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包括音樂在內的韓國文化的流行影響了印尼的年輕人,導致了 Noraebang 潮流的出現。韓國最大的 Noraebang 硬幣營運商 Akssunun Hama Noraebang 與 Masterpice Management 合作,正在印尼引入 Coin Noraebang 創意區概念。這個娛樂場所不僅提供價格實惠的卡拉OK,還提供線上遊戲、電影放映和照相館的空間,滿足印尼年輕人的社交和娛樂需求。
South Korean Noraebang Concept Set to Make Its Mark in Indonesia
韓國 Noraebang 概念將在印尼留下深刻印象
The enduring popularity of South Korean culture in Indonesia continues to manifest in various aspects of Indonesian life, including in the realm of music and entertainment. The advent of noraebang, or coin karaoke rooms, has become a particularly popular trend among young Indonesians, who have embraced this form of entertainment as a way to socialize and enjoy music.
韓國文化在印尼的持久流行繼續體現在印尼生活的各個方面,包括音樂和娛樂領域。投幣卡拉 OK 室的出現已成為印尼年輕人中特別流行的趨勢,他們將這種娛樂形式視為社交和享受音樂的一種方式。
Recognizing the growing demand for noraebang in Indonesia, South Korean company Akssunun Hama Norebang has partnered with Masterpiece Management to introduce the concept of Coin Noraebang Creativity Zone to Indonesian youth. Noraebang, which literally translates to "song room," has gained immense popularity in South Korea, particularly among young people. The concept of coin noraebang, where customers pay for usage based on the number of coins inserted, has proven to be a successful formula, catering to the tastes and preferences of younger generations.
認識到印尼對 Noraebang 日益增長的需求,韓國公司 Akssunun Hama Norebang 與 Masterpiece Management 合作,向印尼年輕人介紹 Coin Noraebang 創意區的概念。 Noraebang,字面意思是“歌房”,在韓國非常受歡迎,尤其是在年輕人中。硬幣noraebang的概念,即客戶根據插入的硬幣數量付費,已被證明是一個成功的模式,迎合了年輕一代的品味和喜好。
"In recent years, the karaoke trend in Korea has shifted from family-oriented establishments to noraebang coins, which have become immensely popular among young people," explained Mr. Kim, Senior Advisor of Masterpiece Indonesia. "With Indonesia's young population, we believe that the concept of coin noraebang will resonate with Indonesian youth, providing them with an affordable and vibrant entertainment option."
「近年來,韓國的卡拉 OK 趨勢已從面向家庭的場所轉向 noaebang 硬幣,這種硬幣在年輕人中非常受歡迎,」Masterpiece Indonesia 高級顧問 Kim 先生解釋道。 “對於印尼的年輕人口來說,我們相信硬幣 noaebang 的概念將引起印尼年輕人的共鳴,為他們提供負擔得起且充滿活力的娛樂選擇。”
Akssunun Hama Noraebang, the largest provider of noraebang coins in South Korea, has already established a presence in several countries, including New Zealand, Australia, the Philippines, and Canada. The company's decision to expand into Indonesia is driven by the country's large and growing population, which presents a significant market opportunity.
Akssunun Hama Noraebang 是韓國最大的 Noraebang 硬幣供應商,已經在新西蘭、澳洲、菲律賓和加拿大等多個國家建立了業務。該公司決定進軍印尼是因為該國人口眾多且不斷成長,這提供了巨大的市場機會。
"The Indonesian population of over 270 million people is a major attraction for businesses from other countries," said Lee Kyung Sup, Founder and CEO of Akssunun Hama Noraebang South Korea. "We are eager to bring our noraebang experience to Indonesia, offering young people a fun and affordable way to entertain themselves."
韓國 Akssunun Hama Noraebang 創始人兼首席執行官 Lee Kyung Sup 表示:“印尼人口超過 2.7 億,對其他國家的企業具有重大吸引力。” “我們渴望將 noaebang 體驗帶到印度尼西亞,為年輕人提供一種有趣且經濟實惠的娛樂方式。”
The partnership between Masterpiece Karaoke and Akssunun Hama was officially announced at a signing ceremony held at the Harris Kelapa Gading Hotel on January 26, 2024. The collaboration marks a significant development in the entertainment landscape of Indonesia, with the potential to introduce a new level of entertainment and social interaction for young people across the country.
Masterpiece Karaoke 與Akssunun Hama 之間的合作夥伴關係於2024 年1 月26 日在Harris Kelapa Gading 酒店舉行的簽約儀式上正式宣布。向新的水平。
"We are thrilled to partner with one of the largest noraebang operators in South Korea," said Jeffry Setiawan, CEO of Coin Noraebang International. "We believe that this collaboration will bring a positive and transformative experience to the Indonesian market. Our goal is to create a welcoming space where young people can gather, sing, and enjoy other forms of entertainment."
Coin Noraebang International 執行長 Jeffry Setiawan 表示:“我們很高興能與韓國最大的 noaebang 運營商之一合作。” “我們相信,這次合作將為印尼市場帶來積極和變革性的體驗。我們的目標是創造一個溫馨的空間,讓年輕人可以聚集、唱歌和享受其他形式的娛樂。”
In addition to serving as a place for singing and music, the Coin Noraebang Creativity Zone will also offer a range of other activities, including online gaming, movie screenings, and photo studio services, catering to the diverse needs of young consumers.
除了唱歌、音樂的場所外,Coin Noraebang創意區還將提供一系列其他活動,包括網路遊戲、電影放映、照相館服務等,滿足年輕消費者的多樣化需求。
"The Coin Noraebang Creativity Zone is not just about singing," added Jeffry Setiawan. "It is a place where young people can socialize, connect with friends, and enjoy a variety of entertainment options. We are excited to bring this concept to Indonesia and believe that it will become a popular destination for youth across the country."
「Coin Noraebang 創意區不僅僅是唱歌,」Jeffry Setiawan 補充道。 “這是一個年輕人可以社交、與朋友聯繫並享受各種娛樂選擇的地方。我們很高興將這一理念帶到印度尼西亞,並相信它將成為全國年輕人的熱門目的地。”
The introduction of the Coin Noraebang Creativity Zone in Indonesia is expected to further strengthen the cultural ties between South Korea and Indonesia, fostering understanding and appreciation for each country's entertainment offerings. With its focus on youth culture and affordable entertainment, the project has the potential to become a landmark in the Indonesian entertainment scene, providing a new and exciting way for young people to interact, socialize, and experience the vibrancy of South Korean culture.
在印尼引進Coin Noraebang創意區預計將進一步加強韓國和印尼之間的文化聯繫,促進對兩國娛樂產品的理解和欣賞。該計畫專注於青年文化和平價娛樂,有潛力成為印尼娛樂界的地標,為年輕人提供一種新的、令人興奮的互動、社交和體驗韓國文化活力的方式。
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