以太坊創辦人 Vitalik Buterin 公佈了網路即將推出的權益證明(PoS)共識機制的簡化設計方案。該提案旨在降低驗證者的複雜性和進入壁壘,從而有可能使網路更易於存取和去中心化。

In a significant development for the Ethereum blockchain, Ethereum creator Vitalik Buterin has proposed a simplified proof-of-stake (PoS) design for the network's transition to PoS consensus. The proposed design, titled "The Beacon Chain," aims to address the complexity and scalability challenges associated with the current PoS implementation.
在以太坊區塊鏈的一項重大發展中,以太坊創始人 Vitalik Buterin 提出了一個簡化的權益證明 (PoS) 設計,將網路過渡到 PoS 共識。擬議的設計名為“信標鏈”,旨在解決與當前 PoS 實施相關的複雜性和可擴展性挑戰。
Buterin's proposal outlines a two-phase transition to PoS. The first phase involves the creation of a new PoS chain, known as the Beacon Chain, which will run alongside the existing proof-of-work (PoW) chain. The Beacon Chain will introduce staking, a process where validators lock up their ETH to participate in consensus and earn rewards.
Buterin 的提案概述了向 PoS 的兩階段過渡。第一階段涉及創建一條新的 PoS 鏈,稱為信標鏈,它將與現有的工作量證明 (PoW) 鏈一起運作。信標鏈將引入質押,這是驗證者鎖定其 ETH 來參與共識並賺取獎勵的過程。
The second phase involves merging the Beacon Chain with the PoW chain to fully transition Ethereum to PoS. This merger would eliminate the need for energy-intensive mining and enhance the network's scalability and security.
第二階段涉及將信標鏈與 PoW 鏈合併,以將以太坊完全過渡到 PoS。此次合併將消除對能源密集型挖礦的需求,並增強網路的可擴展性和安全性。
The simplified PoS design proposed by Buterin incorporates several key improvements. It reduces the number of validators required to achieve consensus from 100 to 16, simplifying the validation process and enhancing efficiency. Additionally, the proposal introduces a new "randomized block proposal" mechanism, which aims to make block creation more fair and unpredictable.
Buterin 提出的簡化 PoS 設計包含了幾個關鍵改進。它將達成共識所需的驗證器數量從 100 個減少到 16 個,簡化了驗證過程並提高了效率。此外,該提案引入了新的「隨機區塊提案」機制,旨在使區塊創建更加公平且不可預測。
Buterin's proposal has been met with positive reactions from the Ethereum community. Developers and researchers have praised its simplicity and elegance, while also acknowledging the need for further discussion and refinement. The proposal is currently under review, and the Ethereum Foundation is expected to provide an update on its progress in due course.
Buterin 的提議得到了以太坊社區的積極反應。開發人員和研究人員稱讚其簡單和優雅,同時也承認需要進一步討論和完善。該提案目前正在審查中,以太坊基金會預計將在適當的時候提供其進展的最新資訊。