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讓我們面對現實吧 - DAO治理對代幣持有者來說是個玩笑,但對於希望在同時扮演權力下放的項目中保持控制的項目非常適合。
In the rapidly evolving landscape of blockchain technology, Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) have emerged as a promising paradigm for collective decision-making and governance. However, despite the potential of DAOs to empower token holders and foster community engagement, there is growing concern that many projects are exploiting the concept of DAO governance for their own purposes, leaving token holders with little to no real influence.
One glaring instance of this deception comes from the Crypto.com ecosystem, which has become notorious for its blatant manipulation of DAO proposals and its disregard for the interests of token holders.
Crypto.com, the company behind the CRO token and the Crypto.com Exchange, has been a major player in the cryptocurrency industry for several years. The company began its journey as a cryptocurrency platform, but it has since diversified into other areas, such as DeFi and NFTs.
Cropto.com是Cro Token和Crypto.com交易所背後的公司,已經在加密貨幣行業一直是一名主要參與者。該公司以加密貨幣平台的身份開始了自己的旅程,但此後已將其分散到其他領域,例如Defi和NFTS。
Despite its efforts to present itself as a decentralized entity, Crypto.com has faced criticism for maintaining tight control over its projects and prioritizing its own agenda over the preferences of the community.
Earlier this month, Cronos chain pushed through a proposal to "re-mint" 70 billion CRO tokens. These aren't new tokens - they're the exact 70% of supply that Crypto.com dramatically "burned" in February 2021 right before their mainnet launch.
本月初,Cronos Chain推進了“重新磨合” 700億個CRO令牌的提議。這些不是新的代幣 - 它們是Crypto.com的確切70%的供應量,該供應量在2021年2月在主網發布之前就顯著“燃燒”。
Back then, they marketed it as the "largest token burn in history" to "fully decentralize the network" (convenient how that blog post is now deleted). The burn did output a short-term buzz, but ultimately, it was an attempt to quickly convert DeFi summer hype into usable value.
那時,他們將其銷售為“歷史上最大的代幣燃燒”,以“完全分散網絡”(現在如何刪除該博客文章)。燃燒確實引起了短期嗡嗡聲,但最終,這是試圖將Defi Summer Hype快速轉化為可用值的嘗試。
After the dust settled and the hype died down, Cronos chain applied for a new proposal to bring back the 70 billion CRO tokens, boasting about how quickly they got the proposal through.
塵埃落定和炒作消失後,克羅諾斯連鎖店申請了一項新提案,以帶回700億個Cro cro tokens,吹噓他們得到了該提議的速度。
The proposal went through smoothly with an overwhelming majority vote. A total of 1,675 out of 1,761 voted in favor of re-minting the tokens, while only 86 voted against it.
This isn't surprising considering the vast majority of the voting power was concentrated in a few large entities, known as "validators." Out of the 100 validators, only 16 voted against the proposal, while the remaining 84 voted in favor of it.
The small number of validators who voted against the proposal weren't necessarily against the proposal itself, but rather felt pressured to vote no due to the feedback they received from the community.
Many members of the CRO community expressed their disappointment with the proposal and pointed out that it appeared to be designed to benefit Crypto.com at the expense of token holders.
Some community members also noted that the proposal was pushed through too quickly, with insufficient time for discussion and feedback.
Despite the concerns raised by the community, the proposal ultimately passed with an overwhelming majority vote, demonstrating the significant influence that a small number of validators can have over DAO governance.
As industry giants manipulate governance this blatantly, it poisons the well for everyone. It reinforces the worst stereotypes about crypto, undermines projects genuinely trying to share value with token holders, and shows retail exactly where they stand in the hierarchy: dead last, by design.output: Let’s face it – DAO governance is a joke for token holders but works perfectly for projects looking to maintain control while cosplaying decentralization.
當行業巨頭公然操縱治理時,這對每個人都很好。它加強了關於加密貨幣的最糟糕的刻板印象,破壞了真正試圖與令牌持有人共享價值的項目,並準確地顯示了它們在層次結構中的位置:Dead last,by Design.output:Output:Out's Faceput。
I don’t usually pay attention to CRO or the Crypto.com ecosystem (not sure many crypto natives really do), but they just pulled something so brazen it caught my attention and I think it deserves yours too. This isn’t some obscure DeFi project run by anons – this is a company with Super Bowl commercials, arena naming rights, and a seat at regulatory roundtables.
我通常不關注CRO或Crypto.com生態系統(不確定許多加密本地人確實會這樣做),但是他們只是拉了一些東西,因此引起了我的注意,我認為這也值得您。這不是Anons開展的一些晦澀的Defi項目 - 這是一家擁有超級碗廣告,競技場命名權和監管圓桌會議的公司。
When industry giants manipulate governance this blatantly, it poisons the well for everyone. It reinforces the worst stereotypes about crypto, undermines projects genuinely trying to share value with token holders, and shows retail exactly where they stand in the hierarchy: dead last, by design.
Earlier this month, Cronos chain pushed through a proposal to “re-mint” 70 billion CRO tokens. These aren’t new tokens – they’re the exact 70% of supply that Crypto.com dramatically “burned” in February 2021 right before their mainnet launch.
本月初,Cronos Chain推進了一個“重新磨合” 700億CRO令牌的提議。這些不是新令牌 - 它們是Crypto.com的確切70%的供應量,該供應量在2021年2月在主網發布之前就顯著“燃燒”。
Back then, they marketed it as the “largest token burn in history” to “fully decentralize the network” (convenient how that blog post is now deleted). The burn did output a short-term buzz, but ultimately, it was an attempt to quickly convert DeFi summer hype into usable value. After the dust settled and the hype died down, Cronos chain applied for a new proposal to bring back the 70 billion CRO tokens, boasting about how quickly they got the proposal through.
那時,他們將其銷售為“歷史上最大的代幣燃燒”,以“完全分散網絡”(即將刪除該博客文章的方便)。燃燒確實引起了短期嗡嗡聲,但最終,這是試圖將Defi Summer Hype快速轉化為可用值的嘗試。塵埃落定和炒作消失後,克羅諾斯連鎖店申請了一項新提案,以帶回700億個Cro cro tokens,吹噓他們得到了該提議的速度。
The proposal went through smoothly with an overwhelming majority vote. A total of 1,675 out of 1,761 voted in favor of re-minting the tokens
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