Mary Kawena Pukui最近一直在焦點上,美國造幣廠以新的$ 1硬幣紀念她,這是2025年美國原住民系列賽的一部分。

Recently, Mary Kawena Pukui has been making headlines again. Not only is the U.S. Mint highlighting her on a new $1 coin as part of its 2025 Native American series, but longtime Punahou Academy social studies teacher David Del Rocco is also celebrating Pukui’s legacy with a new children’s book.
最近,Mary Kawena Pukui再次成為頭條新聞。作為2025年美國原住民系列的一部分,美國造幣廠不僅強調了她的新$ 1硬幣,而且長期的Punahou Academy社會研究老師David Del Rocco也在慶祝Pukui的遺產,並通過一本新的兒童讀物來慶祝。
The coin, which was released on Jan. 31, features Pukui wearing a hibiscus flower, a kukui nut lei, and a muʻumuʻu patterned with kukui leaves. It also bears the inscription "Nānā I Ke Kumu," the title of a book series that Pukui co-authored.
該硬幣於1月31日發布,其中包括Pukui,穿著芙蓉花,kukui nut lei和一個用kukui葉子的mu'umu'u。它還帶有銘文“nānāike kumu”,這是Pukui合著的書籍系列的標題。
Meanwhile, Del Rocco’s book, "Mary Kawena Pukui: Knowledge Is Life," is the second title in the Wayfinders series, which spotlights significant figures in Hawaiʻi’s history for young readers in grades K – 4. Illustrated by Storm Kano, the series' first title focused on Patsy Mink. Future books will highlight Eddie Aikau and Edith Kanakaʻole.
同時,Del Rocco的書《 Mary Kawena Pukui:知識是生命》是Wayfinders系列中的第二個標題,該系列的第二個標題聚焦在夏威夷夏威夷歷史上的重要人物K – 4年級。未來的書籍將重點介紹Eddie Aikau和Edith Kanaka'ole。
Puki taught at Punahou in the 1930s and helped shape its ‘ike Hawai‘i curriculum, leaving a lasting imprint on the School’s educational approach. In honor of her impact, Punahou has been proud to name into its newest learning facility in her honor.
Puki在1930年代在Punahou任教,並幫助塑造了其“ Ike Hawai'i課程,並在學校的教育方法上留下了持久的烙印。為了紀念她的影響,Punahou為以她的榮譽而感到自豪地命名為其最新的學習設施。
The Mary Kawena Pukui Learning Commons will transform the former Cooke Library into a hub for high school students, featuring technology labs, flexible learning spaces, and a special room dedicated to Pukui’s contributions. The state-of-the-art space set to open in 2026.
Mary Kawena Pukui學習Commons將將前Cooke圖書館轉變為高中生的樞紐,其中包括技術實驗室,靈活的學習空間以及專門用於Pukui的貢獻的特殊室。最先進的空間將於2026年開放。