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During your time handling crypto, you will have likely encountered the term “interoperability”, which has become a popular buzzword in the crypto domain. To put it simply, anyone who’s interested in interoperability is essentially looking for new ways to utilize their tokens and digital assets, and two exciting platforms which allow for this are Polkadot and Cosmos.
On the surface, these two multi-chain networks might seem more or less identical. After all, they’re both designed to allow individual blockchains to “operate” with one another, something which for a long time had not been possible.
When getting under the hood though, it’s clear these two were built for different sorts of crypto users, so why don’t we break them each down to see what they offer, and determine if one or the other can help you move to the next step of your crypto journey.
Table of Contents
What is Polkadot (DOT)?
2016 saw Gavin Wood, the co-founder of Ethereum, leave his company in order to pursue a new project which he believed could be more ambitious in its infrastructure. This would eventually become known as Polkadot, and was built by Gavin with assistance from the Web3 Foundation.
2016年,以太坊的聯合創始人加文·伍德(Gavin Wood)離開了他的公司,以追求一個新項目,他認為該項目在基礎設施中可能會更加雄心勃勃。這最終將被稱為Polkadot,並在Web3基金會的協助下由加文(Gavin)建造。
Polkadot’s entire purpose is to gather individual blockchain networks together, such as BTC and ETH for example, so that they can share data and process transactions between one another.
Think of the network like a t-shirt. The blockchains which are added to it are like individual polkadots which, while separate, are still all part of one larger network that helps govern them and keeps everything running smoothly.
How Does Polkadot Work?
So, what makes Polkadot so special that it can allow blockchains to speak with one another? This all comes down to the parachains – custom-made bridges which pass information between the blockchains and are all hooked up to the relay chain.
那麼,是什麼使Polkadot如此特別,以至於可以讓區塊鏈彼此交談?這一切都歸結為降落在滑輪上 - 定制的橋樑,這些橋樑通過區塊鏈之間傳遞信息,並且都將其連接到繼電器鏈中。
Think of the relay chain as the central hub of Polkadot. It runs everything in the background, and is the central governing body of the entire network. All of Polkadot’s parachains rely on the relay chain to operate, but the parachains themselves still function on their own, so it’s like multiple different workshops all working in the same town square.
將繼電器鏈視為Polkadot的中心樞紐。它在後台運行所有內容,並且是整個網絡的中心管理機構。 Polkadot的所有滑艇都依靠接力鏈來操作,但是帕拉皮因本身仍然自己運作,因此,這就像在同一城鎮廣場上工作的多個不同的研討會。
What is Cosmos (ATOM)?
After the rapid emergence of Bitcoin competitors in the early 2010s, software architects Jae Kwon and Ethan Buchman had the bright idea of making a multi-chain service that could allow all of these networks to communicate.
在2010年代初期比特幣競爭對手迅速出現之後,軟件架構師Jae Kwon和Ethan Buchman的精彩想法是製作一項多鏈服務,可以允許所有這些網絡進行交流。
What resulted was Cosmos, a network of interconnected blockchains that are specifically crafted, designed and governed by developers on the network.
How Does Cosmos Work?
Cosmos has earned the nickname the “Internet of blockchains”, or interchain for short, as it gathers multiple chains into one network, while still granting them complete freedom and individuality. So in a way, Cosmos is like the internet, and the blockchains are websites – while they’re all on the same page, they do entirely different things, and have their own sets of rules.
Cosmos贏得了“區塊鏈互聯網”的暱稱,或者簡稱鏈,因為它將多個鏈條聚集到一個網絡中,同時仍然賦予他們完全的自由和個性。因此,從某種意義上說,宇宙就像互聯網一樣,區塊鍊是網站 - 雖然它們都在同一頁面上,但它們會做完全不同的事情,並且擁有自己的一套規則。
Similar to Polkadot’s relay chain, Cosmos has a central component called the Cosmos Hub, but the difference is that it doesn’t provide governance for all of its blockchains (Zones) on Cosmos.
與Polkadot的繼電器鏈類似,Cosmos具有一個稱為Cosmos Hub的中央組件,但區別在於,它並不能為宇宙上的所有區塊鏈(區域)提供治理。
So while Cosmos allows blockchains to come together and form their own zones, it doesn’t burden them with any requirements or rules, and lets them operate on their own terms rather than being part of a bigger community.
Do Polkadot and Cosmos Share any Similarities?
Polkadot and Cosmos are striving for the same goal; granting investors and developers greater freedom by allowing them to escape from the restraints of the everyday blockchain.
Blockchain’s have always been known for being isolated, but by being able to share and borrow data from multiple, it means developers can create some truly ambitious projects, and investors can use their crypto in ways not possible before.
Both have also gained a fair amount of popularity and recognition since their launch. Polkadot is receiving frequent upgrades to this day, and Cosmos has been used by numerous big-time developers including Binance Chain, which was created through the use of the Cosmos network.
自推出以來,兩者也獲得了相當多的知名度和認可。 Polkadot直到今天都經常升級,並且Cosmos已被包括Binance Chain在內的眾多大型開發人員使用,Binance Chain是通過使用Cosmos網絡創建的。
Polkadot vs Cosmos: Key Differences
Polkadot vs Cosmos:關鍵差異
Polkadot and Cosmos may seem the same, but if this were true, then there wouldn’t be a need for two of them to exist at once, so what actually makes them so different?
We already know about the basic multi-chain capabilities of both the Polkadot and Cosmos ecosystem, but let’s dig a bit deeper into their infrastructures to understand where they differ.
While Polkadot uses its parachains to allow blockchains to communicate with another, Cosmos does this through its IBCs (Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocols) which provide blockchain interoperability.
Though they both contain a
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