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The mania in Washington, D.C., around financial services regulation seems to have settled a bit. In fact, the focus has now turned toward a decidedly traditional function in the nation’s capital: legislating.
Specifically, the House held a hearing Tuesday (March 11) and the Senate is poised to vote on Thursday (March 13) on legislation governing stablecoins.
Note that we said that the mania had settled. It hasn’t gone away entirely, and there are some issues with the bill, which has bipartisan support. Those issues made up the bulk of the weekly conversation between former assistant secretary of the treasury Amias Gerety and PYMNTS CEO Karen Webster.
請注意,我們說躁狂症已經定居。它還沒有完全消失,該法案有一些問題,這些法案具有兩黨的支持。這些問題構成了前財政部助理秘書阿米亞斯·格里蒂(Amias Gerety)和PYMNTS首席執行官卡倫·韋伯斯特(Karen Webster)之間每週的大部分對話。
“We just need to make sure that we do this legislation right,” Gerety said. “So something is going to pass. There’s a permission structure for Democrats to vote for this, to vote for something.
格里蒂說:“我們只需要確保正確地制定這項立法即可。” “所以要過去的事情。民主黨人有一個許可結構為此投票,投票給某事。
“And I think the real question is, will [Congress] fix some of the obvious problems in the bill? Or is it going to sail through without much modification? I don’t know how that’s going to go. But I think some form of the bill will pass.”
The bill that was the subject of the House hearing as well as the Webster-Gerety conversation is known as the GENIUS Act, an acronym for Guiding and Establishing National Innovation for U.S. Stablecoins of 2025 Act. Several legal experts have chimed in on its merits, including Davis Polk, who testified at the hearing.
眾議院聽證會和韋伯斯特對話的主題的法案被稱為《天才法案》,這是指導和建立2025年《 2025年法案》的美國國家創新的首字母縮寫。在聽證會上作證的戴維斯·波爾克(Davis Polk)在內的幾位法律專家都涉及其優點。
According to Polk and several other interpretations, the act introduces a structured regulatory framework for payment stablecoins in the United States.
According to Polk’s interpretation, the act facilitates entities either associated with insured banks or operating independently to issue stablecoins, subjected to either federal or state oversight based on predefined criteria. This includes comprehensive bank-like regulations concerning capital, liquidity and risk management standards.
A significant attempt at compromise in the act is the optional state-level regime, providing smaller issuers a choice to adhere to state-specific regulations that mirror federal standards.
Defining Issues
However, Polk as well as Gerety and Webster picked up on a potential issue with the act’s definition of “payment stablecoin,” which might not cover stablecoins on private blockchains, as it primarily focuses on those issued on public ledgers. This ambiguity could lead to regulatory gray areas, particularly concerning the ledger type used for stablecoin issuance.
The Federal Reserve says, “Stablecoins facilitate trades on crypto exchanges, serve as the underlying asset for many crypto loans, and allow market participants to avoid inefficiencies stemming from converting back to fiat currency for crypto trades. They essentially serve as both a means of payment and store of value for these transactions. As the name suggests, stablecoins attempt to provide a stable value relative to other crypto assets by pegging their value to a real-world asset, known as the reference asset, such as the U.S. dollar.”
美聯儲說:“ Stablecoins促進了加密交易所的交易,作為許多加密貸款的基礎資產,並允許市場參與者避免因轉換回法定貨幣進行加密貨幣交易而產生的低效率。它們本質上是這些交易的支付方式和價值存儲的手段。顧名思義,Stablecoins試圖通過將其價值固定在現實世界中的資產(稱為參考資產)(例如美元)中,以提供相對於其他加密資產的穩定價值。”
One of the most significant issues with the current stablecoin bill is its failure to clearly define what a stablecoin actually is. As Gerety pointed out, “The bill is totally silent on the question of what a stablecoin is. It only says what it isn’t. It says that it’s not a security.”
This ambiguity creates confusion, especially when considering products that could potentially be both securities and stablecoins. The lack of clear definition represents what Gerety called “an obvious problem in the bill that might get fixed” as it progresses through the legislative process.
Beyond definitional issues, Gerety believes the bill fails to address critical consumer protection concerns, particularly regarding what happens to customer funds if a stablecoin issuer fails.
“When people have money, what they want to know is that money is theirs,” Gerety said. Unlike traditional financial products where separate resolution regimes exist to protect consumer funds in case of institutional failure, he believes the current stablecoin legislation lacks similar protections.
“If you have money at a broker, you have the Securities Investor Protection Corp. regimes. If you have money in a bank, that money comes back to you with a guarantee from the federal government,” Gerety added, noting that the previously considered McHenry-Waters version of the bill addressed this issue, but the current legislation does not provide the same clarity.
“如果您有經紀人的錢,就有證券投資者保護公司。如果您在銀行里有錢,那筆錢會帶給您聯邦政府的保證。” Gerety補充說,並指出,該法案的先前被認為是該法案的麥克亨利 - 捕撈版本解決了這一問題,但目前的立法並未提供相同的清晰度。
Divided Banking
The banking sector appears divided on stablecoin regulation. Gerety noted that bankers “haven’t reconciled” their views on the matter, with some seeing opportunity and others recognizing potential threats.
銀行業似乎在Stablecoin法規上分配。 Gerety指出,銀行家對此事“沒有和解”他們的觀點,有些人看到機會,而另一些人則承認潛在的威脅。
“For the largest banks this is probably quite good. I think the largest banks will succeed as stablecoin issuers.” However, he cautioned that community banks would struggle to compete with potential stablecoin issuers like Apple or Meta.
This creates a tension for banks that “have not come out clearly in favor” of the legislation. “I don’t think there’s two camps of bankers. I think that the bankers
這給銀行帶來了緊張,“尚未明確表示贊成”立法。 “我認為沒有兩個銀行家營地。我認為銀行家
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