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在最近的加密行業失敗之後,韓國立法者舉行聽證會詢問行業代表。然而,只有兩名證人出庭,這讓立法者感到沮喪,並要求對缺席者提出指控。 Terra 的倒塌和其他事件引發了越來越多的審查,聽證會試圖調查這些事件。 Terra 的 Do Kwon 和 Bithumb 的 Lee Jung-hoon 等關鍵人物的缺席引發了批評,並引發了對該行業問責制的擔憂。
South Korean Lawmakers' Hearing on Crypto Industry Mishandling Falls Short as Witnesses Fail to Attend
Seoul, South Korea - A hearing convened by South Korean lawmakers to scrutinize the recent failures within the cryptocurrency industry has been met with disappointment as only two out of five summoned witnesses appeared to provide testimony.
韓國首爾 - 韓國立法者召開了一場聽證會,旨在審查加密貨幣行業最近的失敗,但結果令人失望,因為只有五分之二的傳喚證人似乎提供了證詞。
The National Assembly's hearings, which commenced on Monday, were intended to investigate the collapse of multibillion-dollar enterprise Terraform Labs and other notable crypto industry downfalls. However, the absence of key witnesses has frustrated lawmakers and raised concerns about the industry's accountability and willingness to cooperate with oversight efforts.
國民議會聽證會於週一開始,旨在調查價值數十億美元的企業 Terraform Labs 的倒閉和其他值得注意的加密行業崩潰。然而,關鍵證人的缺席讓立法者感到沮喪,並引發了對該行業責任和配合監督工作意願的擔憂。
Lawmakers Express Frustration and Call for Charges
The hearings concluded with lawmakers expressing their exasperation at the no-shows, as reported by CoinDesk Korea. Several parliamentarians have called for criminal charges to be filed against those who failed to attend, according to the Korea Times.
根據 CoinDesk 韓國報道,聽證會結束時,議員們對缺席表示憤怒。據《韓國時報》報道,幾名議員呼籲對那些未能出席的人提出刑事指控。
The failure of witnesses to appear has hindered the assembly's investigation into Terra's collapse, which triggered one of the most severe market downturns in the history of cryptocurrencies. The incident has prompted lawmakers to advocate for heightened oversight and a more stringent regulatory approach towards the crypto industry.
證人未能出庭阻礙了議會對 Terra 崩潰的調查,Terra 崩潰引發了加密貨幣歷史上最嚴重的市場低迷之一。該事件促使立法者主張加強對加密產業的監督和更嚴格的監管。
Absence of Key Figures Draws Criticism
Unable to compel Terra co-founder Do Kwon, who is believed to have fled South Korea and is potentially facing international fugitive status, to testify before the assembly, lawmakers selected representatives from the domestic crypto industry to field questions.
由於無法迫使 Terra 聯合創始人 Do Kwon(據信已逃離韓國並可能面臨國際逃亡身份)在大會前作證,立法者選擇了國內加密行業的代表來回答問題。
Lee Seok-woo, CEO of Dunamu, which operates Upbit, South Korea's largest crypto exchange, attended as a witness to address a system failure that occurred on the platform. He had previously provided testimony on the Terra collapse during an audit conducted earlier this month by the Financial Services Commission, the country's top financial regulator.
經營韓國最大加密貨幣交易所 Upbit 的 Dunamu 執行長 Lee Seok-woo 作為證人出席,解決該平台上發生的系統故障。此前,他曾在本月稍早該國最高金融監管機構金融服務委員會進行的審計中就 Terra 崩潰提供證詞。
Notable absentees included Lee Jung-hoon and Kang Jong-hyun, former chairman and current shareholder of crypto exchange Bithumb, respectively. Additionally, Simon Kim, CEO of venture-capital firm Hashed, and Chai CEO Daniel Shin, co-founder of the Luna network built on the Terra blockchain, failed to appear.
值得注意的缺席者包括加密貨幣交易所 Bithumb 的前董事長和現任股東 Lee Jung-hoon 和 Kang Jong-hyun。此外,創投公司Hashed的執行長Simon Kim和基於Terra區塊鏈的Luna網路的聯合創始人Chai執行長Daniel Shin未能出席。
"The continued absence of representatives such as Daniel Shin, who bears significant responsibility for the LUNA incident, is a blatant disregard for the 280,000 victims," stated lawmaker Yoon Sang-hyun, as reported by Chosun Ilbo.
據《朝鮮日報》報道,議員尹相賢表示:“對 LUNA 事件負有重大責任的申丹尼爾等代表持續缺席,是對 28 萬受害者的公然漠視。”
Luna, a digital token linked to Terra's stablecoin, imploded alongside the collapse of the Terra network in May. Shin has stated that he was unable to attend as a witness and answer questions on the matter due to an ongoing investigation by South Korean prosecutors, according to CoinDesk Korea.
Luna 是與 Terra 穩定幣掛鉤的數位代幣,隨著 5 月份 Terra 網路的崩潰而崩潰。根據 CoinDesk 韓國報道,申表示,由於韓國檢察官正在進行調查,他無法作為證人出席並回答有關此事的問題。
Excuses and Questions Raised
Bithumb's CEO, Lee Jae-won, attended the hearing in the absence of Lee Jung-hoon, despite not being initially included on the witness list. Prosecutors have charged Lee Jung-hoon with embezzling $70 million in a business transaction. He attended his trial in person on Tuesday.
Bithumb 的執行長 Lee Jae-won 在 Lee Jung-hoon 缺席的情況下出席了聽證會,儘管最初並未被列入證人名單。檢察官指控李政勳在商業交易中挪用 7000 萬美元。週二,他親自出席了審判。
Monday's hearing also intended to examine suspicions of price manipulation involving the ARW coin and shed light on the ownership structure of Bithumb, according to CoinDesk Korea.
據 CoinDesk 韓國稱,週一的聽證會還旨在審查涉及 ARW 代幣價格操縱的嫌疑,並揭示 Bithumb 的所有權結構。
Lee Jae-won cited depression and a panic disorder as his reasons for not attending the hearing on Monday, as reported by CoinDesk Korea. Both Lee and Shin were also absent from a previous Terra-related audit conducted by the Financial Services Commission earlier this month.
根據 CoinDesk 韓國報道,李在沅表示,他沒有參加週一的聽證會,因為患有憂鬱症和恐慌症。 Lee 和 Shin 也都缺席了金融服務委員會本月稍早進行的與 Terra 相關的審計。
Hashed's Kim similarly cited his mental state for his absence at the hearing. "I have been suffering from anxiety and panic disorders due to extreme mental stress since the Luna-Terra crash," said Kim, whose firm was an early investor in Terraform Labs.
哈希德的金同樣以他的精神狀態為由缺席聽證會。 「自從 Luna-Terra 墜機事件以來,由於極度的精神壓力,我一直患有焦慮和恐慌症,」Kim 說,他的公司是 Terraform Labs 的早期投資者。
Kang also submitted a written explanation for his absence. CoinDesk has reached out for comment.
康也提交了缺席的書面解釋。 CoinDesk 已聯繫我們尋求評論。
In South Korea, failing to appear at a hearing without a justifiable reason is punishable by imprisonment for up to three years or fines ranging from 10 million to 30 million won (approximately $7,000 to $21,000).
在韓國,無正當理由不出席聽證會可被處以最高三年的監禁或 1,000 萬至 3,000 萬韓元(約 7,000 至 21,000 美元)的罰款。
Both the ruling and opposition parties had reached a consensus to press charges against Lee Jung-hoon if he failed to attend the hearings, as reported by CoinDesk Korea.
Lawmaker Baek Hye-ryeon stated during the hearing, "It appears that the witnesses did not attend nor provide acceptable reasons. Once both parties reach an agreement, we will file a complaint."
A source close to the lawmakers informed CoinDesk that the National Assembly hearings have concluded, but their pursuit of accountability for Terra, Bithumb, and Hashed will continue.
一位與議員關係密切的消息人士告訴 CoinDesk,國民議會聽證會已經結束,但他們將繼續追究 Terra、Bithumb 和 Hashed 的責任。
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