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Recently, Binance launched the "Voting for Listing" and "Voting for Delisting" mechanisms, attempting to grant the community greater decision-making power and activate market vitality. However, this mechanism is like a double-edged sword, as it not only empowers the community but also harbors risks of manipulation and imbalance, testing the platform's wisdom in balancing democracy and efficiency.
This article combines recent market feedback, community opinions, and relevant analyses to delve into the main issues existing in the voting mechanisms for listing and delisting, and discusses how to optimize the rules to make them fairer and more transparent.
According to Binance's current rules, the voting period lasts for 7 days, and users must hold at least 0.01 BNB to participate. Each user can cast a maximum of 5 votes, and each account can only vote once for the same project. However, this mechanism has sparked heated discussions in the community, with the main points of contention including the following aspects:
根據Binance的當前規則,投票期持續7天,用戶必須至少持有0.01 BNB才能參加。每個用戶最多可以投票5票,每個帳戶只能投票一次。但是,這種機制引發了社區中激烈的討論,主要爭論重點包括以下方面:
1. Vote Manipulation and Cheating Rampant, Difficulty in Preventing Cheating Will Continue to Rise
Under the voting mechanism, project parties often spend money to manipulate votes in order to win listing opportunities, even hiring "voting armies" to create false appearances. Although the platform continuously optimizes anti-cheating measures, the difficulty of governance continues to rise with the evolution of vote manipulation techniques.
2. Community Division and Intensified Competition, Later Voting May Evolve into "PVP" Mode
2。社區部門和加強競爭,後來的投票可能演變為“ PVP”模式
Binance founder CZ mentioned that the initial voting mechanism in 2017 was effective, but later led to community division due to mutual attacks between project parties, forming a "PVP" situation.
Binance創始人CZ提到,2017年最初的投票機制是有效的,但後來由於項目各方之間的相互攻擊而導致社區劃分,形成了“ PVP”情況。
Some projects may incite users to maliciously disrupt other communities, turning the voting mechanism from a tool for fair competition into a battlefield that exacerbates market infighting.
3. Diminished Expected Economic Benefits
The voting for listing model makes the process of new coin launches highly transparent, allowing everyone to predict which coins might win in advance and even track the progress in real-time. This high transparency somewhat diminishes the "surprise effect," reducing the novelty and economic value of token launches.
4. Increased Risk of Bad Money Driving Out Good Money
Due to the potential manipulation of voting results, truly capable projects with long-term value may not succeed in being listed, while projects with strong marketing capabilities and ample funds may find it easier to win. This mechanism could lead to a misallocation of market resources, exacerbating the risk of "bad money driving out good money."
Community Suggestions: Optimizing the Voting Mechanism Together
Community member @xiaoyibtc suggests that only token holders (with a minimum holding of 100 USD) should be allowed to vote to prevent malicious vote manipulation.
Community member @IZp3ddsqzk63818 proposes that only users holding the token for over 100 USD during the Alpha phase should be eligible to vote, promoting token market value growth and increasing trading volume and platform registration.
社區成員 @izp3ddsqzk63818建議,只有在Alpha階段持有令牌超過100美元的用戶才有資格投票,促進令牌市場價值增長,並增加交易量和平台註冊。
Community member @Crypto_Cat888 suggests raising the voting account thresholds, such as account creation time, BNB holdings, and monthly trading volume. New users could be given a special voting opportunity, with subsequent votes following the rules.
社區成員 @crypto_cat888建議提高投票帳戶門檻,例如帳戶創建時間,BNB控股和每月交易量。可以為新用戶提供一個特殊的投票機會,隨後按照規則進行投票。
Community member @Jay_Cui1991 recommends that voting eligibility be based on the user's registration duration on Binance, historical trading volume, and BNB holdings. Additionally, users should hold the voting token and transfer a certain proportion to the Binance address, which they can withdraw after voting ends, to enhance the fairness and authenticity of the voting.
社區成員 @jay_cui1991建議投票資格基於用戶對二人,歷史交易量和BNB Holdings的註冊持續時間。此外,用戶應持有投票令牌並轉移一定比例與二元地址的一定比例(他們可以在投票結束後撤回,以增強投票的公平性和真實性。
Community member @Lichao0418 proposes that voting users must hold the token and set a locking period, assigning different voting weights based on the duration of the lock. Voting could also be calculated based on the number of participants, market capitalization, and average locked amount. Only true holders can demonstrate long-term support for the community, while non-holders' voting weight defaults to 1 to ensure fairness and community consensus.
社區成員 @lichao0418建議投票用戶必須持有令牌並設置鎖定期,並根據鎖定持續時間分配不同的投票權重。投票也可以根據參與者的數量,市值和平均鎖定數量來計算。只有真正的持有人才能向社區表現出長期的支持,而非持有人的投票權重違約為1,以確保公平和社區共識。
Crypto KOL @gokunocool suggests allocating voting weights based on users' BNB holdings, using "capital" as a measurement standard to make voting results more quantifiable. Additionally, publicize the amount of BNB support each project receives, allowing BNB holders to participate in market competition. Project parties could attract more BNB holders' support, forming a more economically incentivized competitive model, which helps foster new gameplay.
Crypto KOL @GokunoCool建議根據用戶的BNB持有量分配投票權重,以“資本”為衡量標準,以使投票結果更加量化。此外,宣傳每個項目獲得的BNB支持數量,使BNB持有人能夠參加市場競爭。項目派對可以吸引更多BNB持有人的支持,形成更經濟激勵的競爭模型,這有助於培養新的遊戲玩法。
Community member @RedCap_io suggests implementing facial recognition identity verification for voting to prevent bulk registration of fake accounts, ensuring that even purchased accounts cannot bypass verification.
Community member @tianyisee proposes combining statistics and social choice theory, considering factors such as the number of tokens held, BNB holdings, and platform joining time. The following rules are suggested:
社區成員@tianyisee提議將統計數據和社會選擇理論結合起來,考慮諸如持有的代幣數量,BNB Holdings和平台加入時間之類的因素。建議以下規則:
- Total voting rights are: 1 (basic) + BNB weighted votes + registration duration weighted votes.
- 總投票權為:1(基本) + BNB加權投票 +註冊持續時間加權投票。
- Additionally, candidate projects must receive over 50% of the voting rights to advance to the next stage.
- 此外,候選項目必須獲得超過50%的投票權才能晉升到下一階段。
Crypto KOL @blockTVBee
加密kol @blocktvbee
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