen to the podcast via the Fountain app and earn Bitcoin.

您還可以透過 Fountain 應用程式收聽播客並賺取比特幣。

BlockchainGamer.biz: Shi Kai, can you give us some background on yourself and LongHash?


Shi Khai: LongHash started in 2017, as an accelerator. Now we run two funds. We specialize in bootstrapping ecosystems. Over the years, our thesis has been adapting based on what we feel that the space needs to push forward. So we started with the application wave and then looking at DeFi Summer, and throughout the bear market, we looked at a lot of infrastructure that’s needed to adapt, to scale, to improve user experience. Now the focus has now shifted back to consumer and user adoption and what is going to bring forth the next wave. And, of course, that’s why we’re here to discuss games and guilds.

施凱:LongHash 始於 2017 年,作為加速器。現在我們經營兩檔基金。我們專注於引導生態系統。多年來,我們的論文一直在根據我們認為該領域需要推動的方向進行調整。因此,我們從應用程式浪潮開始,然後關注 DeFi Summer,在整個熊市中,我們研究了許多需要適應、擴展和改善用戶體驗的基礎設施。現在,焦點已經轉移回消費者和用戶的採用以及將帶來下一波浪潮的因素。當然,這就是我們在這裡討論遊戲和公會的原因。

Why did you invest in YGG?


Shi Khai: So when we start to move from infrastructure back to consumer adoption, one of the first questions is, where are the users going to come from? And what are they going to do onchain? What’s going to bring them into the ecosystem? And if we look at the breakout applications over the last year or so, I think it’s very clearly gaming and social. 

Shi Khai:因此,當我們開始從基礎設施轉向消費者採用時,首要問題之一是,使用者將從哪裡來?他們將在鏈上做什麼?什麼會將它們帶入生態系?如果我們看看過去一年左右的突破性應用程序,我認為很明顯是遊戲和社交應用程式。

How do you invest in this trend if you believe that these two verticals will bring on board a lot of users? Sure, you can go to specific game studios and titles. You can go to various social apps. But it’s actually much harder to invest in those if you are not deep in the weeds. I myself am a hardcore gamer, be it from casual all the way to PC and console, but it is still very difficult for us to pick out those individual titles, while we have some very high conviction bets there. 

如果您相信這兩個垂直領域會吸引大量用戶,您將如何投資這一趨勢?當然,您可以去特定的遊戲工作室和遊戲。你可以去各種社交應用。但如果你不深陷其中,投資這些其實困難得多。我自己是一名鐵桿遊戲玩家,從休閒遊戲一直到 PC 和遊戲機,但我們仍然很難挑選出那些單獨的遊戲,儘管我們在那裡有一些非常高的信念賭注。

It is much easier to actually work with a player that is almost like the social layer, almost like the index of the entire vertical of gaming social. So when we started looking into YGG, we realized that, hey, we’re not just talking about a gaming guild, we’re talking about the social layer for consumer crypto. And YGG has been one of the few players that has persisted through the bear market and continued to nurture community, build out quests, integrate directly into games, platforms, and that has laid a very strong foundation to capture this explosive growth, which we predict will come this year.

與幾乎就像社交層、幾乎就像整個遊戲社交垂直領域的索引的玩家一起實際工作要容易得多。因此,當我們開始研究 YGG 時,我們意識到,嘿,我們不僅僅是在談論遊戲公會,我們還在談論消費者加密貨幣的社交層。 YGG 是少數幾個在熊市中堅持下來並繼續培育社區、構建任務、直接融入遊戲、平台的玩家之一,這為捕捉這種爆炸性增長奠定了堅實的基礎,我們預測這一點今年會來。

For you Gabby, how much has your thesis changed since 2021?

Gabby,你的論文自 2021 年以來發生了多少變化?

Gabby Dizon: To go back to the original thesis, we wanted to aggregate communities to be able to play together and have ownerships in these crypto networks. If you look at a lot of these games that have ownership represented in either tokens or NFTs, the idea is that you could bootstrap and grow these networks via tokens. And what we do, aggregating people, helping them play together, helping them to own these tokens, has still very much remained the same. 

Gabby Dizon:回到最初的論文,我們希望聚合社區,以便能夠一起玩並擁有這些加密網路的所有權。如果您查看許多以代幣或 NFT 表示所有權的遊戲,您會發現您可以透過代幣引導和發展這些網路。我們所做的,聚集人們,幫助他們一起玩,幫助他們擁有這些代幣,基本上仍然保持不變。

So what’s changed? One of the things that the market has missed especially in the last two years was that they conflated the guild model with the scholarship model which was very popular and explosive back then. But even in 2021 we were moving into the next phase of our vision. We released the first soulbound token for YGG in July 2021, even before we released the YGG token. We had started working on our questing system, the Guild Advancement Program. The idea was that you wanted people to build reputation by doing things in different games, in different crypto networks. And that reputation could be represented in non-tradable soulbound tokens. So that as someone contributes to a network, whether you’re doing it in a game, in a DAO, in a guild like YGG, people could note what your contributions are and your value to the network. And you would be able to get an opportunity accordingly whether it’s early access to a game or being able to earn better or maybe a game offering you more rewards because you’re a top player in a certain genre right.

那麼發生了什麼變化呢?尤其是近兩年市場忽略的一件事是,他們將行會模式與當時非常流行且爆炸性的獎學金模式混為一談。但即使在 2021 年,我們也正在進入願景的下一個階段。我們在 2021 年 7 月發布了 YGG 的第一個 Soulbound 代幣,甚至在我們發布 YGG 代幣之前。我們已經開始發展我們的任務系統,即公會進步計劃。這個想法是,你希望人們透過在不同的遊戲、不同的加密網路中做事來建立聲譽。這種聲譽可以用不可交易的靈魂綁定代幣來表示。因此,當有人為網路做出貢獻時,無論你是在遊戲中、在 DAO 中、還是在 YGG 這樣的公會中,人們都可以注意到你的貢獻是什麼以及你對網路的價值。你將能夠獲得相應的機會,無論是搶先體驗遊戲還是能夠賺取更好的收入,或者可能是因為你是某種類型的頂級玩家而為你提供更多獎勵的遊戲。

And this is what you mean by ‘guild as a protocol’?


Gabby Dizon: A guild protocol specifically for what we’re doing is that we’re aggregating people, players, and putting their group identity onchain, allowing them to have group treasury, group reputation, and allowing them to do actions or go on quests together as a group, and then be recognized or get rewards from our group level. So if you think about having a World of Warcraft guild and then putting that structure onchain, that is where we’re headed with everything that we’re building for the last few years.

Gabby Dizon:專門針對我們正在做的事情的公會協議是,我們聚集人員、玩家,並將他們的團體身份放在鏈上,允許他們擁有團體金庫、團體聲譽,並允許他們採取行動或繼續任務作為一個團隊在一起,然後得到我們團隊層面的認可或獎勵。因此,如果你考慮建立一個《魔獸世界》公會,然後將該結構放到鏈上,那麼這就是我們過去幾年所建構的一切的目標。

Does ‘guild as a protocol’ mean YGG launches its own blockchain?

「公會作為協議」是否意味著 YGG 推出自己的區塊鏈?

Gabby Dizon: Honestly, I think it’s really stupid that everyone is looking to pivot to their own L2 or L3. Everyone is trying to sell their own block space. We’re not selling any block space. We’re looking to fill up block space with people and with actions going onchain. So no, we’re not making our own game and no, we don’t have our own blockchain. What we do is we bring the human layer, the social, the group layer onchain. We get people to form groups together and then do things, do actions together, play games together onchain.

Gabby Dizon:老實說,我認為每個人都希望轉向自己的 L2 或 L3,這真的很愚蠢。每個人都在試圖出售自己的區塊空間。我們不出售任何區塊空間。我們希望用人和行動來填滿區塊空間。所以,不,我們不是在製作自己的遊戲,也不,我們沒有自己的區塊鏈。我們所做的是將人類層、社交層、群體層帶到鏈上。我們讓人們聚集在一起,然後在鏈上一起做事、一起行動、一起玩遊戲。

As an investor, how does LongHash see YGG’s growth in the coming years?


Shi Khai: First I’ll talk about the positioning and how that sets us up to scale and then paint a longer term vision of where we might be headed. So the first thing on the positioning, it is very difficult if you are trying to form your own social group. I think the traditional concept of I bring all these friends together and we play games together inside our own little community, it’s very hard to scale that social connection, right? Just because of things like Dunbar’s number, needing to have these relationships with everybody. That’s why I think every single guild is trying to figure out how do we move down the stack or expand the scope?

Shi Khai:首先,我將討論定位以及如何讓我們擴大規模,然後描繪我們可能走向何方的長期願景。所以首先在定位上,如果你想形成自己的社交群體,那是非常困難的。我認為傳統的概念是我把所有這些朋友聚集在一起,我們在自己的小社區裡一起玩遊戲,很難擴展這種社交聯繫,對嗎?只是因為像鄧巴號碼這樣的事情,需要與每個人建立這些關係。這就是為什麼我認為每個公會都在試圖弄清楚我們如何向下移動或擴大範圍?

Of course, many of them have transitioned to become L2s, L3s. I think where YGG is going is really interesting with the guild protocol. It’s not a guild, it’s the guild of guilds. We want to onboard each regional localized community to come and build on the YGG guild protocol. That already unlocks the skill potential. And secondly, this interesting strategic choice to not have our own chain keeps us agnostic to all of the games and to all of the chains.

當然,其中許多已經轉變為L2、L3。我認為 YGG 的公會協議發展方向非常有趣。這不是公會,這是公會的公會。我們希望每個區域的在地化社群都加入進來,並在 YGG 行會協議的基礎上進行建置。這已經釋放了技能潛能。其次,這種不擁有自己的鏈的有趣的戰略選擇使我們對所有遊戲和所有鏈都是不可知的。

The moment you launch your own chain, sure, there’s a repricing or a markup in terms of your valuation, but there’s also the trade-off that you’re locking in your own ecosystem. Your token will likely need to live on your chain as well. As we see with YGG, we can be on Ethereum and then we have a very good relationship with Ronin and we can be on Ronin too. And if there’s a good chain that comes on, then we can go ahead and expand there. If there’s a good gamewe can go there as well and we can activate the local communities, be it like the more hardcore players, let’s say in the very competitive games or more mass adoption for a casual game. We can form localized or specialized guilds for those games and for those regions. 

當然,當你推出自己的區塊鏈時,你的估值就會重新定價或加價,但你也需要在自己的生態系統中進行權衡。您的代幣可能也需要存在於您的鏈上。正如我們在 YGG 看到的,我們可以在以太坊上,然後我們與 Ronin 有很好的關係,我們也可以在 Ronin 上。如果有一個好的連鎖店出現,那麼我們就可以繼續在那裡擴張。如果有好的遊戲,我們也可以去那裡,我們可以激活當地社區,無論是像更鐵桿的玩家一樣,比如說在競爭激烈的遊戲中,還是在休閒遊戲中更廣泛採用。我們可以為這些遊戲和這些地區組成本地化或專門的公會。

I think that sets us up to scale across the entire ecosystem and also expand into web2 as well. What’s the scale for that? If you think one blockchain, maybe you’re thinking of 100,000s, millions of users. But if you can think about a social layer that spans across all of the chains and all of the games, that’s when I can start to imagine tens of millions, hundreds of millions, maybe a billion users because you’re not constrained by things like block space and what kind of applications are on there.

我認為這使我們能夠在整個生態系統中進行擴展,並擴展到 web2。其規模有多大?如果你想到一個區塊鏈,也許你想到的是十萬個、數百萬個用戶。但如果你能想像一個跨越所有鍊和所有遊戲的社交層,那麼我就可以開始想像數千萬、數億甚至十億用戶,因為你不會受到諸如塊空間以及那裡有什麼類型的應用程序。

Gabby Dizon: To add to what Shi Khai said, it’s always been one of our principles that we want to bring players to where the best games are, no matter what chain. We’ve been on Ronin for a long time. There are games on Base; Parallel for example, something that we’ve supported heavily. We’re starting to work with games on Immutable like Guild of Guardians. So we have the ability to match players’ interests with the games that interest them and then create the incentive structure for groups to come together, do quests, tournaments and just play with the games that they like. 

Gabby Dizon:補充一下 Shi Khai 所說的,我們的原則之一就是希望將玩家帶到最好的遊戲所在,無論是哪條鏈。我們關注 Ronin 已經很久了。 Base上有遊戲;例如,我們大力支持的並行。我們開始在 Immutable 上開發遊戲,像是《Guild of Guardians》。因此,我們有能力將玩家的興趣與他們感興趣的遊戲相匹配,然後為團體創建激勵結構,讓他們聚集在一起,做任務,參加錦標賽,然後玩他們喜歡的遊戲。

Lots of guilds are very active in Pixels, which we’ve been working with very closely. We have the number one guild in Axie Infinity with YGG Esports, and YGG Esports is also very active in Parallel. So there is definitely a matching between what players like and what games they’re playing.

許多公會在 Pixels 中非常活躍,我們一直與它們密切合作。我們和YGG Esports有Axie Infinity第一公會,YGG Esports在Parallel也很活躍。所以玩家的喜好和他們玩的遊戲之間一定是搭配的。

YGG’s regional subDAOs were a big thing in 2022. Have you moved away from that now?

YGG 的區域 subDAO 是 2022 年的一件大事。

Gabby Dizon: When we did the SubDAO model, rather than create country versions of YGG, we thought that we would invest in founders who were local and then figure out what the best way to evolve the YGG model was. That turned out to be a good approach because the bear market was really hard and everyone had to find a way to survive and evolve the model.  So YGG Southeast Asia has now evolved to WeGG, IndiGG is now KGen (Kratos Generation), OlaGG is still very strong with a very strong esports focus in Latam so it was us saying we didn’t really know what the best way to approach those markets was and investing in strong local founders with high alignment to YGG’s mission was the best way for us to do it. I think it’s still a very early innings. They’re still around. They’re still bringing players to these games with maybe a different kind of focus in terms of which games or how they’re going to market or how they’re reaching local communities. But the thesis still stands strong, although of course we’ve really yet to see what they can do at scale.

Gabby Dizon:當我們做 SubDAO 模型時,我們認為我們應該投資於本地創始人,然後找出發展 YGG 模型的最佳方式,而不是創建國家版本的 YGG。事實證明這是一個很好的方法,因為熊市真的很艱難,每個人都必須找到一種生存和發展模型的方法。因此,YGG 東南亞現在已經發展為 WeGG,IndiGG 現在是 KGen(Kratos Generation),OlaGG 仍然非常強大,在拉丁美洲非常關注電子競技,所以我們說我們真的不知道解決這些問題的最佳方法是什麼市場是這樣的,投資與YGG 使命高度契合的強大本地創始人是我們做到這一點的最佳方式。我認為這還處於早期階段。他們還在附近。他們仍然以不同的方式吸引玩家來玩這些遊戲,例如哪些遊戲、如何行銷或如何接觸當地社區。但這個論點仍然站得住腳,儘管我們當然還沒有看到他們能大規模地做什麼。

Can YGG itself go global?


Gabby Dizon: I absolutely have massive confidence in the growth of not only guilds, but web3 gaming as well. What I look at is how free-to-play grew first in Asia. The model was invented in Korea and then extended to southeast Asia. It didn’t really catch on in the west until you started seeing on the PC side League of Legends and then on the mobile side, more western native free-to-play titles like Clash of Clans and Candy Crush

Gabby Dizon:我不僅對公會的發展充滿信心,對 web3 遊戲的發展也充滿信心。我關注的是免費遊戲如何在亞洲首先發展。此模式起源於韓國,隨後推廣到東南亞。它並沒有真正在西方流行起來,直到你開始在 PC 端看到《英雄聯盟》,然後在行動端看到更多西方本土的免費遊戲,例如《部落衝突》和《糖果粉碎傳奇》。

I think the same thing is going to happen. Some of the best web3 games right now are being created in places like South Korea and Vietnam, though we do have very strong game developers from the west as well, right? Like some of them, like Gabe Leydon, one of the pioneers of free-to-play. Some of them are coming from a more crypto native background like Pixels. So I do think it will catch on maybe later in the west because western gamers are more resistant to changes in business models and they want to see a game that is attuned for western markets succeed first before accepting it. But I do think that apart from southeast Asia, it’ll grow in the rest of Asia in the next couple of years.

我認為同樣的事情也會發生。目前一些最好的 web3 遊戲是在韓國和越南等地製作的,儘管我們也有來自西方的非常強大的遊戲開發商,對嗎?就像他們中的一些人一樣,例如免費遊戲的先驅之一加布·萊登 (Gabe Leydon)。其中一些來自更加密的原生背景,例如 Pixels。所以我確實認為它可能會在西方流行起來,因為西方遊戲玩家更抵製商業模式的變化,他們希望看到一款適合西方市場的遊戲在接受之前首先取得成功。但我確實認為,除了東南亞之外,未來幾年它將在亞洲其他地區成長。

How is what you’re doing with the Guild Achievement Model different to social farming and engagement activity we’re seeing from the likes of Mon Protocol, Mocaverse, Forge, Carv etc?

你們使用公會成就模型所做的事情與我們從 Mon Protocol、Mocaverse、Forge、Carv 等公司看到的社會農業和參與活動有何不同?

Shi Khai: I know Gabby has a lot of thoughts here, but I’ll start off. We have been seeing more and more people trying to tackle the problem of distribution. There are many kinds of ways to spin it, so firstly, that’s great validation that this problem is a huge pain point. And we definitely need people to come and address it.  What YYG has done, and this is from the culture that Gabby has set, is one that’s inclusive and welcoming and generous. I see sometimes that certain founders can be quite competitive and they’d be like, no, no, we’re the best. But from what I can see with YGG and Gabby, it’s let’s work together and find a way to grow the pie. Web3 has a certain culture of this composability and openness, right? It is the players who build the strongest goodwill, reputation, branding that will succeed in the space.

施凱:我知道Gabby在這裡有很多想法,但我先開始吧。我們看到越來越多的人試圖解決分配問題。有很多種方法可以解決這個問題,所以首先,這很好地證明了這個問題是一個巨大的痛點。我們絕對需要人們來解決這個問題。 YYG 所做的一切源自於 Gabby 所建立的文化,是一種包容、熱情和慷慨的文化。我有時發現某些創辦人可能非常有競爭力,他們會說,不,不,我們是最好的。但從我對 YGG 和 Gabby 的看法來看,我們應該共同努力,找到做大蛋糕的方法。 Web3 具有一定的可組合性和開放性文化,對吧?只有那些建立了最強商譽、聲譽和品牌的參與者才能在該領域取得成功。

There’s also a certain kind of Lindy effect for founders who have persisted through the cycles. Whereas hey, there’s this new distribution platform, you can farm these many points, get this many airdrops. How sustainable is that? How do you know what the motives of these founders are? Whereas you can see that YYG has persisted, has been working alongside the games, the communities, and will continue to build throughout the years, so there’s a certain kind of comfort and stability there. 

對於堅持完成周期的創辦人來說,還有某種林迪效應。然而,嘿,有這個新的分發平台,你可以耕種這麼多積分,獲得這麼多空投。這有多可持續?你怎麼知道這些創辦人的動機是什麼?然而你可以看到,YYG 一直堅持不懈,一直與遊戲、社區一起工作,並將在這些年裡繼續建設,所以那裡有一定的舒適和穩定。

Gabby Dizon: I can talk about this all day. First of all, I’m an investor in Forge, in Mocaverse, and Mon Protocol, and a few others like that, so I have a lot of thoughts on these. One of the core principles that I’ve been tracking is that quests are web3-native ad networks. That’s a very basic thesis, which you can see not just in the YGG, not just in these three protocols that you mentioned, but a lot of other kinds of engagement networks as well.

Gabby Dizon:我可以整天談論這個。首先,我是 Forge、Mocaverse、Mon Protocol 以及其他類似公司的投資者,所以我對這些有很多想法。我一直在追蹤的核心原則之一是任務是 web3 原生的廣告網路。這是一個非常基本的論點,你不僅可以在 YGG 中看到,不僅可以在你提到的這三個協議中看到,還可以在許多其他類型的參與網絡中看到。

If you think about what the core web2 ads are, you have the display ad. You have the Facebook install ad or a search ad is basically a blurb or an image and then click something and then get to install. In crypto, the native ad unit is you do something and you get a reward – you do X, get Y.  That means everyone has to do some kind of engagement network to get distribution. 

如果您考慮一下核心 web2 廣告是什麼,您就會想到展示廣告。 Facebook 安裝廣告或搜尋廣告基本上是一個簡介或圖像,然後點擊某些內容,然後開始安裝。在加密貨幣中,原生廣告單元是你做某事並獲得獎勵 - 你做了 X,得到 Y。

There’s going to be different ways in which these networks will do distribution. For example, YGG wants to aggregate groups and then bring them to games together and then specialize in different types of work or tasks and then note that into reputation. Someone like Forge is trying to aggregate what your web2 gamer data looks like and then try to match that with web3 games. So there’s a different approach and the beauty of what all of these do in aggregate and what Shi Khai was saying is the interoperability. This is why we’re a big believer of soulbound tokens. 

這些網路將採用不同的方式進行分發。例如,YGG 希望聚集群體,然後將他們聚集在一起參加遊戲,然後專門從事不同類型的工作或任務,然後將其記入聲譽。像 Forge 這樣的人正在嘗試聚合您的 web2 玩家數據,然後嘗試將其與 web3 遊戲進行配對。因此,有一種不同的方法,所有這些方法的優點在於綜合起來,Shi Khai 所說的就是互通性。這就是為什麼我們堅信靈魂綁定代幣。

We think of soulbound tokens as the web3 cookies. It’s players putting their things that they’ve done onchain, in a wallet that they own and showing the reputation they want to show. It’s not just your reputation with YGG that matters. You can take a look at the reputation from different games. You can take a look at reputation in DAOs in different protocols. That gives a very good overview of what kind of player you are in the web3 space. That also gives other protocols, whether it’s games or others a picture of who you are. Do we want to acquire you as a user? What do we want to offer you to go into our protocol? 

我們將 Soulbound 代幣視為 web3 cookie。玩家將他們所做的事情放在鏈上,放在他們擁有的錢包中,並展示他們想要展示的聲譽。重要的不僅僅是您在 YGG 的聲譽。您可以查看不同遊戲的聲譽。您可以查看不同協議中 DAO 的聲譽。這很好地概述了您在 web3 領域屬於哪種類型的玩家。這也為其他協議提供了你是誰的圖片,無論是遊戲還是其他協議。我們想獲得您為使用者嗎?我們想為您提供什麼來加入我們的協議?

I think this is where the space is heading, reputation starts to matter more, especially if you’ve seen different types of airdrop campaigns with different quality, different success rates. What’s been lacking is reputation. Now you can see airdrops being targeted towards certain communities. I think you’ll be seeing them targeted towards more specific actions, more specific reputation.


If I put my VC hat on, don’t I then say YGG is an ad network pretending to be a guild, so maybe we should get rid of some of the guild stuff and just become a social ad network?

如果我戴上 VC 的帽子,我不是會說 YGG 是一個冒充公會的廣告網絡,所以也許我們應該擺脫一些公會的東西,直接成為一個社交廣告網絡?

Gabby Dizon: There’s something you touch upon there – an ad network pretending to be a guild. I would like to think of ourselves as a very human-centric ad network, someone who values individuals and cares about them not as a faceless daily active user, but someone who has a reputation, who’s part of a group, who likes something, who has certain skills. I think that’s what the future of ad networks should be, is valuing people for who they are and what they’ve done. Maybe the term ad network is the incorrect one and all ad networks will want to become guilds because guilds are the self-owned decentralized ad network, the future of ad networks.

Gabby Dizon:你提到了一些東西——一個假裝是公會的廣告網絡。我想把我們自己想像成一個非常以人為本的廣告網絡,一個重視個人並關心他們的人,而不是一個不知名的日常活躍用戶,而是一個有聲譽的人,一個群體的一部分,一個喜歡某事的人,一個具有一定的技能。我認為廣告網路的未來應該是這樣的,就是根據人們的身分和所做的事情來評價他們。也許「廣告網絡」這個詞是不正確的,所有廣告網絡都希望成為公會,因為公會是自有的去中心化廣告網絡,是廣告網絡的未來。

Isn’t that the problem with web2 in particular, that they’ve reduced humans to faceless metrics? If you’re thinking about Facebook or Google, you’re only thinking about cohorts or even whole countries as an aggregate. A person is reduced to what’s your retention? What’s your LTV? What’s your car? In web3, what we’d like to do is bring back some of that face by asking what have you done? What have you accomplished? What skills do you have? And then matching that to your interests. 

這不是 web2 的問題嗎?如果你想到 Facebook 或 Google,那麼你只會考慮群體甚至整個國家的整體。一個人淪落到什麼程度你的挽留?您的生命週期價值是多少?你的車是什麼?在 web3 中,我們想做的是透過詢問你做了什麼來帶回一些面孔。你取得了什麼成就?你有什麼技能?然後將其與您的興趣相匹配。

The value exchange is still the same business model as an ad network. An ad network is basically matching someone who wants to do something and someone who wants to pay for it. And that’s the guild’s business model as well. But now we’re grouping people into interests, into skills, into reputation sets, and then bringing that into places where they can use it because people are willing to pay for it.


Can you talk a bit about how YGG has worked with Pixels?

能談談 YGG 如何與 Pixels 合作嗎?

Gabby Dizon: We started engaging with Pixels when they were still on the Polygon network. The way we identified them was because our players constantly mention Pixels as a game that they want to put in our Guild Advancement Program. We worked with them and brought some quests over for two seasons of GAP. Our guilds were already active in Pixels around maybe six to eight months before the move to Ronin. 

Gabby Dizon:當 Pixels 還在 Polygon 網路上時,我們就開始與它們合作。我們識別它們的方式是因為我們的玩家經常提到 Pixels 作為一款遊戲,他們希望將其納入我們的公會進步計劃中。我們與他們合作,為 GAP 的兩季帶來了一些任務。在遷移到 Ronin 之前大約六到八個月,我們的公會已經在 Pixel 中活躍起來。

The guilds that were working with us had an advantage because they were already familiar with the game. They had some built-in reputation and assets and that enabled them to speed up the process once it was on Ronin. A lot of our communities already had Ronin wallets. Once Pixels got on Ronin, the usage really lined up. There’s a high fit between its gameplay and the community base of Ronin, which is strong in emerging markets. The game is highly accessible and easy-to-play. You don’t need any complicated tutorials to get started. Second, you don’t need to download an app. You can play from a mobile browser. It’s also a very social game. Pixels recently released their guilds and YGG is featured, teaching people to join Pixels’ guilds. We collaborated with them to teach people the value of guilds within Pixels. I think it will probably be one of the leading, but not the only game that’s leading web3 adoption in this cycle.

與我們合作的公會有一個優勢,因為他們已經熟悉了這個遊戲。他們擁有一些內建的聲譽和資產,這使他們能夠在 Ronin 上加快進程。我們的許多社區已經有了 Ronin 錢包。一旦 Pixels 在 Ronin 上使用,其使用量就真正達到了一致。它的遊戲玩法與 Ronin 的社群基礎高度契合,而 Ronin 在新興市場上實力雄厚。該遊戲非常容易上手且易於玩。您不需要任何複雜的教學即可開始。其次,您不需要下載應用程式。您可以透過行動瀏覽器進行遊戲。這也是一款社交性很強的遊戲。 Pixels最近發布了他們的公會,並以YGG為特色,教導人們加入Pixels的公會。我們與他們合作,向人們傳授 Pixels 中公會的價值。我認為它可能是本週期中引領 web3 採用的領先遊戲之一,但不是唯一一款。

Shi Khai: If I may add to that, I think there’s more to the secret of the success of Pixels. They are one of the most crypto-native and also actively composable games out there. They actively integrated dozens of PFPs, be it on Ronin, outside Ronin, other games like Treeverse, PFPs like CyberKongz. Mocaverse is there as well. You can use meme tokens like PEPE to buy stuff in-game. When other games launch, they have these little side quests, so Mocaverse had their own little side quests, CyberKongz had their own map. Pixels is actively embracing the ecosystem of web3. It’s not like, I’m building my own little game on my own little island. It almost makes Pixels feel like the hangout space of all the other games and crypto and I think we’re missing that kind of casual MMO hangout space. Pixels might start to become that.

施凱:如果我可以補充一點的話,我認為 Pixels 的成功秘訣還有更多。它們是最加密原生且可積極組合的遊戲之一。他們積極整合了數十個 PFP,無論是 Ronin 上的、Ronin 以外的、Treeverse 等其他遊戲、Cyber​​Kongz 等 PFP 的。 Mocaverse 也在那裡。您可以使用 PEPE 等 meme 代幣在遊戲中購買東西。當其他遊戲推出時,他們都有這些小支線任務,所以 Mocaverse 有自己的小支線任務,Cyber​​Kongz 有自己的地圖。 Pixels正積極擁抱web3生態系。這不像是我在自己的小島上開發自己的小遊戲。它幾乎讓 Pixels 感覺像是所有其他遊戲和加密貨幣的聚會空間,我認為我們正在錯過那種休閒 MMO 聚會空間。像素可能會開始變成那樣。

Find out what YGG gets up to via its website.

透過其網站了解 YGG 的動態。


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