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Hong Kong has expanded its central bank digital currency (CBDC) pilot to include tokenized deposits, moving beyond the digital Hong Kong dollar. Meanwhile, Canada and Australia are shifting their focus away from retail CBDCs, with the former scaling down its work and the latter prioritizing a wholesale digital currency.
香港已擴大其中央銀行數位貨幣(CBDC)試點範圍,將代幣化存款納入其中,而不僅僅是數位港元。與此同時,加拿大和澳洲正在將重點從零售 CBDC 轉移,前者縮減其工作,後者優先考慮批發數位貨幣。
Hong Kong launches e-HKD+ Phase 2 Commences
The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) has announced the commencement of Phase 2 of its CBDC project, which will now be known as e-HKD+. This phase expands the scope of the project beyond the digital Hong Kong dollar (e-HKD) to incorporate tokenized deposits.
香港金融管理局(HKMA)宣布啟動其 CBDC 計畫第二階段,該計畫現稱為 e-HKD+。此階段將專案範圍擴大到數位港元(e-HKD)之外,納入代幣化存款。
The first phase of the CBDC pilot, which was launched in May 2023, involved 16 global firms and focused on programmable and offline payments and settlements of tokenized assets. The HKMA did not commit to issuing the CBDC to retail users at the time, a point that chief executive Eddie Yue has repeatedly emphasized.
CBDC 試點第一階段於 2023 年 5 月啟動,涉及 16 家全球公司,專注於代幣化資產的可編程和離線支付和結算。金管局當時並未承諾向零售用戶發行 CBDC,行政長官餘偉文多次強調這一點。
The HKMA is approaching the project as an all-encompassing digital money ecosystem with the launch of Phase 2. Hang Seng Bank (NASDAQ:HSNGF) and the Boston Consulting Group are examining the settlement of tokenized funds using digital money on a public blockchain as part of the expanded pilot on tokenized assets. Meanwhile, HSBC (NASDAQ:HSBC) will investigate the use of permissioned blockchains.
The HKMA has enlisted foreign banks such as the Bank of China (NASDAQ:BACHY), Singapore’s DBS, and the China Construction Bank (NASDAQ:CICHY) to explore the use of smart contracts in dedicated fund mechanisms and prepayment instances under programmability. Notably, DBS will test the use of digital money to create a scalable Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reward platform.
The Bank of Communications and China Mobile have joined the pilot to investigate the use of a CBDC stored in a mobile SIM card for offline payments.
“Project e-HKD+ signifies the HKMA's commitment to digital money innovation. The HKMA will continue to adopt a use-case-driven approach in its exploration of digital money. We look forward to working closely with industry participants in Phase 2 to co-create various innovative use cases,” said Yue.
The HKMA will use the findings from the second phase of the CBDC pilot to inform its design, implementation, and operation choices for a digital money ecosystem that accommodates both public and private money.
金管局將利用 CBDC 試點第二階段的結果,為容納公共和私人資金的數位貨幣生態系統的設計、實施和營運選擇提供參考。
To expedite development for the participating firms, the central bank plans to establish an e-HKD+ sandbox. This will be a separate project from the existing stablecoin sandbox, which was launched a month ago and includes Standard Chartered (NASDAQ:SCBFF) and Chinese online retailer JD.com (NASDAQ:JD).
Canada, Australia Shift Away from Retail CBDCs
加拿大和澳洲放棄零售 CBDC
Some leading economies have announced a shift away from retail CBDCs elsewhere. Canada's central bank is scaling down its CBDC work to concentrate on the broader payments ecosystem, while Australia is looking into a wholesale digital currency.
一些主要經濟體已宣佈在其他地方放棄零售 CBDC。加拿大央行正在縮減其 CBDC 工作,以專注於更廣泛的支付生態系統,而澳洲正在研究批發數位貨幣。
The Bank of Canada announced the shift, stating that it is “scaling down its work on a retail central bank digital currency and shifting its focus to broader payments system research and policy development.”
The bank did not explicitly state whether it had completely abandoned its CBDC work, which began in 2017. However, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) reported that the retail digital Loonie had been abandoned.
該銀行並未明確說明是否已完全放棄自 2017 年開始的 CBDC 工作。
The Bank of Canada promised to “continue to monitor global retail CBDC developments and publish some related research.” However, its main goal will be to ensure that Canadians have access to low-cost, efficient, fast, and secure payments.
加拿大央行承諾「繼續監控全球零售 CBDC 的發展並發布一些相關研究」。然而,其主要目標是確保加拿大人能夠獲得低成本、高效、快速和安全的支付服務。
Australia has also announced a shift away from a retail AUD. Speaking at a recent event, Reserve Bank of Australia’s (RBA) assistant governor Brad Jones revealed that the central bank believes there’s more value in a wholesale digital currency.
“…I can confirm that the RBA is making a strategic commitment to prioritise its work agenda on wholesale digital money and infrastructure – including wholesale CBDC – rather than retail CBDC,” Jones told attendees of the Intersekt Conference in Melbourne.
「…我可以確認,澳洲央行正在做出策略性承諾,優先考慮批發數位貨幣和基礎設施(包括批發 CBDC)的工作議程,而不是零售 CBDC,」瓊斯告訴墨爾本 Intersekt 會議的與會者。
A retail CBDC, according to the RBA, presents more difficult challenges and has less potential impact on the Australian economy. A wholesale CBDC would be more evolutionary than revolutionary, making it easier for commercial banks and payments firms to adopt, Jones added.
澳洲央行表示,零售 CBDC 帶來了更困難的挑戰,並且對澳洲經濟的潛在影響較小。瓊斯補充說,批發 CBDC 更具進化性,而不是革命性,使商業銀行和支付公司更容易採用。
The move by Canada and Australia aligns with a broader global trend away from retail CBDCs. In recent months, central banks in Italy, Germany, Taiwan, and England have all expanded wholesale CBDC projects at the expense of retail alternatives.
加拿大和澳洲的此舉符合遠離零售 CBDC 的更廣泛的全球趨勢。近幾個月來,義大利、德國、台灣和英國的央行都以犧牲零售替代品為代價擴大了批發 CBDC 計畫。
This shift was also confirmed by a June report from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), which found that 81% of advanced economies conducted pilots on wholesale CBDCs, while only 27% explored retail CBDCs.
國際清算銀行 (BIS) 6 月的一份報告也證實了這一轉變,該報告發現 81% 的已開發經濟體進行了批發 CBDC 試點,而只有 27% 的已開發經濟體探索零售 CBDC。
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